Motoring Discussion > M6 toll. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: FotheringtonTomas Replies: 75

 M6 toll. - FotheringtonTomas
I will be driving along the the M6 including the section where the M6 toll begins and ends - probably during one day, but possibly over the course of two days, return.

Will I gain anything by using the M6 toll road?
 M6 toll. - Bellboy
a lighter wallet at £4.50 a throw.......
 M6 toll. - FotheringtonTomas
I'm about to see whether my van is less than 1.3 metres high at the "front axle". If not, it's a tenner.

No real gain in your opinion?

Times: Maybe 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. - but subject to change.
Last edited by: FotheringtonTomas on Sun 29 Aug 10 at 15:13
 M6 toll. - CGNorwich
If you get caught in solid traffic on the M6 you will be wishing you spent the £4.50 In peak hours I would use the toll.
 M6 toll. - -
>> If you get caught in solid traffic on the M6 you will be wishing you
>> spent the £4.50 In peak hours I would use the toll.

Much as despise paying for that dratted road i'd agree with CGN, them there roadworks 'tween M5 and M54 can cause some headaches and unless you have a working trafficmaster you just won't know till you're stuck.
 M6 toll. - R.P.
I invariably use it - less traffic, better surface, faster thing I do dislike travelling southbound from the M54 it's a faff to get to it.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
Fiver now isn't it ? Likewise, I use it frequently. At peak times it makes a lot of difference.

I do get irritated by the way the price has crept up and even more cross with their roadside announcements of it. "Price Changes" from such and such a date it inevitably says. Would that they would just be honest enough to say "Price increased again"
 M6 toll. - Bromptonaut
>> .one thing I do dislike
>> travelling southbound from the M54 it's a faff to get to it.

We go that way quite often either visiting friends near Wrexham or Mrs B's uncle in the Tanat Valley.

What's your route between the two?
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Sun 29 Aug 10 at 18:05
 M6 toll. - R.P.
Junction 1 on the M54 and the A460 - seems wrong to travel North to go South IYKWIM - GPS (Garmin on the bike and TT in the car) agree with the routing - as does Google earth - just seems wrong.
 M6 toll. - Bromptonaut
>> Junction 1 on the M54 and the A460 - seems wrong to travel North to
>> go South IYKWIM - GPS (Garmin on the bike and TT in the car) agree
>> with the routing - as does Google earth - just seems wrong.

Same as us then. Used M54/J2>A449>A5>M6/J12 for a while (as signed from the M54) but closer examination of maps showed that to be something of a Great Way Round!
 M6 toll. - corax
>> If you get caught in solid traffic on the M6 you will be wishing you
>> spent the £4.50 In peak hours I would use the toll.

Absolutely. I made a quick decision not to spend any money at the fork of the two roads going northbound and ended up regretting it, as I sat in wall to wall traffic. Came back on the toll road and it was much quicker and smoother.
 M6 toll. - Iffy
Brother lives in the area.

His advice is always use the toll road if you have the money.
 M6 toll. - Perky Penguin
Be aware of speed cameras located to catch you on the approaches to the toll booths. We all know we can go from 70 to 30 in 100 yards but one is required to make a gradual slowdown over about 1/2 a mile. Not fixed cameras SFAIK but mobiles which are there from time to time.
 M6 toll. - RattleandSmoke
The Megabus always uses the toll roads. I assume even if they have to pay a fairly high fee it gets the passangers there quicker and an expensive coach is not stuck in traffic not being able to earn any money.
 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
There are always cheery chaps in dark coloured BMWs happy to give you a wave!
 M6 toll. - R.P.
You'll have to catch is first :-0 !
 M6 toll. - rtj70
I would almost always use the toll if heading in that direction - because it would be expensed ;-)

There are those that would say that if the signs says 'M6 Toll Clear' then so is the M6. If the M6 was not clear then they'd be telling you that so you'd use the toll road.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
I used to use even when I was self employed and not on expenses. For two reasons, first being that I wasn't earning money while staring at the back of a queue and the second being that I'd prefer to be at home with my family than sitting in a jam. Sure it's expensive but as a function of say, a trip from Manchester to London it doesn't add a lot in percentage terms and saves a bundle of time at certain peak periods.
 M6 toll. - Skip
I always take the Toll even when i am not using it for work and so can't claim it back, one of the reasons being that you soon burn an extra fivers worth of fuel sitting in stop start traffic for an hour or so !
 M6 toll. - -
The thing is a rip off for car drivers, 44 ton trucks only being twice the price.

However most transport compnies will not pay for the use of, it would appear an hour of stop start in a truck doing around 3mpg in such circs and an hour at driver's overtime rate plus the possibility of a night out is more cost effective than a £tenner, amazing.
 M6 toll. - rtj70
The reason why i don't tend to use it for personal journeys is i tend not to go in that direction.
 M6 toll. - madf
I use it for personal journies. Having endured the M5/M6 junction on Friday nights for two years, it's a place to avoid (as is Brum )
 M6 toll. - Fenlander
Another vote for the toll road every time even though it's out of my own pocket.
 M6 toll. - Zero
If its on the route, I use it. Its worth paying the money not to have to gaze over the Birmingham skyline.

