Motoring Discussion > Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds
Thread Author: Lygonos Replies: 5

 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - Lygonos
Nissan LEAF owner leaves his dashcam on while his car gets serviced.

And given a complimentary "organic Adblue" wash.
Last edited by: Lygonos on Tue 14 Jun 16 at 23:32
 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - Ted

I would expect the dealer to 'slash' the price when he sees this !
 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - VxFan
Bang goes the 6 year anti-corrosion warranty.
 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - Auntie Lockbrakes
Doesn't look like a shiny glass palace dealership does it? That car wash bay looks filthy. Possibly a hoax?
 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - Old Navy
I have seen the back of some glass palaces, also the staff areas of some good looking hotels, a superficial front of house image is just part of the marketing.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 15 Jun 16 at 08:20
 Nissan LEAF - "Special" car suds - Old Navy
A few years ago I was taken around the back of a multi franchise glass palace to pick up a demonstrator. There was a newish Rolls Royce being put through an automatic carwash with the dirtiest brushes you could imagine.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 15 Jun 16 at 08:31
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