Motoring Discussion > Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 12

 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - VxFan
Another stars car is up for sale, at £150,000. He originally paid £4500 for it.

Morecambe purchased the Jensen Interceptor in 1968 and kept it in a garage at his home. It was eventually sold to an auction house in 2014. It has now been extensively restored.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 23 Feb 16 at 13:17
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Robin O'Reliant
I had a chance to buy an Interceptor for 1400 quid back in the late seventies. I always regretted not going for it and paying more or less the same for a Capri instead.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Fenlander
Have a look through some of the "restoration" images in the gallery.

I realised to my horror many of them were after pics where lots of parts were just coated with gloopy underseal or gungy black paint.

I once had to help a friend re-restore many elements of a superb looking 60s Jaguar that had suffered much of the same during a £30k restoration.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - commerdriver
If it didn't go back to bare metal, preferably all over, it hasn't really been restored.
I have photographs of virtually every stage of the restoration of the Commer
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Zero
Looks like a cut and shut to me
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Ted

There was a yellow one parked up on a small piece of land at the side of an end terrace in the village here for years.

Scabby and rotting into the ground, this was a very special was a Ferguson Formula FWD. It's reg no. was FF and one digit....can't remember. FF2 or FF8 vaguely comes to mind !

It disappeared in due course. I wouldn't have minded the number...I could have flogged it to the Flying Ferret !
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Fenlander
And the Jensen that's been abandoned most of my adult life in front of a cottage Lutterworth Rd, Walcote. Initially parked in the late 80s and more recently sheeted.

 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - spamcan61
The garage in Burley had one for sale around 5 years back, think they wanted 12K for it. I did have a little tyre kicking session, salesman tried to persuade me it was an investment. Given there was a list of stuff the previous owner had had replaced/fixed in the windscreen, which totalled 16k+, I was not at all convinced by the investment angle.

A very pretty car though, sounded nice too.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - MD
I doubt that's an Interceptor. The front doesn't look right.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Fenlander
MD if you mean the one I've linked to on Google here it is a few years back before the cover went on...

Been driving that route several times a year all my adult life until a couple of years back so not sure if it's still about but have watched it crumble from a useable car some 30+yrs ago to how it is in that image and most recently rough sheeted.

Countless times folks have stopped and asked if the guy would sell and he's always named a price many times its worth.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - MD
Apologies. For some unknown reason I had the car back to front. Comes from my unfailing habit of reversing in and driving out regardless of where I am.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - Fenlander
No problem MD it's just as late teens, free and single young adults then as an ever more settled couple through to near retirement we've watched that car rust and collapse wondering at each passing what on earth was in the owner's mind.
 Jensen - Eric Morecambe's Interceptor for sale - MD
>>Looks like a cut and shut to me.

Many years ago......."Her indoors" company........after a few glasses of wine..........the subject as described by Zeddo raised its head. She confidently mentioned that she knew someone that had been taken in by such sharp practice.

Unfortunately her "Cut and Shut" had the addition of an unfortunate "n". She blamed the wine. Hilarious........poor Gal. O:-)
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