Motoring Discussion > Hugo Lloris Miscellaneous
Thread Author: wotspur Replies: 12

 Hugo Lloris - wotspur
So the other day on Friday 24th Aug , Hugo , a professional footballer and captain of both France and Spurs , was arrested for failing a roadside blood test .
As a Spurs fan , I am bitterly disappointed , but what is going through his head .
He drives to a place for a meal out with two fellow French footballers ......they’ll probably spend 300 on some fine food and a couple of glasses of French wine , and then decided to drive home I mean he’s on £110k a week , surely a £50 Black Cab , or a ring to his agent, would have made more sense....... apparantly he was 36 , Tsch
 Hugo Lloris - Duncan
I think the problem is that we expect professional sportsmen to be intelligent.

There is no reason why they should be. We don't expect our dustmen to be intelligent, why should an athlete?
 Hugo Lloris - Old Navy
Neither money or education provide common sense.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 27 Aug 18 at 08:17
 Hugo Lloris - Zero
Indeed, take BoJo for example.
 Hugo Lloris - CGNorwich
Mature students and the construction trade are the worst offenders
 Hugo Lloris - bathtub tom
>> Indeed, take BoJo for example.

Someone who worked with him said they thought he was a very clever man. They may be right!
 Hugo Lloris - smokie
Clever in a sly cunning scheming underhand sense, or intellectually I wonder...
 Hugo Lloris - R.P.
I'm sure that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe contemplates his cleverness daily.
 Hugo Lloris - Bromptonaut
>> Someone who worked with him said they thought he was a very clever man. They
>> may be right!

Depends on how you measure clever. I'm sure Eton and Oxford will mean he has learned lots of stuff, can give erudite quotes from classics and has no doubt a massive general knowledge. Whether he can think rationally on his feet is open to doubt and it's pretty well evidenced that he's clueless when it comes to policy detail. There's also a streak of nastiness in him, a sense that he doesn't know when to stop. Evidence of that ranges form the allegation in his famous car crash interview with Eddie Mair about getting some duffed up to his silly put down calling Emily Thornberry 'Lady Nugee'. The Shadow Foreign Secretary holds that courtesy title only because her barrister husband sits on the High Court Bench.

He, and more so J R-M, sound like what the general public think is a clever man.

My Mother had a 20 year career from 1966-1986 teaching kids with special educational needs, in earlier of those days the term was ESN - Educationally Sub-Normal. She learned early in her stint that middle class kids often evaded diagnosis as ESN because they had a 'social veneer' acquired from living in households where current affairs were discussed and holidays taken in smarter places than Scarborough or Blackpool's boarding houses.

There may be something similar about Boris and J R-M. Not really that much brighter than average Comprehensive A-level student, just learned to look erudite.
 Hugo Lloris - Shiny
Don't these people even have 24/7 phone concierges with their banks for life's little emergencies such as finding yourself drunk with the car in the carpark? Most rich people do and by rich I mean a lot poorer than him.
 Hugo Lloris - wotspur
Son he was over twice the limit , I know Rooney got fined two. Weeks wages 300k and got a 2 yr ban BUT , NO fine frommthe judge for being X3 over the limit , and Ant got an. 86,000 fine and banned for 20 months .
I’m sorry Rooney should. Have paid a fine of 100k , PLUS the club fine .
Imagine a scenario where I’m self employed , earn 50k am year , And I get caught for Drunk driving , Could I fine myself , say 50k and just Take the ban .
As a Spurs fan I think a 2 week club fine ( for some reason that’s the maximum allowable) isn’t enough ! I feel he needs a further 200k fine ......these excessively paid players need hammering as a deterrent
 Hugo Lloris - wotspur
Son he was over twice the limit , I know Rooney got fined two. Weeks wages 300k and got a 2 yr ban BUT , NO fine frommthe judge for being X3 over the limit , and Ant got an. 86,000 fine and banned for 20 months .
I’m sorry Rooney should. Have paid a fine of 100k , PLUS the club fine .
Imagine a scenario where I’m self employed , earn 50k am year , And I get caught for Drunk driving , Could I fine myself , say 50k and just Take the ban .
As a Spurs fan I think a 2 week club fine ( for some reason that’s the maximum allowable) isn’t enough ! I feel he needs a further 200k fine ......these excessively paid players need hammering as a deterrent
 Hugo Lloris - rtj70
And the fine if they are caught would pay for a driver (or two) for a while.

I'm surprised club fines are not more too just for drinking so much which must be impacting their fitness to play too.
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