Motoring Discussion > Impatient driver caught on dash cam Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 22

 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - VxFan
A motorist has been caught on camera apparently undertaking cars and narrowly missing pedestrians to avoid waiting at a level crossing.

A Range Rover Evoque mounted the pavement and missed a young child and two women, one pushing a pram, in Oulton Broad, Suffolk.

 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Dog
>>and narrowly missing pedestrians

Hardly but, I would fine him £1000 if I was the beak.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - commerdriver
The driver was an impatient prat who deserves to have the book thrown at him for the level crossing bit but lets not get carried away with the "narrowly missed pedestrians...." bit
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - No FM2R
>> lets not get carried away with the "narrowly missed pedestrians...." bit


And as for this pretentious t***....

"Paul Whitlow, whose wife Shirley recorded the footage, said: "When this came up I thought this needs to be shared to show the danger that ignoring rail crossing signs could lead to"

Lying git. You just wanted your 15 minutes.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Ian (Cape Town)
Local yokel.

he was convicted in the Western Cape High Court on ten counts of murder and four counts of attempted murder and on 28 February 2012 he was sentenced to an effective twenty years in prison. On 22 March 2013 the Supreme Court of Appeal reduced the conviction to culpable homicide and the sentence to an effective eight years' imprisonment.
Last edited by: Ian (Cape Town) on Fri 2 Sep 16 at 14:36
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - commerdriver
Sorry stupid reply
Last edited by: commerdriver on Fri 2 Sep 16 at 15:46
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Ian (Cape Town)
No reply is ever stupid.
look up Buttskop on google images.
NOT nice.
Heartbreaking story as well - one of the victims was known as 'Little Rock'... when she was 6, a family friend raped and beat her unconscious with a brick before setting her alight.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - legacylad
Operation Steerside began in Bradford Feb'16. By June over 4,000 drivers had been dealt with. The police welcome all dashcam evidence, some of which is posted in the local rag. The latest scam is performance vehicles being 'sub let' by the hour. Obviously no insurance, but if the car is involved in an ' incident' then the owner tells the police it has just been stolen.
It will be featured as a TV series at some point in the future... Quite a lot of film already in the can.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - commerdriver
>> No reply is ever stupid.
That one was I was replying while watching countdown and misread the article totally, then edited quickly to prevent me looking a total pr*t
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Mapmaker
Time for some perspective, Ian, your case was quite different.

"Witnesses stated that the minibus drove around a queue of stopped cars and past the closed half-booms blocking the crossing."

In this case, he went through open gates. An amber-gambler, not your red-light-jumper.

And he didn't mount the pavement, he clipped it - as I'm sure we've all done on occasion. And he didn't "nearly miss" the pedestrians any more than he "nearly missed" me at the time.

Maybe it's on account of my having close family who grew up in Germany in the 1930s/40s, but dobbing people in to the authorities doesn't sit very happily with me. Yes, the bloke's a complete camshaft, but he didn't endanger anybody's lives. This time.

I'm in agreement with No FM2R. If he wanted to send the footage to the police, he could. He didn't have to claim his 15 minutes by sending it to the newspapers too. I think he comes out of it worse than the driver.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - NortonES2
In this case, he went through flashing red lights. The warning amber had extinguished.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Ian (Cape Town)
>> An amber-gambler, not your red-light-jumper.

One day, the gamble will not pay off.
Definitely a 'camshaft', as you so rightly put it.
But I'm sure our local moron also started off the same way, and got away with it enough times to think he had the odds beat.

Off on a motoring tangent, it is like the overtakers who take chances, and get away with it. One day, their luck will run out.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - bathtub tom
>> And he didn't mount the pavement, he clipped it - as I'm sure we've all
>> done on occasion. And he didn't "nearly miss" the pedestrians any more than he "nearly
>> missed" me at the time.

Putting one wheel on the footpath amounts to mounting the pavement.

