Motoring Discussion > 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 52

 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - sooty123
Where was the transformer going to?
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
west weybridge substation, one of three major feeds to London

These transformers used to be made just down the road, Company called Hackbridge (part of GEC) at Hersham, now I may be wrong, but I dont think the UK has a l large transformer factory left.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Pat
That was brilliant Z, loved the clips of the leaves on the top and admire your knowledge of the mechanics of it.

There's a true professional at work....the driver, not you!

 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan
>> That was brilliant Z, loved the clips of the leaves on the top and admire
>> your knowledge of the mechanics of it.
>> There's a true professional at work....the driver, not you!
>> Pat

We are supposed to think that all that disruption is somehow commendable, are we?

Typical lorry drivers, holding everyone up.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Bobby
A few years ago my b-i-l was one of the engineers at ALE in charge of these types of operation. I once visited the yard with him , cant remember where it was but he lived in Stone at the time, and I got to "play" with some of the big toys! The multi axle thingies that basically could rotate 360 degrees were very clever to see, especially when they were joined up together.

In the offices were loads of photos of this type of work and I remember there was one that they had to take a generator through a town centre and had less than mm clearance in total between the buildings and the road was bendy as well...

One job they had to get the road surface of a motorway totally scraped away to let them pass under a bridge and then it was resurfaced as soon as they were gone to let it open again in the morning.

He is one of the few folk I know that was taking his school and university work 100% into his job on a daily basis. Used to sit for days on end working out manual calculations for load bearings etc . I guess much of it today will be done with "virtual fly throughs" first of all?

 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero

>> One job they had to get the road surface of a motorway totally scraped away
>> to let them pass under a bridge and then it was resurfaced as soon as
>> they were gone to let it open again in the morning.

They had to divert off the M25 and back on again, because a section couldn't handle the weight....
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan

No wonder the people turned out, there's nothing else to do in New Haw.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> >>
>> >>
>> No wonder the people turned out, there's nothing else to do in New Haw.

No - they dont have a spoons......
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - zippy
A client of mine does these moves for wind turbines.

Costs an absolute fortune to remove street furniture, get police escorts and close roads.

 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan
Monday morning, in the office.

"Nice weekend?

"Yeah excellent, we went down to the roundabout and watched a lorry drive past.

"O brill! Oh mate, why didn't you call me? We would have come down with the kids and the in laws!

"Sorry. We were so excited we clean forgot about everything else. I had to have a lie down afterwards, my heart just wouldn't stop pounding.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - No FM2R
Interesting video, cheers for that. Chap had a point about the music though.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
Jeezuz, suddenly everyone thinks they are Barry Norman
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
And there is a part 2
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - R.P.
Very good video. Police bikes have been escorting wind turbine blades up the A5 of late, nice to see the boys in blue doing it. Civvy escorts seem to be a little ragged at times around here.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Old Navy
I liked the police Range Rover with the Aussie outback style snorkel, you must get some serious driving conditions down there.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - R.P.
Couple of puddles down south at the very least.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> Couple of puddles down south at the very least.

Yeah right, its like the breedin ganges down here at time
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Old Navy
Wet tyres, real Chelsea tractor weather. :-)
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - hjd
Very interesting thanks. Think I recognised a few people in that.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Runfer D'Hills
Either, there are disproportionately more bald people in Surrey, or, bald people are disproportionately more interested in filming lorries. In any event, there were more bald people in that film than would seem reasonable, you'd think anyway.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - tyrednemotional's because that's not the part of Surrey with the fringe on top.......
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - MD
Despite the technicalities of the driving and of the removing of street furniture, the BEER is much finer darn sarf.

 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - MD
Very professional vid Zed. Excellent stuff.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - jc2
Spent much of my youth watching vehicles like that negotiating Gants Hill roundabout-now that is a real one-alternative name is "Sevenways".Made a significant amount of money leading drivers round it in the Great Fog(1952).
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - steveincornwall
Excellent, thanks for posting. Did anyone else spot the Austin Maxi parked kerbside in the last few seconds? Can't be many around now.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - VxFan
>> Did anyone else spot the Austin Maxi parked kerbside in the last few seconds? Can't be many around now.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan
>> Excellent, thanks for posting. Did anyone else spot the Austin Maxi parked kerbside in the
>> last few seconds?

