Motoring Discussion > Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 35

 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Falkirk Bairn
Lifetime or 100K for the 1st owner - all current Vx models

Throws the gauntlet down to other manufacturers.

Question :-
What percentage of buyers of brand new cars keep them longer than say 3/4 years?

Full story from DT
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - movilogo
If 1st owner sells the car after 1 year, it is without warranty then?

Vauxhall is also working on a plan for second owners to be able to purchase the warranty.

You can already extend manufacturer's warranty after the initial period anyway.

Anyway, the warranty trend has already been set. It's only time that others follow suite.

Last edited by: movilogo on Thu 5 Aug 10 at 15:21
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Chas
Not what everyone will expect though. Whingers be warned!

It's a warranty not a guarantee and will exclude wear and tear items no doubt like clutches. If a gearbox goes at 50,000 miles all a customer could expect is a 50% contribution to the the repair - tops.

Who remembers Volvo's Lifetime Care (launched in 1987/88) package which equated to the same thing? There's a guy with a 480 on the volvo forum I've just read about that's still covered 20 odd years later.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Statistical Outlier
That depends. Honda Care is a warranty not a guarantee, and it just replaced by clutch when it failed at 103,000 miles and 4.5 years old. Admittedly there was a manufacturing fault, but still.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Zero
A gearbox is not a wear and tear item.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Tooslow
everything is after enough miles.

 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Zero
then you dont provide a warranty past that time.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Old Navy
There is a 100K limit, as with KIA. Do 100K in 2 years and you are on your own.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - rtj70
I thought these were all warranties including the existing 3 year ones and the KIA 7 year one.

Edit: a quick look at the KIA site and it says 7 year warranty but then also uses the term guarantee.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 5 Aug 10 at 17:05
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Old Navy
Just checked the KIA site and the warranty is unlimited miles for three years and then a 100k limit for years 4 to 7.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Perky Penguin
Reading between the lines one could take it that Vauxhall now think that the "Life" of one of their cars is 100K Miles.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Skoda
Are they having problems keeping customers bringing their Vx's back for (expensive) main dealer servicing?

VAG people don't seem all that fussed about staying with their main dealers, but then again there are probably more VW "specialist" indies, in the same way BMW indies are pretty common.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Cpt. Flack
You'd still have to service the car every year and that could cost the owner hundreds of pounds over the life of a vehicle. It's not a free lunch.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Clk Sec
This could be of interest to someone like me who keeps his cars for a decade or more, yet covers a relatively low mileage. I remember being given a lifetime guarantee on a standard exhaust system when I needed my first replacement on an Austin Maxi in the 80's. I kept that car for 14 years and had my exhaust replaced free of charge a number of times in that period.

Now all I need to do is find a Vauxhall that I like.

 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - movilogo
A good reason for offering this to first owner only is because they are targeting fleet owner and not private owners with low annual mileage.

A fleet car will reach 100k miles easily in 3-4 years.

 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - -
>> A good reason for offering this to first owner only is because they are targeting
>> fleet owner and not private owners with low annual mileage.

I think the opposite Movi, i reckon they are trying to respond to the huge gains in private sales of Korean brands, good luck to them too.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - rtj70
>> A fleet car will reach 100k miles easily in 3-4 years.

My car is approaching 3 years old and is a company/lease car... it's got 36000 miles ;-) Another year and a bit to go before I get a new one. The replacement will be on a 3 year lease.

I admit I did over 30,000 miles per annum at one point.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Zero
>> A fleet car will reach 100k miles easily in 3-4 years.

Most fleets have a mileage limit and try and change them before that.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - rtj70
Mine was with the old lease company and the limit was 4 years and 80k miles. The current lease company is now 3 years and 69999 miles.

So I can see this sort of change being a benefit. Except we don't get the option of a Ford or Vauxhall for example. All down to residuals probably.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - VxFan
>> A fleet car will reach 100k miles easily in 3-4 years.

Good news for fleet drivers then. Up until now a VX warranty has been 3 yrs or 60,000 miles.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Dave_
>> You'd still have to service the car every year and that could cost the owner hundreds of pounds over the life of a vehicle.
>> It's not a free lunch

From the DT article:

"Upkeep of the warranty relies on customers visiting a Vauxhall dealer annually for a free vehicle inspection."

Too good to be true?
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Bellboy
wheres Churchills dog when you kneed him
Last edited by: Bellboy on Thu 5 Aug 10 at 22:35
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - bathtub tom
No-ones mentioned Corsa camshafts! ;>)
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Tooslow
You don't suppose they might find work that "needs" doing? Otherwise your warranty goes up in smoke.

 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Old Navy
Would a car dealer do that ? I thought that was the free "Winter checks", "Safety checks", and "Economy checks". :-)
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - idle_chatterer
They're still Vauxhalls, won't (ever) persuade me to have one after the misery their products once inflicted upon me....
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Collos
Yes I remember having a three rear window cresta it was blue white and rust and the steering wheel moved but the wheels didn't at standstill due to the steering box being mounted on the front inner wing which was held together with filler and newspaper .
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - bhoywonder
I believe the reason vauxhall are offering this warranty is because KIA is affecting there sales. Other manufacturers will follow in the next year or so.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Clk Sec
>>Anyway, the warranty trend has already been set. It's only time that others follow suite.

Then I hope Alfa Romeo are next in line.
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - RattleandSmoke
Its a marketing gimick which will only benefit those who plan to keep their car for a long time. Vauxhall may gain say an extra 1000 car sales directly due to this but even for those not planning to keep their car long it gives them a better reputation which will result in more sales.

I wonder if they are planning a buy one get one free promotion on camshafts?
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - The Melting Snowman
I would need to see further details of conditions and exclusions - not that there's anything in the Vauxhall range that I would want.

Is a FSH from Vauxhall needed?

It will certainly ruffle a few feathers though. I wonder what the french makes will think?
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - CGNorwich
>> I would need to see further details of conditions and exclusions -

All on here
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - Clk Sec
>>All on here

Lifetime warranty, yet only 12 months Vauxhall Assistance...
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - mikeyb

>> Is a FSH from Vauxhall needed?
"The lifetime warranty is dependent on an annual vehicle check at an Vauxhall Authorised Repairer who will activate the warranty extension for another year."
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - mikeyb
Renault offer 100K 3 yrs limit on some models.

Think its begining to make Smart / Porsche's 2 yrs look tight....
 Vauxhall - Lifetime warranty for all new Vauxhalls !! - WillDeBeest
Still don't want a Vauxhall. Renault could do the same and I wouldn't want one of those either. And I do (now) keep my cars a long time.
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