Nice one!
21 yr old used late Gran's BB and was caught £750 fine £360 costs
I expect more will be caught now that the police have access to the relevant database.
My 88 yo mum really needs one but doesn't want to 'deprive a really needy person'. WTF
My 98 yo Aunt has one and when I take her on fortnightly shopping trips I struggle to find BB spaces in the Asda. Often whilst stood outside waiting for her ( she is very independent and uses the trolley like a zimmer) I see scroats pull into BB bays, go to the cash point, then hop back into their cars.
Makes my blood boil and I would dearly like to smash their legs with a baseball bat.
Of course it is infuriating when these t***s just use spaces aimed at disabled, mothers with young children or whatever. Really annoying.
But more than being annoyed, I don;t really understand.
What sort of people are these who care so little about others? Obviously at 2.00am there's no reason not to park anywhere, but in normal hours why do others matter so little to them?
I would not dream of parking in a BB space. Or in a pregnant / young mothers / etc. etc. space. Why would I?
I truly despair.
I have a BB. It jerks me off when I see 50% of the places at supermarkets occupied by non-displayers.
If, for some reason, I have left the badge at home, I wouldn't dream of using a BB bay and park in a normal bay nearby, if there is one.
>>If, for some reason, I have left the badge at home, I wouldn't dream of using a BB bay and park in a normal bay nearby, if there is one.
Doesn't that suggest you don't really need one in the first place?
"Doesn't that suggest you don't really need one in the first place?"
I must admit, that thought had struck me.
My old man (90) has a badge because he is completely unable to support himself on his legs. He is not able to drive himself, but the disabled bay is mainly to allow sufficient room at the side of the car to enable us to get him out and onto his scooter. Distance isn't the main issue for him once he's on the said scooter.
>> "Doesn't that suggest you don't really need one in the first place?"
>> I must admit, that thought had struck me.
I shouldn't really have to explain my use of my badges on here but distance isn't my main problem either. I do need the extra width that the doors can be opened. I also have balance problems after the open heart surgery and easily trip and fall. The further I have to walk...the more risk of a fall. I try to park as close to the shop entrance as I can and preferably where no-one will park next to my driver's door. For any further information please refer to the DWP, who's doctors awarded me the DLA...which leads to an automatic badge.
I thank you for your concern.
>>I shouldn't really have to explain my use of my badges on here
You opened the door, as the lawyers say !
Did you fill in a form DIZ1 for your tendency to fall due to dizziness?
Last edited by: Lygonos on Sun 28 Feb 16 at 21:09
Dizziness is one thing, balance is quite another. I have zero sense of balance from my ears, but that has no effect driving a car, or a three wheeler. Indeed, if balance was to ever matter here, you have far bigger problems.
In the normal interpretation of dizziness, I am incapable of even feeling dizzy since it is usually caused by the signals from the inner ear not matching the other two senses used for balance.
So maybe, Teds imbalance is nothing to do with dizziness.
Pal of mine has the balance thing. His vestibular system is kaput. He's fine driving, although he prefers not to at night because the dynamic range of the Mk1 eyeball can't cope with it as well as one ages, as a few here will know.
He's OK walking in daylight, but in darkness he is apt to lose balance. He says there are three legs to balance, the vestibular system, visual references, and the weight on your pins. Take away one and you can manage. Tale away two and you fall over.
I asked him a while back how his dizziness was, and he very pointedly told me he does not suffer from it!
>>Dizziness is one thing, balance is quite another
You tell the DVLA that.
Or your insurer.
"Ok, Mr Ted, so you've got a Blue Badge in part because you are prone to becoming unbalanced and falling over with little warning. When were you planning to disclose this to us?"
Last edited by: Lygonos on Mon 29 Feb 16 at 00:12
>> Teds imbalance is nothing to do with dizziness.
Correct. He just can't handle his drink ;)
no offence intended Ted, btw - hence the smiley
Oi! Wot's with the small font!
>> Oi! Wot's with the small font!
Have you reported your vision impairment to the DVLA? ;)
>> Did you fill in a form DIZ1 for your tendency to fall due to dizziness?
It's unrealistic to expect him to dob himself in.... that's the job of his doctor....;-)
Just being Devil's Advocate (for a change...) obviously.
For regular car licences the DVLA accepts quite a large level of disability (other than eyesight problems) and would be very unlikely to consider revoking a licence for someone who is prone to falling due to 'clumsiness' or a limited coordination issue perhaps as a result of an old stroke/event while on an operating table.
You have to be pretty FUBAR'd or at risk of sudden disabling attacks for the DVLA to remove a licence.
As some of these events have a natural history of getting slowly worse over years/decades, they might consider renewing the licence annually rather than every 3 years tho.
