This morning I was overtaken on the Basingstoke ring road by a car doing at least 80mph, with a space saver spare wheel on his front nearside. The car? A black Audi A5 TDI convertible.
Post your Idiots of the Day nominations here for everyone's amusement.
A classic RTFM example.
I see quite a lot of these idiots.
In fact, I've seen several 'biscuit' spares with a large A5 sticker on them, stating 'FIT TO REAR AXLE ONLY'.
>> A classic RTFM example.
Don't even need to do that. I've mentioned before I had a space-saver on a 1.0 Yaris for a few hours many years ago, and that felt plenty scary enough on corners and under braking. Can't imagine what it would be like on something as (relatively) large and powerful as an A5.
.....and front wheel drive....
Could such an ijit be prosecuted for grossly exceeding the max speed warning.
I can understand it a little bit re just swopping the spare for the " flat" but IIRC most space saver spares have a max speed sticker on them so no excuse re speeding.
I've only ever used a space saver once, and it was on the back of my SAAB. I'd never thought about it but I suppose if you get a flat at the front, you're supposed to take off the back wheel and install the space saver there, then swap the flat front for the good one off the rear. Faff. Don't fancy that job on a busy road.
James May has a theory about Audi drivers. I didn't want it to be true but by and large it increasingly seems that it might be. Of course it may well be selective perception but it does latterly feel like whenever you witness someone doing something really stupid there's a fair chance they're in an Audi.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Thu 28 Apr 16 at 14:48
A few days ago I saw a small car with about a couple of metres of wooden batten protruding diagonally from the front nearside window. Maybe he was a cyclist hater. :-)
"Of course it may well be selective perception but it does latterly feel like whenever you witness someone doing something really stupid there's a fair chance they're in an Audi."
I say this with some trepidation, as I seem to remember that yours is black, Runfer - but my experience over recent years is that for 'an Audi' read 'a black car'.
It tends to be Audis and BMWs, and the occasional Vauxhall, although I can't remember ever being carved up by a Mercedes. The Germans train their taxi-drivers well.... :)
...ever being carved up by a Mercedes car.
I had to brake my Mercedes car sharply yesterday to avoid the white AMG ML that pulled unannounced into my lane because its driver fancied being first away from the lights.
And then there are all those Sprinters.
Another, but better known one:
>> Of course it may
>> well be selective perception but it does latterly feel like whenever you witness someone doing
>> something really stupid there's a fair chance they're in an Audi.
>> ;-)
Going on today's incident, it's Audis and 4x4s.
I'm sure a Honda Jazz will feature soon enough. Sloooooooooowly.
Not all spacesavers are "rear only" - depends on the car. some are "front only" but most you can use them on any wheel. You need to check the car manual.
It is an "interesting" experience driving with a space saver down a busy dual carraigeway at 50 mph.
You will find out just what tailgating means
a spacesaver gets a little hairy on a powerful car
>> a spacesaver gets a little hairy on a powerful car
Don't be personal about Chris now.
My favourite motoring 'presenter' for a long time
Some excellent car reviews over the years
He could probably have got most of that effect by just blowing the original tyres up to 60psi.
>> It is an "interesting" experience driving with a space saver down a busy dual carraigeway at 50 mph.
>> You will find out just what tailgating means
You're not wrong. I picked up a screwdriver in my o/s/r tyre a few years ago... at 60mph. In through the sidewall and out through the tread. 100 miles from home, with the family on board.
100 miles of the M1 at 50mph when you're not in a lorry isn't an experience I'd like to repeat in a hurry.
Can I nominate the Astra driver who crossed the white line this morning to put a festive smear of silver Vauxhall paint on my blue offside mirror?
>This morning I was overtaken on the Basingstoke ring road by a car doing at least
>80mph, with a space saver spare wheel on his front nearside.
Not unusual for Basingstoke, you often get cars dawdling along like that around the ring road.
They're usually folks just passing through who haven't read the Basingstoke Ammendment to The Highway Code.
Reminds me of when I was about 20 and my mate had just got a fiat cinquecento in salmon pink.
4 up heading down the M32 doing about 80 when he suddenly announces that hes had a space saver on the front all week.............
I was somewhat clenched at that point
Half Crown/threepenny bit was more like it!
