Motoring Discussion > Car Seat safety question Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Slightlyfatdirector Replies: 11

 Car Seat safety question - Slightlyfatdirector
My 10 year old daughter has just reached the 135cm height point for no longer needing a booster seat.

Simple question is: would it be SAFER for her to be using it for a while longer, or is it safer for her not to use it, or does it make no odds now?

I know they have to set a cut-off point for legal reasons but I wonder about the grey area as to what is the safest. It doesn't keep me awake at nights, and I have just decided for the time being to keep her using it, and she is happy enough about this (for now...), but I wonder if there is any professional advice out there where someone either agrees with my approach or can advise I have got it wrong.

Thanks in advance for comments.
 Car Seat safety question - Old Navy
Nothing specific, but it may depend on how "substantial" she is. The booster is only padding to help fill the seatbelt to a near adult level. A couple of my grand daughters have a slight build and will probably be on a booster byeond the height limit.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 22 Aug 10 at 13:03
 Car Seat safety question - The Nut
My elsest is about 135cm tall but we are keeping her on the booster a while longer. Because she is a very slight build (don't know how, she eats like a horse!) without the booster the belt tends to go above her hips which is obviously dangerous.
 Car Seat safety question - Biggles
The 135 cm limit in the UK is a special EU dispensation. The limit in the rest of the EU is 150 cm, presumably on safety grounds.

 Car Seat safety question - Iffy
...The limit in the rest of the EU is 150 cm...

That's nearly 5ft - there must be some adult women on booster seats on the continent.

Except I bet there isn't.
 Car Seat safety question - Dr_Rubber
I think the 150 limit is for the front passenger seat
 Car Seat safety question - Zero
no-one is going ot measure your child to see if its 5cms too tall.

Its all a matter of comfort and parental common sense on how well the belt fits in each circumstance.
 Car Seat safety question - WillDeBeest
I'd stick with the booster a while yet, SFD. The reasoning is about more than height - or even apparent 'substance' - but takes in the development of the child's entire musculoskeletal system, which determines her/his ability to withstand the stresses of a crash. The other half of the recommendation is for children to use boosters up to age 12, and this is why.

Our 9yo (and his 7yo brother -scary!) are both over 140cm but both still use their boosters, and even prompt us for them if they get in the car and find them not there. I think each has made a short journey without one in someone else's car, but that's the limit of our relaxation at this stage.
 Car Seat safety question - Slightlyfatdirector
Thanks WDB and others. Very interesting about the 150cm rule on the continent. Sounds like my thoughts are in tune with most other people, so we will stick with the booster for the time being.
 Car Seat safety question - movilogo
Did you ask her whether she prefers with or without booster seat?

>> there must be some adult women on booster seats on the continent.

That was hilarious :-)

Last edited by: movilogo on Tue 24 Aug 10 at 12:57
 Car Seat safety question - Dave
I used to just sit on the lap of the front passenger with my hands on the dash just in case we hit something. Is that not allowed any more?
 Car Seat safety question - Redviper
In 1978 I used to lie in a carry cot, that used to sit on the back seat of my Dads Fiat 127 (IIRC, thats what It was) no seatbelts in the back sometimes it would move up and down the back seat

how times have changed.
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