When are they going to actually put the lichfield canal over the aqueduct they built for it?
 M6 toll. - Bill Payer
It's hard to imagine there's any hope of it recovering its cost - wonder who's picking up the bill for that?
 M6 toll. - Zero
It makes an operating profit of around 16-20 million a year. The interest on the finance to build it is about 43 million a year, so Its never actually made a return for its owners.
 M6 toll. - Avant
They won't stop charging even if it does recover its cost. I think the Dartford bridge paid for itself some time ago but is still charged for. The stupid idiots who run it haven't got the wit to put in mechanism like the London C-charge to colect tolls; hence the traffic jams.

Fortunately living in Berkshire I hardly ever need to use that crossing.
 M6 toll. - Zero

>> The stupid idiots
>> who run it haven't got the wit to put in mechanism like the London C-charge
>> to colect tolls; hence the traffic jams.

They cant. The original reason given for the continuation of the tolls was "to provide a traffic limiting measure" So if you get rid of the cause of the jams, you have lost the reason for the tolls.
 M6 toll. - Iffy
Tolls were scrapped early on the crossing to Skye at the Kyle of Lochalsh.

I believe some pressure was brought to bear on the Bank of America, which was heavily involved in its financing.

Does anyone know any more?

 M6 toll. - Bromptonaut
>> Tolls were scrapped early on the crossing to Skye at the Kyle of Lochalsh.
>> I believe some pressure was brought to bear on the Bank of America, which was
>> heavily involved in its financing.
>> Does anyone know any more?

The joys of devolved government. Can Bobby or ON therow any lihjt?
 M6 toll. - Old Navy
>> The joys of devolved government. Can Bobby or ON therow any lihjt?

There was a long running campaign to get rid of the Skye bridge tolls. A spin off was all bridge tolls being removed in Scotland. Basic political pressure, votes or tolls, politicians take your choice.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Aug 10 at 10:36
 M6 toll. - R.P.

Says it all - they could make a film out of the story - Bridges Galore. Includes some World Cup connections !
 M6 toll. - FotheringtonTomas
So the long and the short of it is "Use the toll road"?

Does a payment work for return trips, or is it one-way?
 M6 toll. - Old Navy
>> Does a payment work for return trips, or is it one-way?

Pay both ways. And watch out for speed traps on the approach to the toll booths and on bridges over the toll road.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Aug 10 at 12:13
 M6 toll. - Zero
Specially round the Services. The M6 BiB dont need to stray far from their coffee and doughnuts to fill the quota for the day. (speeders that is, not doughnuts)
 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
Go on, I'll bite (regarding the post, not the doughnuts).

There are no quotas. If there are zero speeders, then we're happy, because we've done our job.

However, there are plenty of people ready to do 100+ (usually with a fully marked car behind them) If they're stupid enough to do it, then we're happy to oblige.
 M6 toll. - Iffy
...There are no quotas....

Same with my mate who runs a team of 'civil enforcement officers' - parking wardens.

Drivers are so well trained on some beats, he knows there will be no tickets some days from that area.

The wardens are moved around beats, and questions are asked if a warden returns no tickets from a beat my mate knows should produce some.

 M6 toll. - Old Navy
>> ...There are no quotas....

Our council reckons it will be more "Cost effective" to employ twice as many civil enforcement officers than traffic wardens. I wonder why that is? Traffic wardens can't be that well paid, their common sense must be expensive.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 30 Aug 10 at 15:45
 M6 toll. - bathtub tom
>> ...There are no quotas....

Anyone see that programme about privatised traffic wardens in London a few months back?

They were convinced that if they didn't reach a certain number of tickets, they didn't get offered lucrative overtime.
 M6 toll. - FotheringtonTomas
>> If there are zero speeders, then we're happy, because we've done our job.

I have wondered before. Are you an actual policeman, or employed in a "related" position?
Last edited by: FotheringtonTomas on Mon 30 Aug 10 at 16:15
 M6 toll. - Pat
He's an actual policeman FT, no doubt about it;)

Can't you tell by the 'attitude'?:)


 M6 toll. - Iffy
... He's an actual policeman FT, no doubt about it;) Can't you tell by the 'attitude'?:)...

Either that, or he's a better mimic than Mike Yarwood. :)

 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
I'm sorry. I forgot that passing on a few facts is classed as 'attitude' on here!

Traffic wardens may, or may not have quotas. I've no idea. Motorway Officers do not. If you drive at a 'reasonable' speed, you won't get a ticket from us (and reasonable is some way over 70mph). Drive at 100+ or like a wally in adverse weather and you've a good chance of being stopped.

And if you don't like that 'attitude', then that's just a tad tough!
 M6 toll. - Pat
I wasn't referring to you mlf, and I didn't say it was a BAD attitude, either:)

Just instantly recognisable!

 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
Sorry! I can be very defensive of my species. Knowing what they have to deal with on a daily basis makes one a tad sensitive when Mr Grumpy starts moaning about getting a ticket at silly speeds.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
I think they are all jolly decent chaps, especially the ones around the top end of the M5.