I don't want to know Ted's medical history but there is a (strong) argument that one should err on the side of disclosing too much than too little.
For HGV/Bus drivers the guidelines are far stricter.
"As some of these events have a natural history of getting slowly worse"
A couple of dear friends are going through the stages of Parkinson's and, quite honestly, I don't think either of them should still be driving. At least, I am able to help the one who lives locally by always offering to call round for him if I'm going to football or jazz club.
Knowing when to call it a day for driving can be as difficult as knowing when to sell your shares; nobody rings a bell and says 'do it now'.
"the stages of Parkinson's"
It's a truly awful illness, absolutely shocking. It happened to my best mate. He started bumbling in a Yorkshire accent, ripping off pensioners by offering them a biro.
>> It happened to my best mate. He started bumbling in a Yorkshire accent, ripping off pensioners by offering them a biro.
Are you saying that he was trying to raise money for Parkinson's UK by selling pens with their logo on?
>> Close, but no cigar...
Now, I understand BBD's reputation. I'll avoid in future.
>> What sort of people are these who care so little about others?
Ordinary humans I fear. The kind who will elbow others out of the way in a fight to get Sales bargains, or loot homes wrecked after a flood etc.
>> What sort of people are these who care so little about others?
We are fortunate enough to live on a mini nature reserve. There is regularly dog poo less than ten feet from the dog poo bin.
I'm beginning to think its beyond selfish, to actively hating those around them.
I have mentioned on here before that in the USA there is a $50 fine for parking in disabled spaces and a fellow forum member pointed out that in some areas over there it can be $500, even if the spaces are on private property!
I know the supermarkets won't do anything about it because they don't want to upset customers and a mischievous streak in me suggests I should buy up a job lot of surplus wheel clamps and clamp cars parked in the wrong space and just leave . No contact details, keys or anything and just watch the chaos unfold as half a dozen cars are stuck for the day!
(This attitude comes from a time when I had a starter home years ago with an allocated parking space - that I owned - and constantly found someone else parking in it and no other spaces available.)
Last edited by: zippy on Sat 27 Feb 16 at 12:19
>>a mischievous streak in me suggests I should buy up a job lot of surplus wheel clamps and clamp cars parked in the wrong space and just leave
The expanding foam builders use, squirted up the exhaust, would be cheaper.
>>The expanding foam builders use, squirted up the exhaust, would be cheaper
A potato will achieve the same result, and is cheaper still.
>> A potato will achieve the same result, and is cheaper still.
Yes, if you can't prise it out you have to ram it up into the first silencer box, OK if the tailpipe is straight but otherwise a bit of a pain.
I'm a bit shocked by people here talking insouciantly of sabotaging people's jalopies. Seems mean and evil to me. Could they be AA/local garae fifth columnists? I think we should be told.
>>I'm a bit shocked by people here talking insouciantly of sabotaging people's jalopies
1. AC, with all your worldly experiences, I truly doubt much here really shocks you!
2. A daydream of sweet revenge is just that. I would never do anything like that in reality, it's just a flight of fancy really.
There is regularly dog poo less than ten feet from the dog poo bin.
To be fair, some of those bins are on really tall poles. It would take something of wolfhound / great dane stature to have a chance.
"really tall poles"
Married one too.
The sort of people who dump litter everywhere or don't stop to help out when there is a accident.
I come across it regulary Diana is disabled and the space does help us.I have a word sometimes when I think there is a fiddle going on.The worst abuse are from young females e***** and blinding and mind your own business.
"Diana is disabled"
Is she? Really? Jeez, that's the last time I'll ever read the Daily Express.
This bird got everything she deserved. Using a BB allocated to a living person, in their absence, is bad enough, but to carry on using one for over a year after her gran died is simply cynical fraud.
I don't begrudge BB users myself; there may well come a time, in less years than I care to count, that I will be grateful to avail myself of the facility. For that reason I take a dim view of the privilege being abused, as I consider that if such abuse becomes widespread it will end up undoing all the good that the scheme provides.
Much of said abuse is down to ignorance, complacency and lack of basic understanding as to how the scheme works. Too many users seem to think that a BB is a licence to park wherever the hell they like regardless of whether or not they impede other road users. This tends to include on-street loading bays which irks me intensely; after all they'd be quick enough to kick up hell if I parked in a disabled bay to unload. The other is a tendency to park on the corner of a junction, which as far as I'm aware is illegal regardless of whether a BB is displayed or not.
The worst offenders are not usually the disabled themselves, but more often those who have a BB for a disabled passenger; which brings me to another point. Far too often I see such people dumping the car on a double yellow, leaving Granny sitting in the car and "just nipping to the bank" which usually takes about half an hour and involves visitng half the shops on the street. This is abusing the system and the authorities need to clamp down on it.
