Having done more than my fare share of backpacking trips, from weekend up to multi week in the hills, I get equal satisfaction from the planning aspect as the actual trip itself.
This autumns 2/3 week motoring trip with friends around US National Parks never got off the ground, but it was recently mentioned that a 2017 New England tour might be a goer.
Previously I've done a weeks round trip from Boston, leaf peeping with the ex, so have got the guidebooks & maps. We prefer to wing it, so might not bother visiting during the Fall when presumably NE is at its busiest.
As a starting point I'll visit the TA forum and take it from there
>> As a starting point I'll visit the TA forum and take it from there
TA? TA??
Trade association?
Tartan Army?
Trip Advisor?
TRIP ADVISOR!!! Cracked it!