The V12 Cadillac-Allard, propelled by a slightly tuned version of Cadillac's huge great pushrod V12 for limousines.
Not very successful I think, bit of a clumsy monster. Someone campaigned it though (I think there was only one), with some success.
I think you'll find the chap that raced it was called Caroll Shelby.
I don't know what happened to him, or whether he stayed in the motoring business.
There were various derivatives of the original K1 model, including the ludicrous Safari, a racing car got up to resemble a shooting bake, woodwork and all. Another zany car, well out of the K1 line, was the three-wheeled Clipper runabout. Out of line also, but less so, was the Palm Beach roadster. I remember drooling over the Autocar report on the first of two versions of this whole anticipating a long leave from the tropics.
It would have been a better choice than the vintage Alvis I actually bought as this required repairs very soon but gave me a good look at an Allard J2, as the garage proprietor had one. The model had done well at Le Mans two or three years earlier. By coincidence, I saw a Safari about the same time in the same city.
ambo: the V12 Cadillac-Allard was in a J2 body, but I guess chassis wd have been strengthened and perhaps lengthened.