Motoring Discussion > Tape measure anyone? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 36

 Tape measure anyone? - Pat

Well, you would have thought someone would have, wouldn't you?!

 Tape measure anyone? - Old Navy
Cheapest cowboy with a lorry job ?
 Tape measure anyone? - Pat
Yes, and everyone in panic mode!

Narrow gear anyone?

 Tape measure anyone? - commerdriver
I have never seen anyone try to move an aeroplane by road with the wings on, that was surely doomed from the start.
 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
What a set of numpties.
 Tape measure anyone? - Ambo
Amazing the Police had not intervened, or the car going ahead to give warning of a Wide Load (I suppose there was/had to be one?) had not spotted the problem and stopped the lorry.
 Tape measure anyone? - madf
Just look at the state of the lorry.. It's a cheapaschips jobbie..

And the way it is secured. Given a Mustang weighs in at least 4 tonnes##, the fixing looks cowboyish
 Tape measure anyone? - Bromptonaut
Wouldn't do plane much good either. Anything outsize like that should surely be a planned move and done in small hours.
 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
Not necessarily it's not that big or outsized if you take the wings off it.
 Tape measure anyone? - Bromptonaut
>> Not necessarily it's not that big or outsized if you take the wings off it.

Right said Fred, we'll have to take the wings off....

Seriously, how easily do the wings come off a Mustang?
 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
> Right said Fred, we'll have to take the wings off....
>> Seriously, how easily do the wings come off a Mustang?

Not done a mustang, not too difficult i wouldn't imagine. The skin panels at the wing root if they're riveted on might be time consuming. The wing itself will be no more than a few large nuts and bolts. The rest we'll be just fuel connections, flight control pulleys and a small amount of wiring.
 Tape measure anyone? - Pat
Now we're getting into a real life situation of the average lorry driver!

It's not his job to get the wings off.

It's his job to secure it on the trailer.

Would he have a tape measure long enough?

Did he rely on what he was told........'we've out them on a trailer before with the wings on and they've been ok'

I'm not trying to defend him, just make you realise what the situation would have been like!

 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
Of course it's not i know it's not he's job to prep it for transport i never suggested it was.
I know he wouldn't be the only one involved nor did I suggest he was.

Nor singlely is it his fault and I didn't suggest that either.

There's more to it than, sling it on the back of a wagon!
Last edited by: sooty123 on Tue 11 Jul 17 at 18:12
 Tape measure anyone? - Pat
OK, I agree they were all numpties but madf, as a matter of interest, how would you secure a 4 ton aeroplane on the back of a step frame trailer?

And the trailer looks in pretty good nick actually, I suspect a premium rate was offered to get the job done quickly!

 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
>> OK, I agree they were all numpties but madf, as a matter of interest, how
>> would you secure a 4 ton aeroplane on the back of a step frame trailer?

Normally on a tressel type frame.
 Tape measure anyone? - Pat
In an ideal world....but they have to be made to fit.

So, back to square one, it's got to be moved and moved quickly, what's Plan B?

 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
Not necessarily. You can use flats ones and still secure it. That type of strip, secure and transport of an aircraft needs to be done properly not quickly.

Plan B looks to be drive it a lampost, damage the aircraft, block traffic up and look like a bunch of numpties.
 Tape measure anyone? - Manatee
The wingspan of a P51 Mustang is actually nearly 5' more at 37' than the length. It might have been better the other way round.
 Tape measure anyone? - sherlock47
>>>The wingspan of a P51 Mustang is actually nearly 5' more at 37' than the length. It might have been better the other way round.<<<

Maybe the driver had been told to put the other way round. But he thought he knew better :)

Last edited by: sherlock47 on Tue 11 Jul 17 at 19:11
 Tape measure anyone? - rtj70
But how securely could you have it on a normal truck with the fuselage over the edges? Granted the load was wide and you could have used a wider trucker I suppose.

It seems someone had not thought this through had they.