Today's nomination is a 'lady' driving a dark blue Toyota Rav 4. She's parked at the kerb on a village road, and as I approach from behind, indicate to move out past her parked vehicle and start the pass, she sticks the indicators on and pulls out in front of me. I have to brake. Then, she stops. Literally, stops in the road. Raises her left hand at me in a kind of "WTF" gesture, then powers away.
Utterly inexplicable.
>>Utterly inexplicable.
Silver car syndrome?
Dunno about that, I just presume she thinks she has right of way if she's indicating. You know, general sense of entitlement stuff. Make way, peasant, I'm coming through.
>> Dunno about that, I just presume she thinks she has right of way if she's
>> indicating. You know, general sense of entitlement stuff. Make way, peasant, I'm coming through.
Jasper Carrott, circa 1980. "Indicates and pulls out... doesn't matter what's coming..."
Dunno about that, I just presume she thinks she has right of way if she's indicating. You know, general sense of entitlement stuff. Make way, peasant, I'm coming through.
Far too many people think the use of an indicator confers the right to do the manoeuvre regardless of what the other traffic is doing. My personal bête noire is folk joining a motorway or dual carriageway just forcing their way out, when the use of either the accelerator or brake would enable them to join in the gap between traffic and inconvenience no-one. Such behaviour is one of the reasons why traffic often slows down at a junction despite the road not operating at the capacity limit.
To rub your face in it though, the type of motorist who would have benefited from a bit of loud pedal in the slip road, gets onto the motorway/dual carriageway and then accelerates smartly.
Last edited by: Slidingpillar on Tue 3 May 16 at 15:09
AC, for getting caught by the rozzers in a 30 limit playing at geriatric racers. :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Tue 3 May 16 at 15:13
When I took my IAM test the examiner was a serving 'fast response' police driving instructor. Yes I was nervous. When it came to the motorway bit, it was busy with HGVs in lanes one & two as I came down the slip road, but seeing a decent gap I dropped the 330 into third, and smoothly transitioned directly into lane three at an indicated 90.
Then slowed to 75 once past the convoys.
At the end of the test I thought that I might have failed on that particular manoeuvre, but I was actually complimented on my decisive behaviour.
Just goes to show
My indicators worked on that occasion !
It's all about time and place.
You sound like my ex
Both of them...
I had a similar compliment on a safer driving day I did many years back (before I did IAM).
Reasonably heavy rain and spray on M4, there was a coach centre lane hogging at about 60 so I booted it to get through his spray and past him quickly and was told hat was the right thing to have done.
I had a driving assessment by an ex-police driver. Part of the route required joining a motorway at an uphill slip. I gave the naturally aspirated, Peugeot diesel all it had through the gears and joined at something less than 60MPH. Asked if I could have accelerated any faster, I honestly replied 'no'. Well done, he replied.
Another puller outerer yesterday afternoon, with added brake testing.
As I was here, doing a bit under 40........
...I notice a maroon Lexus SUV approach the industrial estate exit to my left. Immediately realising he didn't have a reasonable opportunity to pull out in front of me, and also realising that he was going to do it anyway, I eased off and slowed down in anticipation. Out he pulls, and almost immediately tries to brake test me. However, sadly for him, due to my anticipation I'd eased off enough not to have to brake. So, off he flew, and about 10 yards slater, expecting me to give chase and tailgate, he brake tests again! But, again, I had no need to brake as I'd not applied the gas as I needed to create a gap. By now he must have been really cross because he took off like a scalded cat. Gone.
Can't be bothered, frankly. This sort of schizzle happens so often round here that I'd be forever obsessed with it to the detriment of my attention to the road, and spend half my free time uploading the things to the internet out of self-righteous indignation (although I suppose that's what I'm doing here anyway).
I've been in non-fault accidents before and haven't lost out, so the perceived benefit of a dashcam doesn't really outweigh the downside for me. And they don't cover 360 degrees anyway. Unless you go for a full-on Daily Mail reader paranoia 4-cam set up or something.
Another good one today was a sticker on the back of an 06 reg KIA Sorento saying: "Smartwater Forensic Systems Catalytic Converter Marked". Are people really that paranoid and afraid of crime? I admittedly live in a crappy town full of ne'erdowells, but have so seldom brushed with real criminality that it really doesn't necessitate such overt paranoia.
