Motoring Discussion > Speed cameras - switched off Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 17

 Speed cameras - switched off - henry k

Will more counties follow their lead ?
Last edited by: henry k on Mon 2 Aug 10 at 19:32
 Speed cameras - switched off - DP
The government will put the brakes on this before it spreads around the country. It will cost the Treasury an absolute fortune.
But of course speed cameras were never about raising money....
 Speed cameras - switched off - corax
Yes, but how can the government stop it if they're cutting the road safety budget in the first place? Please explain, I'm a simple fellow :-)
 Speed cameras - switched off - VxFan
The speed cameras may well be switched off in Oxfordshire, but already the Hobby Bobbies are out in force in their unmarked grey Vauxhall Corsas with their mobile cameras.

So beware if you're driving around Oxfordshire and think you're safe from a speeding ticket - you're not.

How many speeders the Hobby Bobby caught on a quiet Oxfordshire A road in the early hours of Sunday morning (01:30) is anyone's guess though. They've been seen at more sensible times of the day during the weekend in various locations too.
 Speed cameras - switched off - Old Navy
Its a money go round smoke and mirrors attempt to give the impression that politicians are good eggs. Cut the funding, a few councils turn off the cameras, later switch the fines destination from the treasury to the council and the cameras creep back after people have got used to them being off, and this increases income. How many have actually been removed ?

My theory anyway. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 2 Aug 10 at 21:13
 Speed cameras - switched off - CGNorwich
My theory anyway. :-)

and the man on the grassy knoll? :-)
 Speed cameras - switched off - DP
>> Yes, but how can the government stop it if they're cutting the road safety budget in the first place?

Fund the SCP's directly?? I just can't believe they will sit by and allow a nice easy revenue stream to simply dry up.
Last edited by: DP on Tue 3 Aug 10 at 11:22
 Speed cameras - switched off - L'escargot
>> Will more counties follow their lead ?

Whatever lights their candle(s).
 Speed cameras - switched off - Focusless
>> Will more counties follow their lead ?

They're back, all 161 of them...

The reason given on the ITV news report I saw this evening was that accidents had increased during the 8 months they've been off, although they didn't give figures. Looking at the ones in the BBC report, is the increase significant? (I'm not particularly for or against them BTW.)
 Speed cameras - switched off - Zero
On the jeremy vine show i heard in the background that the increase was 5

Not 5 fold, not 5% but qty 5 extra accidents in 6 months.

What everyone agreed however, is that 6 months is not sufficient to tell, and the study should be three years minimum.
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 1 Apr 11 at 20:04
 Speed cameras - switched off - Focusless
From the BBC link, figures for cameras, turned on -> turned off:

At the fixed sites, injuries:
slight: 55 -> 70
serious: 13 -> 13
fatal: 0 -> 0

Away from sites:
slight: 999 -> 867
serious: 160 -> 179
fatal: 12 -> 18
 Speed cameras - switched off - henry k

A long video clip from the BBC
 Speed cameras - switched off - WillDeBeest
>They're back, all 161 of them...

To judge from the brake lights in front of me every morning just before the camera on the hill from my house to town, not many ever knew they were off.
 Speed cameras - switched on again - Dave_
First month prosecutions up to 5,917 from 2,286 nine months ago:
Last edited by: Dave_TDCi on Fri 6 May 11 at 10:56
 Speed cameras - switched on again - IJWS14
Damning evidence for those that argue cameras don't reduce speeds.
 Speed cameras - switched on again - Zero
BUt does it reduce accidents? That's all that matters
 Speed cameras - switched off - WillDeBeest
But does it reduce accidents? That's all that matters.

I don't think it is. Speeding cars in residential areas can make them almost uninhabitable. People change their behaviour - go out less and drive more when they do - not because there are accidents but because they're afraid there might be.

Reduced speeds allow people to regain their confidence and reclaim their streets. Sadly, it often requires an accident to convince a local authority that it's worth doing something about it.
 Speed cameras - switched off - L'escargot
The one near me didn't need to be switched off ~ someone set fire to it! (I don't condone that, by the way. Just passing on the facts.)
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 6 May 11 at 14:14
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