A son's car was going for a service & asked If I could pick him up & bring him home to start work before 9am - on-line from home saves him £15 / day rail fare 2/3 days per week.
Tootling along the M9 @ 7.40 heading towards Edinburgh he passes me - I was doing 65 he was doing 75. A mile on I spotted a sign saying M9 Junction 1a was very busy.
Thought about it & came off motorway - tootled along some rural roads, no hold-ups & knew that I could come out on about 100 yards west of the garage. 15 mins later parked the car.
Moments later an astonished son turns up having queued to get off the motorway for some 15 minutes. "How did you get here before me?" - "I passed you 10/12 miles back!"
First time these overhead signs had much relevance to my journey - usually they are telling me not to drink & drive or fasten my seat-belt.
I hope you can do a good 'smug'.
Just been along the M8 with my wipers going full pelt.
Thankfully Traffic Scotland felt they needed to warn me “Caution Surface Waterâ€
I would never have noticed otherwise!