Motoring Discussion > Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? Green Issues
Thread Author: Ian (Cape Town) Replies: 6

 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - Ian (Cape Town)

Locals. Gotta love it.
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - rtj70
Assuming the cable held and it moved the tree. Wasn't the result inevitable? Stupid 'locals'. Longer ropes were needed for sure.
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - Ian (Cape Town)
Trying to work out if this is a joke, or not.
But from the b-language commentary, it doesn't seem so.
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - rtj70
Simple physics said if they moved it it would pan out as it did. E minus for planning.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 2 Sep 16 at 22:03
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - Robin O'Reliant
"Hello, Direct Line? This'll make you laugh..."
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - Armel Coussine
Funny. People aren't always very thoughtful about what they're doing.

Someone could have been killed or maimed though, and the owner of the pick-up wouldn't be someone rich. Could have been a real disaster for them.
 Nissan - Tree and pickup - what could possibly go wrong? - legacylad
We call them SFBs in my part if the world
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