Last edited by: Alanović on Wed 11 May 16 at 10:58
Plenty of candidates in the rain on the M4 this morning. Bits of it weren't too bad, then suddenly the surface in all three lanes would be slick with standing water. Nasty.
Presumably, though, the lorry driver who overturned and blocked the Reading stretch in both directions was just unlucky.
BBC Berkshire have posted a picture of the lorry, laying across most of the westbound and part of the east bound.
Affected my journey by about 20 minutes this morning, not too bad. What was more annoying though was, once I'd cleared the Reading area and got on to the usually empty B road to Hook, I was about 10th car behind a tractor+trailer combo which did 20mph all the way from Heckfield to the M3 junction (paucity of overtaking opportunities, although I did notice a little green Fabia VRS hopping forwards, car-at-a-time, who eventually got past him. Bravo, my car's too big and slow to try that on this road). Couple of opportunities for tractorboy to pull over and let cars past. Did he take them? Answers on a postcard.
Couple of opportunities for tractorboy to pull over and let cars past.
One I was following last week took such an opportunity, which was a pleasant surprise. It was at the start of a clear straight where I was about to pass it anyway, but it meant the queue behind me got past as well. Even the well-drilled Waitrose and Tesco drivers don't do that.
Mate of mine is a transport manager for Tesco, who has been training their delivery drivers for some years now. I shall let him know that his efforts are not going un-noticed, if his boys are being seen to be just as bad as Waitrose's.
On the way home last night, I got my just desserts for moaning about tractor boy. As I pulled off the M3 at J5, the exact same, distinctive rig appeared magically from my right and cruised in front of me and entered the road to Hook. I did have a little chuckle to myself. This time though I was first car behind him and managed to get past quite easily just after leaving Hook.
>> was just unlucky. <<
Very unlucky, he died.
Sad news, Pat. RIP. Seems he was delivering gearboxes somewhere going by the photos on the local rag's website.
Thanks for that link Alanovic. I have no information on this but suspect that with no other vehicle involved he had died before he hit the crash barrier.
Just a blessing no other vehicle became involved in it.
Dunno. Me no clicky DM links, they make money from it you see. If I wouldn't buy the rag, why would I click their website?
>> Dunno. Me no clicky DM links, they make money from it you see. If I
>> wouldn't buy the rag, why would I click their website?
adblocker is your friend.
Only if it blocks the DM.
>This sort of schizzle happens so often round here....
Too true vić.
When I was commuting every day between Amazingstoke and Reading I seriously considered buying a battered old '70s or '80s F150 pickup truck with the big steel bumpers. Drivers deliberately taking the P would have found themselves facing big repair bills.
Given that they are the automotive equivalent of a string vest, tattoos and a pit-bull on a chain I doubt the bumpers would have been needed though.
>> When I was commuting every day between Amazingstoke and Reading I seriously considered buying a
>> battered old '70s or '80s F150 pickup truck with the big steel bumpers. Drivers deliberately
>> taking the P would have found themselves facing big repair bills.
Friend of mine in the world of Harleys, who had a suit job in London, used to do similar, although his weapon of choice was an ex-Army Land-Rover.
My London resident relies all drive well used cars although they could easily afford a new one. When my B I L had company cars they were often damaged in minor city fender benders, he says it is not worth self funding a new car in London unless you are seriously loaded. Private use in the South East is mainly short distance runs, more than 50 miles and you are in the sea or too far north for comfort. :-)
Yep, this is it. I've come to the conclusion too that it's not worth funding new or nearly new cars around here. Plenty do of course, for the driveway prestige, but it's not for me any more. I think 5k is about the most I'm prepared to spend on a car, but even 2.5k is probably sufficient.
Plenty do of course, for the driveway prestige...
...or because they value the technical features of a newer car, or its energy efficiency, or the convenience of not spending weeks deciding how to fix a duff gearbox, or because their company allowance scheme stipulates a maximum age. Any number of reasons, in fact; not everyone else is a status-crazed rodent-racer. We could even live in Reading if we wanted to.
All good points Will, of course you can argue the merits of spending £30k (other, smaller sums are available, I know) on a car to save a few quid in fuel or save the dormouse from extinction, but we've been there many times on this board.
I'm just saying I've done the new/nearly new thing a few times and the upsides don't exceed the downsides for me. Of course there are downsides on the path I've currently chosen, i.e. not-quite-bangernomics, but the upsides of the approach are winning out for me currently. Others are "allowed" to differ of course. I can look out of the window, see the scratches and scrapes on the Mazda and think, hey ho. Wotevs. Priceless.