That's Zero's.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - BiggerBadderDave
I'd have that if it was an auto. I'd quite like a 70s car to fiddle around with. Preferably a Marina or a Princess, though.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Old Navy
And fiddle around you would, they had weak oil pump driveshafts, the distributer went around but the pump stopped with engine killing results if you didn't stop it quick after the oil light came on.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 20 Aug 18 at 15:18
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
I always had you down as a fiddler Dave.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Bill Payer
The guy who kept running back and forth in front of the moving tractor unit was making me nervous!
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
I like the copper who jumped off his bike and nearly got run over
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - wotspur
Wish I’d known about this , might have gone down and take a look, after all its not the normal thing to come through a local village.
Going along that road there a bridge ( M25) above , I’d loved to have seen it go under that , and turning right at the pub over the bridge uptowards Byfleet and New Haw Station
I assume that was it’s final destination . I’m surprised the,bridge over the canal would take this weight ....
Where did this items journey start ??? I assume at some stage it came along the m25 , if so I wonder why it didn’t go through Addlestone , perhaps Addlestone Moore roundabout was an immovable problem for such a large vehicle .
Great video though thanks
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - hjd
>> Going along that road there a bridge ( M25) above , I’d loved to
>> have seen it go under that , and turning right at the pub over the
>> bridge uptowards Byfleet and New Haw Station

It's not the substation on Byfleet Road but the one on Pinewood Avenue. Turned right before the road goes under the M25.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 21 Aug 18 at 10:04
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan
Good video, Zero.

You are just starting to get the hang of this, aren't you?
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Boxsterboy
So how come these roads weren't lined with people when I cycled round that round-about a few weeks ago??
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> So how come these roads weren't lined with people when I cycled round that round-about
>> a few weeks ago??

Everyone knew you are a tight wad and wouldn't be buying a round in the Black Prince.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 21 Aug 18 at 16:42
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> >> Going along that road there a bridge ( M25) above , I’d loved to
>> >> have seen it go under that , and turning right at the pub over
>> the
>> >> bridge uptowards Byfleet and New Haw Station
>> It's not the substation on Byfleet Road but the one on Pinewood Avenue. Turned right
>> before the road goes under the M25.

The two sites are related, connected together by a stonking great interconector that has a special gantry over the Wey Navigation. Walking under it the whole gantry buzzes and hums and makes your hair prickle
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Duncan

>> a special gantry over the Wey Navigation.

Where is that?
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> >> a special gantry over the Wey Navigation.
>> Where is that?

Over the Way Navigation...
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> Where did this items journey start ???

Tilbury Docks

>>I assume at some stage it came along
>> the m25 , if so I wonder why it didn’t go through Addlestone , perhaps
>> Addlestone Moore roundabout was an immovable problem for such a large vehicle .
>> Great video though thanks

M25 to J11, St peters way, A320 to 6 crossroads, A245, Woodham Lane, pinewood grove. Tracked it using traffic info on Waze and Google maps.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 21 Aug 18 at 16:49
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - wotspur
Ah thanks for that , so you tracked it , But how did you know it was actually happening . The only site I knew was up by B&NH station .......
So if it came in from Tilbury I’ll assume it was something else we imported , shame
Bet it had to take it easy over those sleeping policemen by the Victoria pub
Last edited by: wotspur on Wed 22 Aug 18 at 20:40
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
Holy thread resurrection Batman,

This video, a sleepy dormant backwater of my output has suddenly gone viral in the last two weeks, and will have racked up a million hits by the close of business today. Premium advertising click throughs as well, income of £850 quid to date.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 12:26
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - rtj70
Not bad for 2 months of the video being on YouTube. Well done :-)
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - smokie
I think I deserve a slice. I showed it to a couple of mates about 3 weeks ago!! (Though to be honest I doubt they'd have shown it to anyone else!!)

Impressive returns, well done!
Last edited by: smokie on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 14:00
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - rtj70
If I look at it another 9 times I think he owes me 1p.
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - helicopter
Love the comments....

Nine minutes of my life I will never get back.....

Can't believe I just sat through this sh**....
Last edited by: helicopter on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 19:37
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
but sit through it he did, as have 1.1 million of his compatriots, to the tune of 900 quid - kerching thank you
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 22 Oct 18 at 22:18
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - VxFan
>> to the tune of 900 quid

Tax free? Or do YouTube do all of that for you?
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
Tax? whassat?
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Bobby
Out of curiosity Zero, any idea why it has went viral?

Do you get any stats at all that might show it appearing on a tweet or a news item or whatever or are you just in the lap of the gods?

And as a side issue, has anyone ever watched an advert on youtube longer than the time it takes you to be allowed to close it??
 70m lorry 145 tonne transformer, surrey roundabout - Zero
>> Out of curiosity Zero, any idea why it has went viral?
>> Do you get any stats at all that might show it appearing on a tweet
>> or a news item or whatever or are you just in the lap of the
>> gods?

I get loads of stats about the demographics and source of the watchers. It appears this one ended up on the "what to watch next" choices on Youtube, and then when the comments and hits rate increases it appears more frequently as a choice. Other platforms, such as facebook then pick from he list and hits come from there. "Viral" is a very good term for it.

>> And as a side issue, has anyone ever watched an advert on youtube longer than
>> the time it takes you to be allowed to close it??

I have sometimes. Not often.
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