Maybe if someone decided it would never fly again they could have just cut off the wings! :-)

Or transported it suspended under a Chinook :-)
 Tape measure anyone? - Haywain
"Or transported it suspended under a Chinook :-)"

Or balanced it on its nose, avoiding a route with low bridges ;-)
 Tape measure anyone? - Bobby
Why did it need moved quickly?
Wasn't doing any harm sitting in the field until a proper plan could be thought out.?
 Tape measure anyone? - Bobby
My brother in law used to work for a company called Abnormal Load Engineering.
The stories he could tell and the photos he could show of loads they have moved were fascinating!
 Tape measure anyone? - rtj70
Wouldn't the overall width of the load be reduced if it was transported at an angle? And actually it looks at an angle but that might be because it hit the traffic light. But as pointed out it was shorter than the wingspan so they never really considered how wide the load was.

I wonder how far it had to be moved? I don't see why they didn't find the time to remove the wings etc.
 Tape measure anyone? - sooty123
> I wonder how far it had to be moved?

Probably Duxford, there's various repair/restoration companies there iirc.
Last edited by: sooty123 on Tue 11 Jul 17 at 19:48
 Tape measure anyone? - Rudedog
I remember not too long ago a small private plane having to make a forced landing off of the end of the main strip where I am, landed in farmer's wheat field that was not far off being harvested, drove past the plane on the way to work for nearly two weeks before it was removed. Rumour was that the farmer didn't want his crops ruined with all of the heavy machinery needed to remove it so it waited until the combine had been in.
 Tape measure anyone? - martin aston
Back to the original story which has "carnage" in the headline. There was no personal injury at all, let alone carnage. Does the BBC no longer employ journalists who have even GCSE English?
Last edited by: martin aston on Tue 11 Jul 17 at 22:23
 Tape measure anyone? - CGNorwich
Be fair. The word "carnage" is in quotes and if you read the article you will see that the BBC are quoting from the police statement so they are correct.

"Beds, Cambs & Herts Roads Policing Unit took to Twitter to describe the scene as "carnage"."
 Tape measure anyone? - Hard Cheese
From the strap location and the loose tyre on the trailer deck I guess it was straight on the trailer though the wing hit the traffic light which twisted it ...
 Tape measure anyone? - Zero
>> From the strap location and the loose tyre on the trailer deck I guess it
>> was straight on the trailer though the wing hit the traffic light which twisted it

Looks that way, dont think it damaged* the plane or the light tho, so indicates "crawling" speed. We don't know if it was actually too wide, can't see the other side, it could just have been a driving misjudgement

*Certainly no more than hitting the ground at 75mph did anyway.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 12 Jul 17 at 10:58
 Tape measure anyone? - Mapmaker
I hope 6 points at least for the driver. And the sack for whoever booked him.
 Tape measure anyone? - zippy
I know a company that moves wind turbine blades.

They pay a fortune for police escorts, to close roads and sometimes for street furniture (traffic lights, street lights, signs etc) to be temporarily removed.

Seems the aircraft mover above did it on the cheap and hoped to get away with it.

 Tape measure anyone? - Bill Payer
That's a great picture catching someone scratching their head!
 Tape measure anyone? - BiggerBadderDave
Perhaps positioning it at that angle in the first place would have made it a narrower load.
 Tape measure anyone? - stan10
They rebuild classic aircraft at Duxford don't they ?

edit -

Just seen Sooty's comment, but if staying local, shirley they should have known ....

Last edited by: stan10 on Wed 12 Jul 17 at 19:05
 Tape measure anyone? - bathtub tom
Shuttleworth had a similar incident with a biplane with an engine problem that had to set down in a nearby field recently.
They took a tractor and some ropes, cut down a few trees, put planks across ditches and go it back.
 Tape measure anyone? - Manatee
I joined a tour of the Shuttleworth Collection with one of their engineering staff recently. I had never been before. Well worth a visit for those who haven't been.
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