Motoring Discussion > Car rinse - no water marks left. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: henry k Replies: 30

 Car rinse - no water marks left. - henry k
For those that do not go to the local manual (Manuel? ) car wash but DIY especially those with black cars or OCD there maybe just the aid you need.
A water filter that is plugged in the hose when on the final rinse.
I assume it acts like the modern window cleaners kit that hides in the many such Transit vans that I see locally.
It is a 5KG / 50cm high canister that looks a bit like a fire extinguisher.
Just over £100 including p & p.
Throw that chamois leather away and save a lot of time ?
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - R.P.
From where ??
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - WillDeBeest
Just wash when it's raining.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Old Navy
You could move somewhere that has fresh unrecycled tap water or use bottled water to wash your car (and drink). :-)
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Dog
My water comes straight out of the ground (bore hole) I also use = no water marx-left.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - henry k
>> From where ??

No connection with the company. Details from an article in the Current Jaguar Enthusiasts Club magazine.
I have not used the device but am interested in it as a time saver.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Clk Sec
Drat. I have this very day bought a new chamois leather from Wilkinson's.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Runfer D'Hills
I like a chamois. Comforting. You can sort of stroke your car without looking weird.

 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Old Navy
You wear Lycra and are worried about looking wierd? :-)
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Runfer D'Hills
Never worn Lycra, real men don't, you're thinking of the likes of RO'R and his road bike compatriots, you know, the ones who cause problems...

 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Armel Coussine
Saw a cyclist today with a streak of mud up his back. He was wearing a rugger shirt though so must have known what to expect.

The bike, I noted, had a cute little cutaway rear mudguard narrower than the knobbly tyre... Why bother?, I wondered.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Robin O'Reliant
>> Never worn Lycra, real men don't, you're thinking of the likes of RO'R and his
>> road bike compatriots, you know, the ones who cause problems...
>> ;-)
Now I'm a trike man it's a deer stalker, tweed jacket, plus fours and a pipe.

One has to look the part, though I still need to find a suitable wax for the handlebar moustache.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - tyrednemotional
>> I like a chamois. Comforting. You can sort of stroke your car without looking weird.

...but only once or twice a year, apparently........

(and they are more exotic - and prettier - than sheep) ;-)
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Runfer D'Hills
Fetishes are kind of ok, provided you don't overdo it.

 Car rinse - no water marks left. - tyrednemotional
....yes; I understand there are those that "stroke" a car with the "chamois" so much that a whole door mirror gets worn away.........allegedly. ;-)
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Runfer D'Hills
I dont so much enjoy stroking her's as I do mine, if you see what I mean? Her car is lumpen and bloated to the touch, whereas mine is angular and solid feeling.

 Car rinse - no water marks left. - mikeyb
I remember having a similar product before from Flash, it was a cartridge type system you connected to the hose. Worked quite well but the cartridges dissapered from sale
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Robin O'Reliant
Soft water area here so no trouble with water marks. The downside is that hot water seems to cool quicker than in a hard water area so the last cup out of the pot is a bit tepid. I don't know if that is scientific fact or just my own perception.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - henry k
Google shows some cartridge type water filters of various makes
>>Worked quite well but the cartridges disappeared from sale
Yes always a risk with such products.
I am guessing that the magic contents are obtainable elsewhere ,Hoping that there is not some clever inner container.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Skip
>> I remember having a similar product before from Flash, it was a cartridge type system
>> you connected to the hose. Worked quite well but the cartridges dissapered from sale

What probably didn't help was that shortly after it was launched a lengthy hose pipe ban was introduced in large parts of the country which must have impacted on sales somewhat !
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Duncan
No thanks.

I find it is much less effort, and I get better results, if once a month, I go to those nice chaps at Esher Rugby Club and have eight quid's worth. Couple of times a time a year after grandchildren have been in the car, have fourteen quid's worth and have the inside done as well.

Eight quid for an LEC, what's not to like?
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - madf
Soft water and vinegar work wonders... the vinegar makes the dirt float away easier..
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Runfer D'Hills
Especially if the car has been chipped.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Stuartli
I either wash the car with wax free shampoo just before it rains and rinses it off or the local Jet Wash (£2 or £3 for an equally sparkling vehicle, including ultra clean alloys, depending on how dirty it is at first).
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Old Navy
>> I either wash the car with wax free shampoo just before it rains and rinses
>> it off or the local Jet Wash (£2 or £3 for an equally sparkling vehicle,
>> including ultra clean alloys, depending on how dirty it is at first).

You could keep (or put) a squirty bottle of alloy wheel cleaner in the boot. An application to each wheel at the jetwash, wait a minute or so, jetwash off for spotless wheels. I use my pressure washer.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Stuartli
>> I use my pressure washer.>>

But a jet wash is a (adjustable) pressure washer....:-)
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Stuartli
>>Soft water and vinegar work wonders... the vinegar makes the dirt float away easier..>>

Unfortunately hard water in my area. But, on the other hand, much more satisfying to drink than soft water....
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - madf
>> >>Soft water and vinegar work wonders... the vinegar makes the dirt float away easier..>>
>> Unfortunately hard water in my area. But, on the other hand, much more satisfying to
>> drink than soft water....

I don't drink water unless it has quinine in it. And CO2...and ice and gin and lime.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - Old Navy
Neat water makes your insides go rusty. Have you seen what it did to BMC / BL products.
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - bathtub tom
You know what fish do in water...............................
 Car rinse - no water marks left. - madf
>> You know what fish do in water...............................

Copulate and spawn.
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