Motoring Discussion > How To Overtake Lorries - Not! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fullchat Replies: 24

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Fullchat
Frustration got this driver :S
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - VxFan
It had the desired effect though.

i.e. it got the lorry driver back into the nearside lane so that others stuck behind his rolling road block could finally pass him.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - legacylad
Commendable use of the hard shoulder. Probably braked a little too hard in front of the HGV, and in all likelihood would have failed his IAM test.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - WillDeBeest
Four years ago!
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - VxFan
And only 53 views.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Westpig
I really cannot understand why the lorry in lane 1 couldn't have throttled off a tad and let the other one pass him.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Manatee
>> I really cannot understand why the lorry in lane 1 couldn't have throttled off a
>> tad and let the other one pass him.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - VxFan
>> I really cannot understand why the lorry in lane 1 couldn't have throttled off a
>> tad and let the other one pass him.

From discussing this with a lorry driver friend of mine a few years ago:-

"Lorries sit in their own little comfort zone. They'll sit happily at a certain speed all day, every day. Alter that speed and they'll take forever to get back up to that speed again, and in the meantime they'll run like a pig until they reach it again."

Things nowadays however may be different.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Dutchie
Silly manoeuvre by the car but why do lorries carry on like this? Forever to overtake each other is it just to pester other drivers?
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Shiny
Dirty protest at EU speed limits. They should be going 70 like they used to before the 1990's.
The class of road should dictate the speed limit, not the class of vehicle.
Last edited by: Shiny on Thu 31 Mar 16 at 13:24
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Pat
Only sensible comment yet Shiny.

Speed limiters are the work of the Devil.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - WillDeBeest
When has the speed limit for HGVs been higher than 60?
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - WillDeBeest
Besides - and I know this will sound catty - unless our Shiny has changed his ways as well as his name in the two years since this
I'd be disinclined to consider any of his views on road behaviour 'sensible'.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Slidingpillar
When has the speed limit for HGVs been higher than 60?

Didn't think it ever was. From 1934 to 1954, the speed limit on lorries was 20, and it was increased in dribs and drabs from 1954 on.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Pat
It hasn't but the speed limiter is set at a max 56MPH and very often down to 52MPH and there's the problem.

When the limit for us is 60MPH why should we be limited to less than that?

....and yes, it does sound catty, but that's nothing unusual for this place, is it?

I notice no-one seems to think the car driver was extremely lucky the lorry driver was on the ball with his reactions and he didn't get 44 tonnes of metal up his back bumper?

Proof, if ever it's needed, that lorry brakes have moved on since the lower speed limit of 60MPH on a motorway was set.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Westpig
>> I notice no-one seems to think the car driver was extremely lucky the lorry driver
>> was on the ball with his reactions and he didn't get 44 tonnes of metal
>> up his back bumper?

Oh, the car driver was a total tit...of the highest order.... and he drove dangerously. He was by some margin the worst driver there.

The bit I don't understand is why the lorry in lane 1 can't facilitate the lorry in lane 2 to get past. Then no one is held up, no one gets frustrated and everyone's happy..aren't they?
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Pat
Looking at it another way, why did the lorry driver in lane 2 bother pulling out to overtake when he'd been following but only gaining very slowly for miles and miles?

The reality is that if the driver in lane 1 does as you suggest, the lorry in Lane 2 will pull in and inevitably relax the pressure....just enough for him to be too close for comfort and then all you have is the view of the back of a lorry instead of a clear view of what's going on up the road ahead.

Not only that, as we're all sitting on the speed limiter, as soon as you ease off, even a half a click, it means there will me another, and another pull out to overtake and so it goes on.

Far more sensible if the driver in Lane 2 had been content to stay a half a MPH slower and follow with cruise on at a safe distance.

 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - WillDeBeest
Only sensible comment so far.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Westpig
>> Looking at it another way

Fair enough.

Ban the limiters.... or do we have to ask the EU?...;-)
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - VxFan
>> Four years ago!

According to another forum, it happened on Friday 18th March 2016. Time/stamp date of the dash cam was incorrect.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Runfer D'Hills
Out of curiousity Fullchat, had you been witness to that scenario in a professional capacity, would you have "spoken" to any of the participants, and if so, what would you have been inclined to say to them?
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Fullchat
We've all been stuck behind lorry number 2 and know how immensely frustrating that can be. However clear case of dangerous driving on behalf of car driver. If driver had just run up the hard shoulder ( an offence in itself) and cleared off I might have been a little more understanding - but not much.

I have gleaned a little more info but cannot discuss on open forum as there may well be proceedings.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - Westpig
>> I have gleaned a little more info but cannot discuss on open forum as there
>> may well be proceedings.
Do keep us posted when it's an appropriate time.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - VxFan
The Corolla's number plate is all over the media, and also on the original youtube clip. - Daily Wail

Also, a lorry driver on another forum that I look at has reported it to the police.
 How To Overtake Lorries - Not! - henry k
Is it going to be a case of " We cannot deduce who was driving the Corolla?"?
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