Motoring Discussion > Rear high brake light Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Rudedog Replies: 9

 Rear high brake light - Rudedog
Hopefully someone can help with the MoT regs around the third high brake light.

My son's Polo GTi's high brake light has stopped working (re my thread on multimeters), because all the bulbs are not showing I have a feeling that it's a bad connection, unfortunately the cars MoT is now due and I don't think I can fix it before the test.

The thing is I've now discovered that on this model the light bar is not accessible from the outside or from the inner tailgate, it seems that to remove it you have to take off the whole rear spoiler which is glued and painted to the tailgate (later GTi models have two tabs on the outside to remove them from the outside).

I've read the MoT regs and it seems that the third light might not be a test item, I've copied what I think is the right part below, please can anybody with more experience than me confirm one way or the other.

I've seen one YouTube video where the owner 'tore" open the light from the outside and then refitted a new light relying on the friction of the plastic to hold it in rather than the proper bolts which should be removed from the inside of the spoiler.

4.3 Stop lamps
4.3.1 Presence, condition and operation

You must inspect all stop lamps fitted.

Stop lamps must show a steady red light.

Stop lamps aren't needed for vehicles that:

don't have front and rear position lamps
have front and rear position lamps that are permanently disconnected, painted over or masked
were first used before 1 January 1936

Vehicles first used on or after 1 January 1971 must have 2 stop lamps, one on each side.

Vehicles first used before 1 January 1971 may be fitted with only 1 stop lamp, which can be mounted centrally or towards the offside.

Additional stop lamps, over and above the mandatory requirements, must be tested. However, if you aren't sure if they are connected, you should give the benefit of the doubt.

 Rear high brake light - Fullchat
The high level is additional and not mandatory. The last paragraph sums it up for me. Its better not working at all than partially working. I might be tempted to put some tape over it to clearly show it is out of play.
 Rear high brake light - sooty123
I'd say they would be tested, as per your last paragraph, I read the last part as to cover aftermarket lamps.

Does the lamp not work at all or just work partially?

' high brake light has stopped working (re my thread on multimeters), because all the bulbs are not showing '
 Rear high brake light - VxFan

High Level Brake Lights

"Most high level stop lamps are classed as ‘additional stop lamps’ – they are usually set in a rear window or a spoiler and are fitted with LEDs or multiple bulbs. If the lamp is connected, at least one LED or bulb should light up when the brake pedal is depressed."

However, if not there, then it cannot be tested. As mentioned, just cover it up with something.

 Rear high brake light - slowdown avenue
I also have a 54polo. same thing, it really wasn,t difficult to remove light. then tested it by by connecting both wired with 12volts to find it was working . it must be a wiring problem, had no joy finding the broken wire . then some time later when I bleed the brakes it came on and been fine since. I wonder weather the switch was at fault and the pedal going further down was what sorted it
 Rear high brake light - Rudedog
Unfortunately his is a 2009 Polo GTi and the light is built into the spoiler and can only be accessed by removing the spoiler itself where its bolted into the surround very much like the MK5 Golf GTi, I've scoured YouTube to find one the same as his but all are of the earlier model were you only have to remove the inner tailgate trim.

His spoiler sits on top of the smaller tailgate spoiler (standard fit from VW).

I too think it's a broken connection some where but I can't see how to get it out without taking the spoiler off to access the back, I'm going to try with some plastic trim removers to see if it will pop out from the front. Also the wires going through the rubber boot at the hinge all seem to be the same colour (cream or white, hard to tell), I was hoping the positive an negative would be different so I could at least identify them from a wiring diagram (motor for the rear wiper also goes into the tailgate and power to rear lock.

By the sounds of things it should pass the MoT with maybe a minor which will give me more time to attempt a fix.

(please if anybody can point me to a video of a fix for a 2009 GTi then I will be very happy)
 Rear high brake light - Tigger
>> Also the wires going through the rubber boot at the hinge all seem to
>> be the same colour (cream or white, hard to tell),...
I can remember spending hours with my father sticking pins into the wiring loom of his old vauxhall, testing with a multimeter until we found the break
 Rear high brake light - slowdown avenue
my polo passed with the light out and covered over with black waterproof tape in early 2018. with no advisary
 Rear high brake light - Fullchat
Is this any good?

If it is its a doddle :)

Or this :
Last edited by: Fullchat on Tue 26 Feb 19 at 21:47
 Rear high brake light - Rudedog
Thanks but unfortunately both are for non GTi models. The GTi has the light built into a spoiler mounted on top of the standard one seen as part of the tailgate (same as a MK5 Golf GTi). As I mentioned on the next year model VW added two metal tabs on the unit making it possible to remove the unit from the outside.

Think we will cover with tape and see what happens.
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