Motoring Discussion > Celebrities And Motoring Courts Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Robin O'Reliant Replies: 14

 Celebrities And Motoring Courts - Robin O'Reliant
I see that footballer Joe Cole has escaped a driving ban because his fame would make it impossible to use public transport. Fair enough on the face of it, but the guy earns 70k a week plus whatever he makes from commercial deals. Were I the magistrate I would have torn up his licence and told him to hire a driver out of his loose change till his ban was up.

My aversion to loud mouthed smelly chavs also makes public transport unacceptable, but I doubt if that would save my licence.

Speeling mistook in header corrected
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 28 Aug 10 at 21:21
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Perky Penguin
He isn't famous - he's notorious. It isn't the same thing!
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Stuu
If he is paid 70k a week he can afford a car with driver. Stupid reasoning at the best of times.
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - R.P.
He'll come again....
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Boxsterboy
Even if he was a mere mortal and couldn't afford a driver (or even mini-cabs), he should have thought about the fact that his wife is now too scared to drive before he went so far over the limit on the A3 that he would be losing his licence, and leave the household driverless.

Oh, hang on, what am I saying? He's a footballer!
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 5 Sep 10 at 02:29
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - MD
Gang Planker!
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Iffy
...He's a footballer!...


I thought he spoke fairly well during the World Cup about playing for England.

But subsequent events have confirmed, as Boxterboy says, he's a typical Premiership footballer.

Not that I imagine he would have the guts to do anyone any real ham.

Just stupid and thoughtless.

Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 5 Sep 10 at 02:30
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Bromptonaut
Magistrates need some balls.

Hardship means ban = loss of min wage job or perhaps cannot look after disabled kid, parent or sibling. This guy is getting every week what I earn in a year (and I'm not badly paid).

He could easily afford a driver and anyway who's really going to both identify and hassle him on the tube, never mind in a first class rail carriage?

Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 5 Sep 10 at 02:29
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - rtj70
I too think that someone earning more money in a week than some of us in a year.... can get a driver. I wonder if the stolen car was part of the defence so to speak.... mods will delete that thought.
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Dwight Van Driver
Its not over yet. He is appealing against the sentence which is why any disqualification is suspended.

 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Iffy
...It's not over yet...

So it isn't.

To be fair to the magistrates, they banned him for 50 days - about par for the course for 105mph in a 70mph.

Cole's lawyers then start bleating about an appeal, and the magistrates, rather timidly, agree to suspend the ban until the appeal is heard.

I've seen 'ordinary' defendants use the same tactic, so Cole has not been given special treatment.
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - movilogo
>> but the guy earns 70k a week

Won't be surprised if the magistrate received a bit of it.

 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - MD
Incorrect. he doesn't EARN 70K a week.
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Bromptonaut
Misread the salary - he's earned more by Wednesday night that I get in a year
 Celeberities And Motoring Courts - Ian (Cape Town)
Hold on, didn't a certain scouser get shown on TV smacking a barman in the face on CCTV, and walk away from an affray charge?
As Orwell wrote...>> He isn't famous - he's notorious. It isn't the same thing!
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