Instead of paying a speeding fine after being caught on camera - he created a fictional tale about having sold the car + set up websites, produce a bill of sale etc etc.
As he cools his heels behind the bars he might just be regretting his attempts at avoiding a fine & 3 points!
What an idiot.
Things are never so bad that they can't be made worse - Humphrey Bogart.
The website in that article is still up. If it's the bogus one it looks quite good, superficially.
Ahah! I've just read that he comes from Camborne. Brains don't stop in Camborne that often 0:-)
Prat. Clearly thinks he is more entitled then others who accept their punishment with a groan.
Why oh why did he do his? Even if he was on cusp of losing licence under totting up it's a barmy way to proceed. The police are never going to take that sort of tale at face value; too many hook wrigglers.
Perhaps a case of 'what a tangled web we weave'