I agree Harley. I often take my 98 yo Aunt to a Toby carvery prior to the Asda action, and their 'disabled' bays are too far from the entrance for her to walk. I therefore park directly outside the front door, unload her, seat her, then park as far as possible from the front door.
She cannot understand why I don't park in a disabled bay.
What penalties can supermarkets impose on those who abuse BB parking bays? Nothing ever seems to happen at my local Asda... Out of a dozen bays at least one or two are always occupied with vehicles not displaying a BB.
Think I shall ask on my next visit. Being West Yorks the cars abusing the system are probably on either false or cloned plates anyway.
What penalties can supermarkets impose on those who abuse BB parking bays?
You need to ask? Very little, unless... They post obvious signs about their charges to non-blue badge holders and go through the rigmarole of enforcement.
Page after page of "I parked on private land, ignored the obvious signs about charges and 'they' have the cheek to charge me" on various fora.
Yes I do have a blue badge, but have never done the park on double yellows bit.
>> Yes I do have a blue badge, but have never done the park on double
>> yellows bit.
To expand on my theme a little SP; I don't have a problem with that so long as the vehicle is not deliberately parked in such a way as to impede traffic flow or obstruct others, and it's the driver who's disabled. I'm the first to concede that for such folk there is little option on occasion.
To expand on my theme a little SP; I don't have a problem with that so long as the vehicle is not deliberately parked in such a way as to impede traffic flow or obstruct others, and it's the driver who's disabled. I'm the first to concede that for such folk there is little option on occasion.
The parking on double yellows with a blue badge is supposed to be done sympathetically to traffic flows. Not everybody parks with that in mind though, and in theory at least, a blocking blue badge holders car could wind up in the pound the same as anyone else who tried to park there.
On a slightly different tangent..... I once had occasion to visit my local Tesco around midnight (think I'd run out of milk) and left my car in one of the "parent and child" bays.
Returned to car to be tutted at by a passing fat bird for my thoughtlessness.
Sharp reply from me along the lines that any parent who took their kids shopping at that time of night deserved a kick in the posterior enflounced her completely.
What is it with these child parking bays?
When our kids where small I carried them anywhere no child parking bays then.
>>When our kids where small I carried them anywhere no child parking bays then.
ditto my ole mum with her 6 kids, lived on 5th floor of council block with no lift, my ole dad (dead at 54)
didn't have a car either - kids today don't know they're born :)
We know, none of these nanny-state child seats either. Never did them any harm.
>> We know, none of these nanny-state child seats either. Never did them any harm.
My father put several chairs in the back of a transit that weren't even bolted down.
I can understand the drivers in these Police, Camera, Action type programmes when they pull a newly arrived East European over - and the driver is completely unaware of child seat laws.
>> I can understand the drivers in these Police, Camera, Action type programmes when they pull
>> a newly arrived East European over - and the driver is completely unaware of child
>> seat laws.
Unfortunately, as the oft-heard mantra goes, ignorance of the law is not an excuse for non-compliance. Nor should it be.
>> ... I therefore park directly outside the front door, unload her, seat her,
>> then park as far as possible from the front door.
>> She cannot understand why I don't park in a disabled bay.
I have the same with my mother. It creates a dilemma for me if she's having a bad day, and doesn't want to be on her feet for long (eg. at the supermarket) - I'd feel a fraud parking in a disabled bay and running back to her!
Sometimes when people are really bad on their feet and are getting older I can understand parking in a disabled bay.I don't think you are a fraud Tigger no situation is black and white.
People have to give a bit of leeway to each other.After my big op.I could barely walk for months.
I requested a temporary badge but that is not allowed in the system.I was also a carer for my wife which didn't work out very well.
Whilst at Asda today I asked the 'parking enforcer' if any tickets handed out for abusing disabled bays were enforceable. He replied in the affirmative, said it was a £70 fine, but many that abused the system were on false plates.
He was monitoring a taxi that had parked in the child bays...waiting to see if a child Was a passenger. When I came out a car pulled into a disabled bay, containing four youths. The driver ran inside and came back with fags, occupant 2 went to the cash point, occupants 3 & 4 gave me a mouthful of abuse when I knocked on the window and asked if they had a Blue Badge.
Typical Keighley.
No sign of the enforcer when you need him...the machine that issues tickets has a camera so that is proof in itself he said, if they scarper before he has time to affix it.
Then the 97yo lost her engagement ring so I had to return and trawl the aisles for an hour on a fruitless search. Pawn shops tomorrow...she is really upset.