Motoring Discussion > Message for gmac. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 2

 Message for gmac. - R.P.
I have a Californian based friend who has mailed me asking this.

I'm putting together a small list of people that live in Germany. My 20 year old son is a rabid soccer fan and also has been collecting Lego figures since he was in 1st grade. What's crazy is that some of those tiny Lego figures he has are worth big 6-7 hundred dollars. Anyway, his favorite soccer team..."Bayern Munich" is getting it's own Lego figures later this year. They are only going to be sold in you can see where this is going. They are going to be sold in individual figure per pack...and you won't be able to tell what's in the pack. I think they are 2.99 Euros per pack. So he's thinking about converting $250 bucks into Euros and having someone in Germany by them and send them over here. It's quite a bit to ask someone to do, so I'm trying to use my motorcycle connections to see if I can't help him out a bit.

Would you be able to help ?
 Message for gmac. - WillDeBeest
Reminds me of the Beanie Babies nonsense certain American contacts pestered me about, 20 years ago.
 Message for gmac. - Zero
I see an interesting ebay shop opportunity.
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