Motoring Discussion > Sensible Council Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dr_Rubber Replies: 15

 Sensible Council - Dr_Rubber
At last somebody sensible in parking enforcement!

A friend parked in a council car park, brought a ticket and placed it on the dash. He then proceded to get his bags out the boot and off he went. Unknown to him the ticket flipped over at some point (why did they get rid of the sticky ones?). 5 minutes after he brought the ticket he got a £60 fine for failing to display a valid ticket.

Fair enough, but he thought he would ask nicely for the fine to be recinded as he had brought a ticket (nothing to loose). Result, somebody in the council had a bout of common sense and cancelled the fine. The also supplied a nice holder for the windscreen to stop it happening again (along with a warning that next time, pay up).

So, always make sure the ticket has not flipped when you shut the final door, and strangely, not all council departments are jobsworths.


 Sensible Council - MD
If you have bought a ticket (and can prove it) they wouldn't stand a Cat in Hell's chance of making a fine stick in court for non display. Little oiks in little jobs.

 Sensible Council - Old Navy
Unfortunately it will probably be the good council employees that go during the forthcoming cuts.
 Sensible Council - MD
Well that's ONE for the chop then.
 Sensible Council - DP
Same thing happened to me in that capital of car hating, Oxford a year or two ago. Same result. Lodged an appeal expecting a fight, and got a very apologetic letter a few days later, informing me the penalty charge had been cancelled. I was astonished!
 Sensible Council - Cliff Pope
>> the good council employees >>

Like "the good Germans". Weren't they all!
 Sensible Council - ....
Some car manufacturers have plastic clips on the windscreen to hold parking tickets in place. I'm surprised it hasn't caught on like sunvisors or windscreen wipers. It must cost all of 50p for the clip which is held in place by the A pillar trim.
 Sensible Council - R.P.
VAG do that - well there was one on my Golf and Roomie...
 Sensible Council - Bromptonaut
There are actually plenty of sensible Councils but as set out in the bus lane thread it's easy to assume they're all staffed by dunderheads and just pay the reduced penalty 'cos it's easier.
 Sensible Council - Dr_Rubber
Unfortunately the defence of "I had brought a ticket" does not wash as the offence is "failure to display a valid ticket" and the parking "officials" took a lovely picture of the overturned ticket!

And I agree, why all cars don't come with a tuppence clip is beyond me.

 Sensible Council - Glaikit Wee Scunner Snr. {P}
I got away with it at Filey after my ticket blew on to the floor. A grovelling letter and the original ticket got me off.
My Skoda has a plastic clip but it is on the drivers pillar. Proved useful to hold french auto route tickets this year. No more searching the centre console 3 hours later.
 Sensible Council - Collos
I have over the years done a lot of work for various councils and have never met a sensible one.
 Sensible Council - Mapmaker
Councils seem to give you one chance at being stupid.
 Sensible Council - Falkirk Bairn
Scotish Council gives free meal to teachers who "Police Lunch Queues"

Say 10 free lunches per day

Due to cut backs thye want to withdraw free lunches - teachers withdraw and council employ say 10 guards @ £7-£10 / hr.

10 free lunches cost say £15 in food - cutbacks cost £60 / school / day

Good Thinking!!
 Sensible Council - NortonES2
I wouldn't eat school meals - why should teachers think this is a benefit? Yuk. The parents of the brats should be made to keep order:)
 Sensible Council - Old Navy
>>The parents of the brats should be made to keep order:)

Seconded ! No smiley.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 27 Aug 10 at 21:43
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