Motoring Discussion > Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robbie34 Replies: 4

 Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation - Robbie34
Got the fright of my life on Friday when I was reversing out of a parking bay in my new Volvo V60.
I was in Aldi and it was very busy. Some idiot who wanted to get into my space entered the wrong way and was blocking my exit. Consequently, I couldn't just reverse out easily and go forward out of the car park. I was forced to go backwards and forwards a few times in order to clear his obstruction. The rear view camera is excellent and provides very clear images to the back of the car. As I was reversing slowly there was a tremendous bang and the car came to a stop. I couldn't see anything and thought I had hit something that was not visible on the screen. As the park and road outside was bumper to bumper, I couldn't get out to view the "damage." All the way home I was worried about what I would find.
Arriving home, I got out of the car to look at the back of it only to find it was still in pristine condition.
I can only conclude it was the Rear Collision Mitigation system that was activated when another car was passing slowly behind me. I am puzzled by the noise though. It sounded as if I had hit something, or was it my vivid imagination? Have Volvo installed some noise effect that sounds like tearing metal?
 Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation - Zero
When called into action, the brakes come on faster and harder then you would believe possible, indeed faster than human ever could. - Subsequently its quite a bang. Shouldn't be tearing metal tho
 Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation - R.P.
What Zero says I guess. I had a near miss (going forward) car turning right. V40 screamed at me and slammed the brakes on, remarkable.

Does your rear camera flip images - I noticed the BMW's does - in a mirror image kind of way ?
 Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation - Auntie Lockbrakes
Maybe the noise the OP heard was 2 other vehicles nearby having a fender bender whilst avoiding the Volvo..?!
 Volvo - Rear Collision Mitigation - Fursty Ferret
Had the same thing in my V60 when someone walked behind the car as I reversed into a parking space. The braking is very aggressive and as you're at a low speed it does feel as though you've hit something.

Exactly as Zero says.
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Wed 2 Jan 19 at 21:39
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