Motoring Discussion > Best or worst driver? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Pat Replies: 23

 Best or worst driver? - Pat
I can't believe no-one has linked to this today

Could it be because I'm in the top five:)

 Best or worst driver? - Duncan
Because you are less likely to have an accident doesn't mean that you are one of the 'best' drivers.

It means you are less likely to have an accident. Not necessarily the same thing at all.

'Roofers are the best', do me a favour!
 Best or worst driver? - Alanovich
This is simply down to everyone else getting out of the s0dd1ng way every time they see one of the drivers on the "best drivers" list.

Do me a favour.
 Best or worst driver? - WillDeBeest
This is the same Telegraph that gave us '...death rates increasing because of the ageing population', remember. Numerical reasoning isn't its strong suit.
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
That would be sour grapes then from those on here in the 10 worst drivers section:)

No sense of humour....don't you know women find it very attractive when a man can laugh at his own inabilities?

 Best or worst driver? - WillDeBeest
...or simply recognizing a heap of semi-numerate bollards designed to get an obscure insurer's name in a paper lazy enough to call that journalism. Makes the JD Power Survey look like a Cochrane Review.
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
Any excuse will do:)

What is your profession as a matter of interest WdeB?

 Best or worst driver? - Duncan

>> What is your profession as a matter of interest WdeB?

Are you implying that being a lorry driver is a profession?
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
It most certainly is Duncan and one I'm extremely proud of.

If you have any doubts just search this forum for the amount of times lorry drivers have been called professionals.......when they've done something wrong.

 Best or worst driver? - WillDeBeest
You might as well ask me my star sign for all the relevance it has to my driving prowess. I don't drive a white van; I do produce commercial models running to eight and sometimes nine digits, so you could say numbers matter to me. And like everyone else here, I'm only as good a driver as I show myself to be on the way home this evening.
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
Well fielded, but would have been better if you hadn't taken the bait in the first place!

 Best or worst driver? - sooty123
I do produce commercial models
>> running to eight and sometimes nine digits,

what's a commercial model? Yahoo wasn't helpful, unless you're actually a catwalk model.
 Best or worst driver? - WillDeBeest
Well, it doesn't score me many personality points at social occasions when the 'so what do you do?' question comes up; I'm too tall to be a fighter pilot, so I usually settle for 'lion tamer' or 'international jewel thief' instead.

I know quite a lot about Microsoft Excel. I'm especially fond of the SUMPRODUCT function. Get the idea?

Fortunately, I get to travel and help with selling the services packages I've modelled. That makes for some better conversations at parties - and makes a useful cover for the jewellery capers.
 Best or worst driver? - sooty123
I know quite a lot about Microsoft Excel. I'm especially fond of the SUMPRODUCT function.
>> Get the idea?

Honestly? I think I'm a bit more confused now.

yahoo suggests something to do with working out budgets?
Last edited by: sooty123 on Thu 31 Mar 16 at 17:43
 Best or worst driver? - Runfer D'Hills
I know quite a lot about Excel too. I know that there are now far too many people spending hours filling in those cursed little boxes when they could be doing something useful instead.

And I know that my data input is far more accurate in Excel if I stick the tip of my tongue out of the corner of my mouth while typing.
 Best or worst driver? - Mapmaker

Perfect. That's just the function I've been looking for, how useful, thank you.
 Best or worst driver? - Alanovich
Strangely enough, Pat, this never struck me as the kind of place a married man would visit in the hope of attracting illicit female attention. It certainly isn't my main driver, if you'll pardon the pun.

My "profession" is not on ze list.
 Best or worst driver? - WillDeBeest
I confess I missed the come-on too. You must be losing your touch, Pat.
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
>> You must be losing your touch, Pat<<

No, I've just managed to maintain my sense of humour!

 Best or worst driver? - Haywain
"....don't you know women find it very attractive when a man can laugh at his own inabilities?"

Ah - I wish you'd tell mrs H that!

 Best or worst driver? - Armel Coussine
>> This is the same Telegraph that gave us '...death rates increasing because of the ageing population', remember. Numerical reasoning isn't its strong suit.

Reasoning of any sort isn't its strong suit. It's a newspaper, produced for the irrational multitudes. The other mass media are as bad or worse.

Still OK in my book though. You have to know how to read a newspaper and what to take seriously in the electronic media... but you still get misled quite often. Keeps things interesting.
 Best or worst driver? - Zero
Now I am retired

1. Roofer

tick - thats me

2. Farm worker

tick - thats me

3. Builder

tick - thats me

4. Lorry driver

nope dont do that

5. Cleaner

tick - thats me

6. Carpet fitter

tick - thats me

7. Factory worker

nope - not yet did it in the past tho

8. Mechanic

tick - thats me

9. Butcher

tick - thats me

10. Painter and decorators

tick - thats me

That makes me a bucking ACE driver.
 Best or worst driver? - Pat
That just makes you a Jack of all trades.......Master of none!

 Best or worst driver? - Zero
>> That just makes you a Jack of all trades.......Master of none!
>> Pat

It makes me flexible, adaptable, no - lets not beat about the bush, Multi Talented.
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