Motoring Discussion > It had to happen. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 13

 It had to happen. - Old Navy
The Citroen C3 gets a dashcam built into the rear view mirror. Controlled with a smartphone app of course.
 It had to happen. - Dog
Neat little? jamjar:
 It had to happen. - zippy
£380 for a £25 dashcam.

Car manufacturers really do know how to charge a fortune for optional extras.

I used to work with an alloy wheel manufacturer before they moved to South Africa because they couldn't keep running in the UK with the prices paid by the car companies.

They had to design the wheels for new cars.
Build and pay for the tooling.
Ultra sound scan the wheels.
X-ray check if required.
Keep stock as customer wanted just in time delivery.

Cost of a set of their wheels as an option on a prestige car £1,200. Cost to the car company £25 to £45 each corner depending on the wheel!
 It had to happen. - Clk Sec
>> Build and pay for the tooling.

How things have changed. In my experience as a buyer in the same sector (OK, several decades ago...) it was the buyers responsibility to provide the supplier with the relevant tooling or foot the bill for same.
 It had to happen. - No FM2R
>> it was the buyers responsibility to provide the supplier with the relevant tooling or foot the bill for same.

Wasn't that as much to retain rights/ownership over the tooling as it was part of a commercial negotiation?
 It had to happen. - zippy
>> >> Build and pay for the tooling.
>> How things have changed. In my experience as a buyer in the same sector (OK,
>> several decades ago...) it was the buyers responsibility to provide the supplier with the relevant
>> tooling or foot the bill for same.

That is how it still works in the main. Usually a customer pays for the tooling. I have held tools usable on other machines as hostage to get payment if customers wouldn't pay when a supplier failed.

What the wheel maker did was amortise the cost of the tool over the number of wheels made. It meant that they had to sell a lot of wheels though and ensure the tools lasted. It didn't work where the wheel didn't sell in large numbers.

Tools in some industries cost an absolute fortune!
 It had to happen. - Runfer D'Hills
I'm still not sure I like being filmed by all and sundry. I know it's just another feature of modern life, and I've nothing to hide, but I just feel mildly discomfited by it. Shan't lose any sleep over it or anything mind, but it just feels inexplicably, oh I don't really know what the word is, maybe "seedy" to me.
 It had to happen. - legacylad
I can understand those sentiments, but it depends on what parts of the UK you drive in & around. Having spent many years working in and around Bradford & Keighley, visiting local suppliers in my vans, delivering to customers 5 nights a week after shop closing hours, I would now have the best webcam possible fitted in my vehicles. The standard of driving in that part of the world is simply atrocious. And don't just take my word for it...close friends of mine in both the police & Fire services work there. Two of them drive a Dennis. Their stories would make your hair's not just being knowingly baulked, it's the bricking when they arrive at car fires ( they want a fully burnt out shell to claim on the insurance, not a bit of scorched paintwork).
My Dennis driving friends are amazed by recent comments made by a local councillor who wants the emergency services to use their Blues & twins sparingly because ' it makes Bradford look lawless'.
It is
And has been for a while
Certain postcodes specifically
And even 15years ago I had to have someone ride shotgun with me when making local deliveries, even during daylight hours.
 It had to happen. - zippy
>>it's the bricking when they arrive at car fires

Bricking - throwing bricks at people! Police with tazers or firearms should accompany the firemen.

I wonder what the courts would say if a fireman drove at and killed someone throwing a brick at the vehicle - I am sure claiming his life was in danger would be quite a mitigating circumstance!?
 It had to happen. - legacylad
Zippy, the police already accompany the fire service on certain shouts and to specific areas.
The scroats have even tried 'crash for cash' with fire engines which is why they all have webcams.
But prosecutions are few and far between. The general public at large have simply no idea
 It had to happen. - Armel Coussine
>> Shan't lose any sleep over it or anything mind, but it just feels inexplicably, oh I don't really know what the word is, maybe "seedy" to me.

It's a bit sinister, but we're used to it aren't we Humph?

It's been 1984 for donkey's years comrade.
 It had to happen. - Duncan
>> It's a bit sinister, but we're used to it aren't we Humph?
>> It's been 1984 for donkey's years comrade.

Been away?
 It had to happen. - sooty123
> Tools in some industries cost an absolute fortune!

Quite long lead times as well, there's a couple of test boxes (glorified laptops really) work on back order, they are between 100-250k each, which didn't really surprise me but the lead time did 18 months +.
 It had to happen. - The Melting Snowman
No thanks, I would rather take the risk than buy a citroen.
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