Motoring Discussion > Any driving/riding experiences in Vietnam. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 26

 Any driving/riding experiences in Vietnam. - R.P.
Looking at going to Vietnam next month. Flying into Hanoi. Anyone been ? Any experiences ? It will be by bike (of course)
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 9 Jan 19 at 02:00
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - Crankcase
There's a very good documentary with detailed instructions on exactly how to do this, on Netflix, Amazon Prime and bits are on YouTube too, if you want to do some proper research.

It's called "Top Gear special - Vietnam".
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P.
Oh yes...! :-)
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - CGNorwich
From Lonely Planet.

Foreigners are now permitted to drive in Vietnam with an International Driving Permit (IDP). This must be combined with local insurance for it to be valid. In reality on the ground virtually no car-hire agency will provide a car to a foreign visitor without including a driver.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - Cliff Pope
Veet-naam is the American spelling I think. :)
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P.
Serendipity struck yesterday, was having a glass of wine with a FB friend who is a fixer/bike tour organiser of quite some experience. My phone rang and it was a last minute offer of a trip to north Vietnam to ride approx 1500km up to the Chinese border. Thanks to the wine I found it easy to say yes, more or less sorted now and I leave on the 9th of February.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - No FM2R
That will be spectacular. What an experience.

On your own bikes?

You cannot take too much in the way of bug spray [strongest deet % you can get]. Shower in the stuff and make sure around your ankles, wrists and neck are always sprayed. They've got some nasty mosquito born diseases there.

I'd recommend a supply of digestion oriented pills and take all your important stuff in waterproof bags. Ziplock bags work pretty well.
Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 29 Jan 20 at 10:33
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P.
Good thinking. Locally sourced bikes. Honda XR150s (not sold in the UK).
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - No FM2R
No offence, but isn't that a little small?
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - legacylad
Now that’s what I call an adventure. I can’t ride a motorbike, but if there was any space in a sidecar I’d be there in a heartbeat if the timings worked. Unfortunately I’m flying south that day for my annual 8 week migration, and nothing we do, no matter how scary scrambling in the mountains or drinking dodgy lager, will hold a candle to what you’re doing.

Maybe you already know these products, apologies if so, but when backpacking I use a range of Aquapac products. Ideal waterproof bags in a variety of sizes for phone, battery pack, Passport, medical supplies etc. And can be worn around the neck if sleeping in dodgy areas!
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P.
Not really, well suited to the planned routes. Light and lithe, this trip is not about speed, probably a 100 miles a day. Not worried about that. My wine partner said they were ideal for the planned routes. One of the options was an R1200GS trip to Canada,,
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - No FM2R
Well, I'm quite sure thy know what they're doing.

Do take and share pictures. I'd be interested to see them.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - legacylad
Which reminds me...years ago, 1997 actually, I met a lass, originally from Seattle who taught in an Inuit village called Anaktuvuk Pass ( pop 300). Literally in the middle of nowhere. Once school was out she headed south for vitamin D and fresh fruit. We met in Peru.
Anyways, we’re still in touch. She sent me a photo of her summer old Russian Ural bike and side car combo with the biggest gun I’ve ever seen. Something to deter grizzlies. Her winter transport is a 6 wheel all wheel drive amphibious thing. And she has two dog teams chained in her back yard. Not one. But two. Quite a girl.
Her parents owned land now bought by the Boeing Corporation so she went off and did her own thing. Amazing company but makes you feel like you’ve lived a very insignificant life.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - MD
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - Fullchat
Jealous! An adventure for sure. I'm sure the smaller bike will be far more suitable for the terrrain especially if you are doing some mud plugging. The BMW machines are capable and look the part but they are big heavy beasts to manouvre and even more so when you have to pick them up after a spill (of which I'm sure there will be a few) and push through claggy mud.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P.
Hahaha...seems to be raining rather a lot there at the moment. 21 degrees though !

The missing link fell into place earlier actually getting on the flight ( Someone else pulled out and I was taking their place) - there is a daily flight from Heathrow with Air Vietnam and the one I'm on os fully booked - so I was dependant on getting that seat. Just been for all of my jabs - mostly free of charge. Six hour turn around at my local GP's from asking to getting. Just running through the paper chase now.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - MD
Hi Rob, is 'er indoors along too?
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - R.P. - It has her approval though
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - MD
Send me the recipe please:-)
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - PeterS
Sounds like an amazing adventure! I’ve only briefly been to Saigon, many years ago... it’s on the list to revisit, when we have more time and my partners health permitting. Have fun :)
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - BiggerBadderDave
"briefly been to Saigon, many years ago"

Were you only n-n-n-n-n-nineteen?
Last edited by: BiggerBadderDave on Wed 9 Jan 19 at 10:44
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - PeterS
>> "briefly been to Saigon, many years ago"
>> Were you only n-n-n-n-n-nineteen?
Hahaha!?, I’m not quite that old!!
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - No FM2R
You are a Marine called "Camouflage" and I claim my $5.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vitnam. - Crankcase
Bizarre. Only last week Spotify threw me "Camouflage" as one of my "you might like this" tracks. I did quite like it, but I'd never heard it before.

 Any driving/riding experiences in Vietnam. - Manatee
Craghoppers has a sale of anti-insect clothing on.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vietnam. - R.P.
Thanks Manatee.

We had a meeting last night (OK a pint and supper in a pub) - seems quite straightforward now. Train to London - night in a nice hotel in Uxbridge. Fly from T4 Heathrow mid-morning on a Dreamliner. Arrive Hanoi at an ungodly hour.First day hanging around the city. Bus the next day to pick up bikes. 10 day on road/off road up to the Chinese border. Local guide, support van, two mechanics. Staying in "homestay" places across the region. 24 hour trip around Hoolay Bay on the last day.All food, drink and fuel paid for.
 Any driving/riding experiences in Vietnam. - Duncan
If you get some spare time, find a cafe on a roundabout or road junction in the city and sit back and watch the traffic - it is absolutely mad!!

Our son was working in Ho Chi Minh City a few years ago, we had several weeks out there, and loved it. I was too scared to cross the road, because of the traffic, my son's driver used to take me by the hand and walk me across the road like a child.

It's a beautiful country and the people are delightful. Cheap too!
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