Motoring Discussion > I think she landed the first punch!? Legal Questions
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 15

 I think she landed the first punch!? - zippy


In the motoring section because it involves a parking dispute (please feel free to move as appropriate).

Woman punched to the floor with serious injuries but was it self-defence?

Over to the learned gentlefolk for their thoughts......
Last edited by: zippy on Fri 1 Apr 16 at 14:48
 I think she landed the first punch!? - sooty123
I doubt she broke her jaw more from the fall. I'm going to guess theres more to this than you can see in the video possibly a bit of previous? They all seemed to appear a bit too conveniently at the same time.
One thing that did make me laugh was when the old bloke nearly knocked himself out with 307s door.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Zero
Thats all very weird. Why was there a big chunk of the video cut out in the middle? She threw the first And that returning punch wasn't very hard, there was no backswing,follow through or shoulder behind it. Wouldn't have thought that was a jaw breaker.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Armel Coussine
Didn't look to me from the video as if the woman 'landed a punch' at all. She stuck her fist out and missed the guy by a foot or so.

I hope he's been busted. He deserves it.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - zippy
>>I hope he's been busted. He deserves it.

I don't know. If she threw the first punch, even if it didn't land, then he can legitimately claim self defence?
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Armel Coussine
>> he can legitimately claim self defence?

A woman failed to hit him and he broke her jaw. That isn't self-defence, it's mad brutality.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Dutchie
Coward low live thug in a track suit.Hope they find him soon piece of carbage.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - NortonES2
Eggshell rule. The victim may have osteoporosis. The yob has to take the consequences.

Last edited by: NortonES2 on Fri 1 Apr 16 at 20:01
 I think she landed the first punch!? - MD
The light grey hooded uniform says it all really.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Westpig
>> Thats all very weird. Why was there a big chunk of the video cut out
>> in the middle? She threw the first And that returning punch wasn't very hard, there
>> was no backswing,follow through or shoulder behind it. Wouldn't have thought that was a jaw
>> breaker.
Agreed, something wrong there.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Dog
>>that returning punch wasn't very hard, there
>> was no backswing,follow through or shoulder behind it. Wouldn't have thought that was a jaw breaker.

She had to have an operation in Queens Horsepiddle, Romford. Maybe it was for an ingrowing toenail or somethink.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Armel Coussine
>> Wouldn't have thought that was a jaw breaker.

The punch connected, her jaw was broken. Doesn't matter a damn what anyone 'thinks'.

I've hit and hurt women in my time, but it's a disgusting thing to do and I regret it enormously.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Armel Coussine

>> I've hit and hurt women in my time

not punched them though.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - No FM2R
Punching someone significantly less able than you in the face, whatever the circumstances, is unacceptable and cowardly behaviour. [Unless you truly need to protect yourself from harm].

Where that victim is a woman or child it is even more reprehensible.

The bloke is a scumbag. Little else to be said.

 I think she landed the first punch!? - R.P.
On the self-defence note he may struggle to prove a realistic threat, given the age disparity and the such like. My opinion for what it's worth ? He's a typical "can't tell me what to do" yob who needs a damn good hiding from someone bigger and harder.
 I think she landed the first punch!? - Crankcase
There's a reasonable chance that may lie on his horizon.
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