Motoring Discussion > Electric vehicles not so green... Buying / Selling
Thread Author: No FM2R Replies: 9

 Electric vehicles not so green... - No FM2R
 Electric vehicles not so green... - R.P.
Private Eye were going on about this 10 years ago !
 Electric vehicles not so green... - sooty123
I'm surprised the numbers are so close. I think a remember reading an article about some uni in Holland that did similar test it was about 1/3 of emissions compared to electric cars.
 Electric vehicles not so green... - Old Navy
Brilliant, someone with the guts to take on the greenwash bullshine spouters. All electric cars do is transfer their pollution to the power station. NIMBY pollution producers solution.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 17 Mar 16 at 20:25
 Electric vehicles not so green... - smokie
Although it tells us about generating electricity being less "competitive" as long as carbon is being used to make their electricity (who'd a thunk it!) , broadly the article seems to me to be promoting electric vehicles. The last two paras say

"To come back to our initial question though about whether electric cars should be incentivized or penalized, the view of most experts is that rewarding people for driving them is the correct approach. Not only are they more efficient now, in most cases, they should become even more so in the future.

“Electric vehicles are being promoted because of their long term potential,” says Prof Sperling. “The electricity system is going to decarbonize — almost every single country in the world has that as a policy and a strategy. So comparing it to what it is today it's really not the point.”
 Electric vehicles not so green... - PeterS
I was pondering this, as I used our plug-in hybrid for a 400 mile round trip yesterday/today, just to see what it was capable of.

I filled up before I left - 698 miles of local running around had used 26 litres, which is just under 122mpg I think... So at least the trip computer is pretty accurate. Though I probably used another 200kWh of electricity - so £20/20 litres worth maybe? I reckon equivalent to more like 69mpg in cost terms. Not sure emissions a diesel/petrol engine more or less efficient than the grid...?

I left for Derby fully charged, and ran it in 'hybrid auto' mode and did (just) manage the 414 mile round trip on one tank of petrol and a full charge...driving normally and keeping with the flow of traffic. Only switched to EV mode in the traffic jam on the M25, which used half the battery.

Trip computer reckoned 53.5 mpg, refilling took 36 litres for 414 miles so 52.2 mpg calculated. Pretty close!! Interestingly the car claims that 31% of the miles were 'emissions free'. Which is either driving on the electric motor only or coasting with the engine 'off' I think...
 Electric vehicles not so green... - legacylad
Sounds like a cracking car Peter.. Lovely build quality. With my low annual miles (and budget) i would get a 3/4 yo petrol, but unfortunately even with the rear seats folded it isn't large enough for all my gubbins.
 Electric vehicles not so green... - rtj70
I'll consider a plug-in hybrid next year when swapping cars. A lot of my mileage is local so could save. Also BIK to think of.

But it has to be the right car and the monthly rental not too high. I like my A3 saloon so an A3 e-tron might be an option. I don't need a car as big as the Passat GTE but that too will be a consideration when available.

Last 400+ round trip I did was a few weekends ago. In an Audi A3 1.4TFSI S-Tronic saloon. So comparable to your e-tron. It cost about 10p/mile. I did 437 miles before refilling and probably could have got at least another 30-40 miles out of the remaining fuel.
 Electric vehicles not so green... - PeterS
As a new buy, unless run as a company car, I don't see how it makes sense. New I'd buy the 1.4T COD, which was my original intention... But as a low mileage used car it's price competitive with a well specced petrol only car, if indeed such a well kitted out version existed... And bar the RS/S3 it's the highest powered A3 :)

Somewhat disappointingly for my partner, who the car was originally intended for, it's become my default choice... and as I'm out of house first every day... ;)
 Electric vehicles not so green... - rtj70
>> As a new buy, unless run as a company car

I'd not consider it unless it will save me money. Especially BIK. The monthly rental is likely to be higher but that is paid before tax. Paying BIK at say 7% can make the choice worthwhile. Last time I was choosing the plugin Prius was cheaper per month than the regular (cheaper) Prius when BIK was taken into account.
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