Today's nominee is a road rager. I was departing this roundabout in lane 2, having joined form the north (A327). A cuddly looking lady (bubbly personality, probably), had joined the roundabout from the east (B3270) in her Audi A3. So far so good. As we left the roundabout at join the A327 southbound, my nose was slightly in front (heavy, slow moving traffic - typical at rush hour). Picture nose-to-tail traffic in both exit lanes, she's where the silver BMW 1 is in the image, I'm alongside, nose just in front of her.
Then comes the merge-in-turn point, which, since the Google image was taken, has been helpfully signed with big yellow Merge In Turn signs. Evidently Cuddles didn't think this applied to her and me, and got all antsy that I was perhaps "pushing in". Melodious tootling, and contorting of face, and waving of arms commences.
Last edited by: Alanović on Fri 13 May 16 at 10:56
I'm beginning to think you might be a common factor Al ;)
I always try to "merge in turn" and most people seem to get it, even if the sign isn't explicit. Some people never will.
You are people too of course. I've been in both situations over the years when I was a mad dog.
Cuddles was in prime position there, and you were hoping for a little courtesy - I would have let you in, these days. Also, I wouldn't have been in the position you were in, knowing fool well what happens with that road a little further ahead.
Sure, you were hoping to save maybe one or two minutes on your journey to work. Funny ole life though innit.
Not really, Dog. The traffic on that roundabout is often stationary, and the feed-ins creep together. Hence the lay-out. I reached the M-I-T point just ahead of Cuddles, so no, she wasn't in 'prime' position.
I can't approach the exit in the left lane, coming from the direction I did, that's why it's a merge, so traffic coming from both north and east can get to the exit.
It's not a problem when there's little traffic around, those from the east are held at red whilst those form the north whizz by. In peak hours, traffic from the east goes through their light and then often has to queue on the roundabout. Shouldn't be a problem in the peak either, if people knew what merge in turn meant. It was my turn, I merged. The car behind me zipped in behind Cuddles, but I didn't see the car behind Cuddles rocking in rage. Cuddles, however, took it as a personal insult. I merge at the same place in the same way almost every morning, and it's usually fine. I always allow the merge in front of me too if I'm on the other side of it.
>> I reached the M-I-T point just ahead of Cuddles, so no, she wasn't in 'prime' position.
Well she was IMO, because she was on the LH side - yoos was the interloper :o)
As I say vić, I would have let you in if it were me in the Beemer, unless you looked like a foreigner - like I do once currant bun has got its hat on.
>> Well she was IMO, because she was on the LH side - yoos was the
>> interloper :o)
Merge in turn does not imply priority to traffic in the left lane. It explains that priority is with the most advanced vehicle at the M-I-T point, whichever lane they are in. It's a zip, like the one you would have on your trousers if you weren't living in Cornwall and therefore using a bit of string to keep your sacks up. ;-)
>> As I say vić, I would have let you in if it were me in
>> the Beemer, unless you looked like a foreigner - like I do once currant bun
>> has got its hat on.
And there's the thing - my situation today was nothing like shown in the Google image - there's no way I'd have tried to get in front of that Beemer, he has priority as he would be the most advanced at the M-I-T point.
Manatee got it.
>>It's a zip, like the one you would have on your trousers if you weren't living in Cornwall and therefore using a bit of string to keep your sacks up. ;-)
Haha! - you're not too far wrong on that ass-umption actually. My friend Lauri the leather craftsman perfected that 'image' over the years. Funny thing was though, he used to make belts geddit :o) .. all part of 'the image' you see.
"Don't sack I master, just give I a good talking to".
Last edited by: Dog on Fri 13 May 16 at 16:24
>>It's a zip, like the one you would have on your trousers...
...and, to pursue the analogy, best not to be a dick and get stuck in it.
I can't approach the exit in the left lane, coming from the direction I did...
Can't you? Both left lanes on the northerly approach and on the roundabout itself are marked A327, and I managed to track a perfectly safe and legal path to the A327 exit without leaving the left lane. On the other hand, since the are two A327 lanes into the southern exit and only one away from it, clearly merging is required, and the Merge In Turn sign puts this beyond doubt.