If you think that's acceptable, as "we've all done on occasion", then thank god I've never met you when I've been a pedestrian
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - No FM2R
What a very silly over reaction. You'd have to be lying on the kerb to get hurt while someone performed that maneuver.

I haven't done the level crossing thing, but I have absolutely done that level of kerb clipping/mounting, call it what you will, to get around an obstruction.


Perhaps you need to get out a little more.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - rtj70
I think he likes driving around on muddy hill sides in cars with low tyre pressures. I doubt he's thought about this too much.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - sooty123
The car just about clips the kerb, looks like a half a tyre on the kerb. The lack of reaction from the pedestrians tells you the amount of danger they felt they were under.
Still the driver is an idiot and probably very impatient and angry with it. A short ban would do the the world of good, if a little ott.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - bathtub tom
>> I think he likes driving around on muddy hill sides in cars with low tyre
>> pressures.

Not just muddy hillsides:
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - VxFan
>> Not just muddy hillsides:

Surely he can find a decent spot to park in without going to all that palaver?

 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Bromptonaut
>> but he didn't endanger anybody's lives. This time.

He absolutely did. He got away with jumping the level crossing barriers but his actions were a potential danger to himself, his passengers and those on the approaching train. Reports by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch regularly feature gross stupidity by vehicle drivers.

The Transport Police have camera vans specifically fitted for and targeted on this sort of offending.

The pavement mounting is minor in comparison bu doing so impatiently and under acceleration is a notch or three up the offending scale from doing so cautiously to clear an obstacle.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Slidingpillar
The only time I curb jumped was when a police car with blues and twos came up quickly and was obviously in a major hurry. Normal road, very twisty so even with the music show, they'd not overtake blind.

Has to be said though, I was driving a well shod Defender, and the manoeuvre would have wrecked two car wheels. Pavement of course was utterly clear - I'd have not done it otherwise.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Bill Payer
>> The only time I curb jumped was when a police car with blues and twos
>> came up quickly and was obviously in a major hurry.

Easy to say if not there but I wouldn't do that for a Police car - they tear around when the vast majority of the time there isn't a life in peril.
 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Manatee

>> I'm in agreement with No FM2R. If he wanted to send the footage to the
>> police, he could. He didn't have to claim his 15 minutes by sending it to
>> the newspapers too. I think he comes out of it worse than the driver.

You cannot be serious.

Even if the following driver's husband did release the video to the press himself, so what? The selfish, lethal idiot is the Evoque driver whose feet shouldn't touch the ground when (I hope) the rozzers catch up with him, or her.

Th pavement thing is massively overdone but irrelevant. Only the report mentions it. Whitlow, the PCC and BTP only refer to the crossing danger. Not clouting the barrier, or worse, was sheer luck.

You can't mess with rail crossings. I had a severe fright a few years ago when a barrier descended a second time as I was about to cross. Had I not had a last second glance at the lights I would have been on the crossing when the opposite barrier came down. I can't forget the noise, speed and proximity of the crossing trains and I still shudder when I think of it. Then I get angry all over again that I would have been blamed for killing my wife if I hadn't had that last look! My car still has the scratches where the barrier grazed it.

 Impatient driver caught on dash cam - Armel Coussine
In Australia I once found myself in an unmoving traffic jam right across the railway on a level crossing.

When a train approached in a slow but determined manner loudly ringing its bell, I became alarmed and engaged in an unorthodox wrong-side-of-the-road-and-then-some manoeuvre to get out of its way.

All the cars around me hooted with smug, very pleased Aussie disapproval. I couldn't help wondering what they would have done. Locomotive vs. car is no contest really.

Somewhere in Africa, very likely Nigeria, I was once forced to drive quite rapidly along some actual railway line, sleepers and all.

If either of those experiences had been in my own car I would have worried a bit about its suspension, tyres, wheels and transmission.

Today I graunched the gears slightly and started cursing under my breath. Herself told me she hadn't even noticed the graunch.
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