Motoring Discussion > Rise against the cameras Miscellaneous
Thread Author: PR Replies: 5

 Rise against the cameras - PR
This one has sneaked under the radar until now..

Seems like the French have had enough of speed cameras.
 Rise against the cameras - zippy
The authorities will just hide the cameras in other street furniture.

Like this one:
 Rise against the cameras - sooty123
Nearly 60%? They've certainly been busy.
 Rise against the cameras - Old Navy
Need a ladder to nobble these!

I am sure someone will know why the don't / can't / won't / work.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 11 Jan 19 at 10:42
 Rise against the cameras - Shiny
These new Infra Red (IR) LED floodlights are nothing special - this is all propganda and fake news.
You will see next to each yellow camera is perched a small IR light. The old ones are ceramic and use a lot of power, the new ones are a matrix of IR LEDs. As they are so close to the camera, they don't need to be strong to reflect on the retroactive number plate making it readable at night by ANPR and appear on the photo. The problem at night is that on the photo, all they can see is the number plate against murkiness. So they have positioned these IR floodlights at 45? to the car to make it appear bright on the photo without affecting the reflective numberplate. Now they have an evidential image captured which is comparible quality to that taken in the day.
All this BS about wathing you use a phone or sandwich is utter tripe.
 Rise against the cameras - R.P.
A former colleague claimed that HMG had put a "D" order on reporting of events from France. He is a bit er...right of centre and prone to conspiracy theories.
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