( got to go that way a couple of times this week )

 M6 toll. - Old Navy
>> I think they are all jolly decent chaps, especially the ones around the top end
>> of the M5.
>> ( got to go that way a couple of times this week )
>> :-)

Couldn't agree more, I'll be down that way soon, I will have my best attitude on! :-)
 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
As long as you don't hog the middle lane on an empty m/way you'll be fine. That's the one thing that really does give me an 'attitude'. Do it and we will be saying 'hello!'. :)
 M6 toll. - Pat
You've got my vote, mlc!

 M6 toll. - Bill Payer
>> (usually with a fully marked car behind them)

I've rarely seen a marked car on the M6Toll.

I have, however, often (very often!) seen a dark blue Volvo S60 on the hard shoulder having just stopped someone.
 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
That car has gone to the great Volvo funeral home. Think that one had approx 280'000m on it when it went.
 M6 toll. - R.P.
Always found it a road that one can make "satisfactory" progress (on a bike) given the road surface conditions and sparse traffic at particular times - occasionally been let through the barriers for nothing on two wheels.
 M6 toll. - lancara
"..It makes an operating profit of around 16-20 million a year. .."

Or maybe less currently:
 M6 toll. - IJWS14
Having listened to one of their directors on the local TV a year or so ago they see it as a premium experience, tolls too low stop it being a premium experience and more traffic wears the road out!

I live near the north end and work near the south end, don't use it as I won't pay £45.00 a week to save myself 30 minutes a day (that will buy a couple of very nice meals each month for SWMBo and self),

I don't use the M6 very often either.
 M6 toll. - R.P.
Isn't the BBC wonderful ?

And in the news today...
Last edited by: Pugugly on Tue 31 Aug 10 at 09:04
 M6 toll. - Bill Payer
>> I don't use the M6 very often either.
If I was going straight down the M6 then it would be worth using just to avoid all those elevated road section joints on the M6 through Birmingham!

However my preferred route South is down the M5 to the M42 and then M40. If I use the Toll at busy times then the merge with the M42 is awkward.

I can claim the £5 cost on expenses but even so I was a conscientious objector for a few years, but I do use it now on occasion.

I do wonder how many people are on it accidentally, especially from the north end where the M6 just runs on to the toll.
 M6 toll. - Bill Payer
>> "..It makes an operating profit of around 16-20 million a year. .."
>> Or maybe less currently:
I'm sure at the operating level it's very profitable - all they've got to do is pay for a few staff etc everything over that is pure profit.

What they'll never do is pay off the original capital cost - they can't even keep up with the interest. As I asked earlier, I still don't know who's lost that money - a consortium of banks?
 M6 toll. - R.P.
They have to maintain the highway as well ?
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
I wonder if anyone has ever tried to challenge a speeding offence on the toll road on the basis that it is a private road ? Not that it's relevant to us law abiding types of course......Just curious really.

 M6 toll. - R.P.
A road is any highway to which the public has access or some such.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
Ah well never mind. Pity though.....

Last edited by: Humph D'bout on Tue 31 Aug 10 at 12:39
 M6 toll. - Zero
>> I wonder if anyone has ever tried to challenge a speeding offence on the toll
>> road on the basis that it is a private road

Yes they have, and failed.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
It occurs to me in the passing that if it were de-restricted they would get a lot more people using it and thus more profit. Almost certainly enough to fund a couple of bulldozers to shift the debris of those who got it wrong....

Far better road than any autobahn I've been on...

 M6 toll. - Zero
Alas its still in the uk, so has to abide by uk regulations.

It was hoever great fun in its early days, I did the entire length at three figure speeds.
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
69.9 ?
 M6 toll. - R.P.
And me....
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
I've got a cough so can't comment.....
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
Edit above - suffice it to note that it's cheaper at night and more or less totally deserted ..... I gather.....

 M6 toll. - Old Navy
MLC does the odd night shift I would think. You will be OK if you stay in lane one. (maybe) :-)
 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
Prob fast asleep with the heater on at Norton Canes....

 M6 toll. - Zero
Belly full of doughnuts.
 M6 toll. - midlifecrisis
Don't do doughnuts. Strictly a celery and feta cheese man.

Nights I'm usually stalking around B/ham or some other town looking for bigger fish. Just watch out for the dullards who regularly travel the wrong way on the toll. I don't know how they do it, but plenty manage.
 M6 toll. - BiggerBadderDave
"looking for bigger fish"

and chips?
 M6 toll. - Mapmaker
In answer to OP, if you are coming from the M1 and going to north of Stoke on the M6, then use the A50 instead - it's free!

 M6 toll. - Runfer D'Hills
Shhh Mapmaker !

 M6 toll. - FotheringtonTomas
Well, the M6 toll road was quite quiet, compared to the M6 - however, I am not sure how much time was saved using it. Next time I will try the M6.

£5 each way for the van - same as a car. About 80 miles worth of diesel.

I wonder which turkey decided on the name "toll plaza" instead of "toll booth", "toll gate" or similar.
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