It occured to me yesterday as I drove past one of those private mirrors people sometimes put up opposite their blind drive entrances, why are there no official mirror traffic signs?
The private ones are obviously of great value to the house owner, but they work backwards too - as I was approaching I could see that there was a car just about to emerge from the entrance.
It was shortly after a notorious T-junction on a minor route we use regularly - there is a clear view to the right, but it is totally blind to the left until half-way across the road. Turning right involves straining forward and then just taking a chance and hoping.
Why no mirrors in our plethora of road signs and street clutter?
>> Why no mirrors in our plethora of road signs and street clutter?
Because there is a plethora of road signs and street clutter.
And they wouldn't last long.
>>but [mirrors] work backwards too -
Made me smile.
>>Why no mirrors in our plethora of road signs and street clutter?
IIRC some have been installed for motorist to to observe cyclists undertaking at junctions.
Surbiton Waitrose has a mirror to allow a view of cars coming down the ramp without venturing one into its path.
It would help if existing road signs and signs on the road surface were sorted out.
Some drivers ignore road signs, painted lanes, traffic lights, etc. Would mirrors be any different?
They could help them to reflect on their actions