But it doesn't tell you how you should merge. The arrow on the road means 'your lane is ending, merge left' but does not confer right of way to do so. The board invites each driver on the left to make way for one driver from the right but I don't think it carries the force of the Highway Code (where I've just looked and can't find it.) Rule 134 'recommends' merging in turn but doesn't use the crucial word 'must' to insist on it.
On reflection, then, Vić was right to take the path he did but wrong to expect Cuddles to make room for him just because he was there. Cuddles, of course, should have noticed and observed the Merge In Turn sign, and was entirely unjustified in her histrionic overreaction.
>> I can't approach the exit in the left lane, coming from the direction I did...
>> Can't you?
No, not when it's full of queuing, stationary traffic, as I have pointed out several times was the case in this tale.
>> On reflection, then, Vić was right to take the path he did but wrong to
>> expect Cuddles to make room for him just because he was there. Cuddles, of course,
>> should have noticed and observed the Merge In Turn sign, and was entirely unjustified in
>> her histrionic overreaction.
I'm struggling with this. I wasn't 'just there', I was there, alongside and slightly in front. At a merge in turn I would expect the person I'm alongside but just in front of to give way. That's the definition of merge in turn, it's how they work.
If Cuddles was unobservant, in what was way I in the wrong? If I'd stopped and let the left lane run, at what point would it become my 'turn'?
Last edited by: Alanović on Fri 13 May 16 at 15:58
Oh how you southerners agonise about protocols, you were a bloke, in a big car, of course you had priority.
Or is that just big German cars, I'm never quite sure?
White vans trump German cars. :-)
Only if they have the dash top decorated with empty McDonalds packaging and out of date tabloid newspapers.
Vans with clean dash tops have been hired by people who don't really understand the rules.
And old Defenders trump white vans.... When I had mine a few years ago instances of being cut up in Keighley & Bradford virtually ceased. Must admit, I descended to their level many times and they always backed off in their shiny new white cars.
Last edited by: legacylad on Fri 13 May 16 at 19:56
I used to use that route every evening during rush hour (Shinfield Road, over M4 and then down Brookers Hill). Unless traffic was queueing down Lower Earley Way (B3270) and blocking the roundabout I always approached in the LH lane. It was just easier on the blood pressure even if it did take a minute or two longer.
If I did use the centre lane and needed to merge I stopped just after the first arrow vić and waited for someone to let me in. Trying to merge later than that when you're almost door handle to door handle just made folks more aggressive.
I once saw two idiots drive over the bridge side-by-side because neither of them would give way.
Ah-ha - a racist roundabout :-)
>> Ah-ha - a racist roundabout :-)
In your dreams Ruggiero... cut across the brown and black lanes to the white one, eh?
Cyclist today. Riding at a fair lick along a one-way street. Go on, have a guess - going the right way or the wrong way?
Southampton Street, Reading.
Idiotic indeed on a pretty busy urban thoroughfare. And unlike quite a few in London there's no cycle contraflow.
>>Cyclist today. Riding at a fair lick along a one-way street. Go on, have a guess - going the right way or the wrong way?
Duh! .. he was only going one way!
Очень хорошо, ГоÑподин Собака.
I'm surprised we don't get that more often from south of the equator.
you're not one of them there Russian professional hoodlums are you? :-)
If I am they're not paying me nearly enough.
Dynnargh dhis. Leun a sylli yw ow skath bargesi.
Good one that Vić, had me going there for a minute or two. Eels are about the only thing caught in the Celtic sea by the Cornish these days, thanks to the EU.
Oh, give over. That's English, by the way.
Have you given up on using the Saab and Mazda6 and now use a hovercraft by any chance?
Моё Ñудно на воздушной подушке полно угрей
Operation Steerside, a police crackdown on dangerous driving in Bradford, began on Feb 1st, and has now been extended to outlying areas. To date, only 21 cars have been seized. Driving in Bradford & Keighley continues to be a lottery... You only have to read the local rag, the Telegraph & Argus, online to see the regularly occurring major traffic incidents. Plenty of webcam footage shows the nutters at play.
This afternoon on the Bingley bypass, a 50 limit, I was pootling along at an indicated 60 when two black Golfs hurtled past, metres apart. Obviously having a race as I estimated their speed at 110-120. The police might well get the reg number, but finding the driver is a different matter. They just get passed around friends, either free of charge or rented out by the hour. If they have an accident the registered owner/renter will just say it had been stolen in the past hour unbeknown to him.
