Motoring Discussion > Flysheet Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 5

 Flysheet - Pat
Flysheet is the name of our Newsletter which I have to have written and printed before 15th September.

I never thought being retired meant working every weekend and doing voluntary stuff all week while my garden suffers!

I have some content already but need a full page to end it on a lighter note.

So here is the idea....

Perception of a Lorry driver by a car driver

Perception of a Lorry Driver by a motorcyclist

Perception of a Lorry Driver by a cyclist.

100 words or less please and be honest and humorous if possible.

I will use the best one in each category to finish of the final page

I promise not to get indignant, or cross or even use that word beginning with B and ending in s that VX hates so much:) because I need your help, so feel free to be derogatory if you need to!

 Flysheet - Mapmaker
What's the fee?
 Flysheet - Pat
You'll be making it a charitable donation Mapmaker:)

 Flysheet - Cliff Pope
Perception of a lorry driver by another lorry driver?

Do you see yourselves united in a fellowship of the wheel, like Toad?
Cowboys giving the profession a bad name?
Is there a class structure riddled with snobbery - the tie-wearing Eddie Stobart drivers, the Marathon-chewing tacho-fiddlers, the unmarked van moonlighters?
How do you decide between courteously letting a fellow driver into the flow, or hammering on stubbornly blocking all lanes for 5 miles while you duel to the death?

Just curious :)
 Flysheet - Pat
Trainers diplomatic hat on now!

If I was to answer that post Cliff it would divert from the purpose of this thread:)

As you were....

 Flysheet - Crankcase
That's a challenge. I wrote you something, but it turned out to be very dark and 224 words. Sorry.

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