Why not just get someone to walk in front of the car waving a red flag and be done with it?
Damn snowflakes interfering again.
What's wrong with it, exactly?
You can override it, it warns of the speed limits, it records your speed and the police can check it in the event of an accident.
20 years ago when everybody was pointlessly bleating and campaigning and whining about speed cameras I repeatedly told everybody not to worry about enforcement, but to worry at what speed the limits were set.
How's that campaign against enforcement working out for you?
If this new law eventually results in an absolute limiter, and let's say it would be set at 100mph, what exactly would be wrong with that?
Again, I wouldn't worry about enforcement, if I were you.
How's that "taking back control" working out?
"The Department for Transport said the system would also apply in the UK, despite Brexit."
Its a natural extension of stuff that is available and included on higher end motors right now. All it does is drive the requirement further down the price chain.
Its overridable by the driver under all circumstances, its just anti eu froth again.
Mind you, I find the idea that the goal is to reduce road deaths to ZERO by xxx year utterly utterly laughable, it is unachievable under any circumstances and always will be
According to what I've just heard on the radio from Edmund King the proposal is for it not to be capable of being overriding. As you say so much for "Taking Back Control"..!
>> p.s.
>> How's that "taking back control" working out?
>> "The Department for Transport said the system would also apply in the UK, despite Brexit."
I think it's because the proposal came from the UN*, and as we are remaining part of this particular part of the UN we'll adopt it.
I can't remember the correct name, it was some like the UN commission for blah blah in Europe.
Might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's what was said.
The EU approved a recommendation from the European Transport Safety Council. The ETSC is a non-profit NGO.
The UN also came with this....
16. 89 United Nations Regulation No. 89. Uniform provisions concerning the approval of: I. Vehicles with regard to limitation of their maximum speed or their adjustable speed limitation unction; II. Vehicles with regard to the installation of a speed limiting device (SLD) or adjustable speed limitation device (ASLD) of an approved type; III. Speed limitation devices (SLD) and adjustable speed limitation device (ASLD)
However, it is the EU is passing it into EU Law and the DoT says that the UK will follow that lead. The truth is they have little choice since without it cars cannot be exported or imported from the EU countries unless they build a separate model for the UK Market and the EU Market.
And before you make some comment about LHD vs RHD, this would be a more expensive difference.
You may also be interested to know that the UK VCA (The type approval people) have said it intends to continue to adopt or mirror all EU rules post Brexit and the DoT has confirmed that his will be the case.
EDIT: To include a recent UN document
Last edited by: No FM2R on Wed 27 Mar 19 at 13:53
I must have misread it then, I read it as the UNECE (?) had driven this requirement.
Yes I read about the VCA a little while ago.
You may be correct Sooty, difficult to be sure who drives which conversation in these things.
The VCA/DoT statements kind of make it moot though.
Yes no doubt, probably all converging at roughly the same time anyway.
Edit, the original bbc report had reference to what I mentioned about the UN. Its now been removed from the report for whatever reason.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Wed 27 Mar 19 at 14:32
UNECE=United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.Their regulations start with an upper case E-European directives start with a lower case e.
Thinking more about this, wouldn't this just end up causing gridlock on our roads?
i.e. Everyone travelling at the same speed. No one being able to "make progress" over someone else. Motorways totally clogged up by lorries in lane one all travelling at their governed speed of 55 mph. Elephant racing in the middle lane (yes, I know this happens already), but this would then extend to the 3rd lane which would be full up with cars all travelling at 70 mph.
It would be even worse on dual and single carriage ways.
And what about people wanting to join from a side or slip road?
Then again, it may improve travelling times. I understand the variable speed limits on motorways are done just for this reason. I've seen theoretical example of a vehicle slowing suddenly can cause stationary traffic a couple of miles back. I'm all for measures that improve our roads, which currently seem unfit for purpose. It's just taken me forty minutes to travel three miles through town after collecting a patient from hospital!
>> Thinking more about this, wouldn't this just end up causing gridlock on our roads?
>> i.e. Everyone travelling at the same speed. No one being able to "make progress" over
>> someone else. Motorways totally clogged up by lorries in lane one all travelling at their
>> governed speed of 55 mph. Elephant racing in the middle lane (yes, I know this
>> happens already), but this would then extend to the 3rd lane which would be full
>> up with cars all travelling at 70 mph.
How would everyone travelling at 70mph cause gridlock?
Lane 1 travelling at 55mph.
Lanes 2 & 3 travelling at 70mph.
I will take that in a flash.
>>this would then extend to the 3rd lane which would be full
>> up with cars all travelling at 70 mph.
Or, as some people call it, the speed limit.
As I've said previously, bitching about the enforcement is pointless, focus on the law that is to be enforced.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 29 Mar 19 at 15:24
I have GPS based and camera based limit recognition in my car.
Both have flaws.
The camera based system picks up signs on slip roads or on the back of HGVs (occasionally reading the 110 roundel!
The GPS based system tells me that I am in a 40MPH zone when in fact the limit is 30. This appears to be the case on several different units from different manufacturers for the same road. Interesting if one got a fine for speeding there, though of course the court would blame the driver.
The problem I foresee is bunching on the motorways. Each car will have slightly different tolerances and the slightly faster ones will catch up with the slightly slower ones who won't want to move over because everyone is doing 70 right!?
Of course until all cars have this technology, expect some aggression from drivers that have cars that do not have the technology.
Last edited by: zippy on Fri 29 Mar 19 at 15:52