Motoring Discussion > Bird poo Miscellaneous
Thread Author: SteelSpark Replies: 9

 Bird poo - SteelSpark
I washed my silver Mondeo yesterday and saw that there was bird poo on the rear, left door panel that I had not previously noticed.

No idea how long it has been there, but when I washed it off, it has left clear marks in the paintwork, no amount of sponging will shift it and it seems pretty well worked into the paintwork.

Is there any chance that I can get it back to its pre-poo best?

Any help greatly appreciated.
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Sat 28 Aug 10 at 12:25
 Bird poo - Skoda
Just needs a wee polish SS, if you visit halfords i don't think you can go wrong.

Megs Scratch X is what i'd buy but i don't think you can really go wrong for your purposes here.
 Bird poo - Marc
Unlikely as the lime has burned through the lacquer.

Sounds like a ChipsAway type SMART repair unless you're confident enough to tackle it yourself. I'd imagine they would cut through the damaged lacquer with abrasive polish, recoat then blend - but I'm no expert. Stu may know.
 Bird poo - Old Navy
Yes, it can be nasty stuff, I have even bought a bottle of finest 49p spring water to remove it from my car when attacked. Cheaper than a resprayed panel or smart repair.
 Bird poo - corax
>> Yes, it can be nasty stuff, I have even bought a bottle of finest 49p
>> spring water to remove it from my car when attacked. Cheaper than a resprayed panel
>> or smart repair.

All that highland spring water at your fingertips, and you bought a bottle of it for 49p? Goodness man, you've more money than sense :-)
 Bird poo - Old Navy
>> All that highland spring water at your fingertips, and you bought a bottle of it
>> for 49p? Goodness man, you've more money than sense :-)

I was in some drought ridden place called England at the time. I still have the bottle, it is now full of decent water from the tap. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sat 28 Aug 10 at 18:42
 Bird poo - -
>> I was in some drought ridden place called England at the time.

I was down the garden this afternoon, picked some runners and rhubarb and dug up the last of the spuds, flippin swamp, what drought.

Family BMW got pooed upon and the owner left it for a few weeks, marks never came out.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Sat 28 Aug 10 at 23:07
 Bird poo - Bellboy
good advice here
 Bird poo - Skoda
Clear marks in the paint, right?

Garden variety polish :-)
 Bird poo - Ted

No help with the OP's aftermath problem but a tip on removing bird poo.

Bird plop is organic.
Our food is mostly organic.
We digest our food, starting with saliva.

I'm not suggesting you lick it off the car, the neighbours might call the men in white coats.

I've found, in the past that a good gob of spit softens the mess and makes it easier to get off
Seemples.....and free !

Of course, the men in white might come if you're spitting at your be discreet !

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