He ran First Aid Courses and decided to fit Blue Lights etc etc
He might just be regretting things today
Around eighteen seconds into that video there appears to be a camera flash. Speed or for crossing the double whites?
Inevitable consequence of "walting"...... for the uninitiated, that's a term used by serving and retired servicemen to describe people who've never served but kid on that they have. As in "Walter Mitty".
There's a whole rather dubious culture around vehicles like ambulances, jeeps etc. It starts harmlessly enough with owners wanting to restore their vehicle to original service condition, but they get obsessive about getting the right authentic fittings - spades, gun racks, stretchers, dummy lights, police signs etc which they fit at shows - and some of them go over the top and start to actually act the part as well.
I read there is a real problem with such fake ambulances turning up at accidents and people trying to intervene.
If fire engines were cheaper and easier to accommodate in suburban drives then I'm sure there would be fake firemen too.
>> There's a whole rather dubious culture around vehicles like ambulances
Yes. Seems to start off as a sort of uniform fetishism. Then the yellow-oilskin fetishists start to take liberties with real dead and injured, which may be dangerous. Professionals aren't necessarily perfect but they have training for this sort of thing. It's a bad idea to get in their way once they have arrived at the scene. Until then, intelligent first aid and comfort can be offered. Panicky, zigzag reactions are normal among early arrivals at accident sites.
I was part of a two man team fixing TV transmitters years ago and I remember being first on the scene of an accident involving a coach. I could easily see it was going to be at least a two ambulance job, but judging from the noise, the coach passengers were not majorly injured, it's the quiet ones you need to worry about.
I made sure the ambulance service had been alerted, and checked out the other vehicles in case I could do anything. My colleague I sent to the coach and told him to dispense sticking plasters and wave the first aid kit about. Instant calming effect as I knew it would be!
Once the ambulances had arrived, after a quick word with police so they knew we did not see the accident happen, we left.