I'm so glad I no longer have to commute to that part of the world
Happened to be travelling towards Skipton, and just got past Toller Lane, into a 30 limit downhill near to a well known card mfr. Hatchback overtook through the camera section as if it didn't apply. Stick-on plates. Someone else would have to remedy the dung fling
if the cameras were working.
Norton, my first house was within half a mile of there. I know all that area like the back of my hand.
I was born in that part of the world, moved to Bingley aged 14, returned aged 21 because houses were cheap there.
Onwards and north westwards ( ish).
Delayed until early July, although I shall be in tenner iffy within 36 hours
...Focus mpg readout hovering around 60 still, although the novelty of having a lack of overtaking power is beginning to wear off.
It'll make you a better person. Who needs colonic irrigation when you can get much the same result by attempting a tight overtake with a weedy engine...
I prefer to err on the side of caution. I can overtake horse riders, prams and the odd Jazz. Lycrists present a much greater challenge. Even my old Mum wonders what the chuff is going on... The last time she went that slow was in my Mini Clubman and at her age doesn't understand the concept of being stuck behind mimsers.
Last edited by: legacylad on Tue 14 Jun 16 at 22:52
Born BRI, lived on Toller Lane and nearby until we went to Germany, and various other places, at age 5 onwards. First school Green Lane. About 12 different schools after that, not including further and higher education. One aunt stayed in Bradford all her life, two travelled the world. Blacklisted by mills.
With only one exception, everyone I know has left Bradford, and even he has a second home in Settle! My 98 yo Aunt remains in Nab Wood, albeit currently in a Nursing Home in Cottingley. Wheel chaired her out to the car today for a spin out to Ilkley Moor ( ice cream at Cow & Calf rocks) then on to Bolton Abbey for a cream tea at a nice cafe in the village ( lovely views over the Abbey and river Wharfe).
My 88yo mother appreciates the rear doors on my new wheels!
My first school was Lilycroft Nursery, then Infants, then Junior before several awful years at BGS.
Don't bother returning Norton. That whole area is a s*** tip
BGS was my Dad's school. Lovely surroundings to Bradford, but always had a degree of angst when visiting the area latterly. Very unpredictable driving!
>> pootling along at an indicated 60 when two black Golfs hurtled past, metres apart. Obviously having a race as I estimated their speed at 110-120.
They can get a move on those black Golfs, can't they.
>>Моё Ñудно на воздушной подушке полно угрей
Took me a while, but I got there in the end:
Same road today, but three hours later. 50 limit. I'm pootling at 60 in lane 1 when I see lights in distance approaching very fast. And I mean really really fast. Shortly afterwards overtaken by blue Focus ST, and tied to his rear bumper by a bungee cord was a red S3. Probable speed between 120/140.
That's Keighley for you....
Last edited by: legacylad on Wed 15 Jun 16 at 22:05
Glad you corrected that, although I did rather enjoy the mental image of a Bradfordian toad in a hot hatch. T'rivit lad perhaps...
Edit - occurs to me now that anyone reading this now won't have the faintest idea what I'm talking about. Sorry to anyone concerned, it wasn't important...
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Wed 15 Jun 16 at 22:11
Police out in force this morning outside the leisure centre on the A5103 into Manchester while I was in there swimming. I chatted with a couple who came in to use the coffee machine. These youngsters really couldn't believe me telling them about the ' old ' days, only 45 yrs ago' when bobbies used to walk around on their own with only a wooden club and a whistle !
Anyway, they weren't on the look out for speeders particularly but any iriot passing by. They said they'd just got one van driver shaving as he went past, plus a load of phone users. Black cabs seemed a popular tug. A slide back transporter was on the car park with it's bed already down ...waiting.
Couldn't have happened yesterday.....the car park was full of travellers and their caravans. Gone overnight thankfully ! I wonder where they've left their poo !
Further to my post of 15/06 above.... Same road closed and someone airlifted out following RTC involving red Audi S3 a few days ago. Driver arrested & bailed. Road closed and massive inconvenience for thousands, plus cost of air ambulance.
Doubtless the same nutter doing 130/140 who overtook me whilst tailgating Focus ST. Sometimes Darwinism doesn't work when you want it to.