Motoring Discussion > Referendum 2016: makers and voters Miscellaneous
Thread Author: WillDeBeest Replies: 17

 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - WillDeBeest
OK, time for a bit of broad-brush stereotyping fun. Can you look at a car and know which way its driver is likely to vote?

Volvo, Saab; in, obviously. Chosen by intelligent people who can see beyond the end of their own nose and don't need a journalist to tell them what to think.
Jaguar: out. Trapped in the past and clinging to the idea that Britain could be great again if only it weren't for those dastardly foreigners. (And not thinking too hard about it being owned by Indians.)
Ford (large): in Probably a company car and no sane business person is going to throw away access to a market that big.
Kia: out. Probably retired and living on a guaranteed income. Will do what the Daily Mail recommends.
Renault: in. Terrified at the prospect of import duty on all those replacement electrical parts.
Renault Zoe: who knows? Last seen waiting for a vacant charging space somewhere near Cambridge.

Any more?
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - commerdriver
>> OK, time for a bit of broad-brush stereotyping fun. Can you look at a car
>> and know which way its driver is likely to vote?
VW - in - these nice Germans wouldn't lie to us, would they ?
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Alanovich
Mercedes: In, so long as slip on shoes remain at the same price.

BMW: Out. Of my way, inferior being.

Audi: Out. Of my way, inferior being.

Chrysler: Hic. What was the Question? Where are my keys? You're my best mate.
Last edited by: Alanović on Tue 23 Feb 16 at 11:45
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Zero

>> Any more?

Mercedes. IN - Not particularly an "in" person, but we know that any OUT person thinks the EU is a German plot to rule the world, so wont be buying a merc will they.
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - WillDeBeest
Forgot to include

Opel: in. Must be pro-EU; they went to the trouble of bringing it back from Belgium rather than buying a Vauxhall in Rip-Off Britain.
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Old Navy
>> the EU is a German plot to rule the world

Don't exaggerate, only Europe, not the world, (yet). :-)
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Boxsterboy
Subaru Forester. Out. They like to do things differently, a bit left-field and a bit extrovert. I mean who else has a boxer engine and 4x4?? Often owned by landed gentry now fallen on hard times but who think the British Empire still exists and can't be doing with foreign rules!
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Dog
Perodua Kenari. IN ... the cuckoo's nest.
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Ambo
>> the EU is a German plot to rule the world

It was originally a German plot to regain respectability after WWII; as well as a French plot to avoid another thrashing by Germany, after 1870, 1814-18 and 1939-45.

 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Ambo
Make that 1914-18. Should have gone to Specsavers, after my contretemps with a speed camera this morning.
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - WillDeBeest
And which side was France on in 1918?
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Bobby
Honda drivers - buy Japanese made in Swindon (I think) so really don't care either way!
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Runfer D'Hills
What country of origin are the cushions on the parcel shelf Bobby?

 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - WillDeBeest
No such questions about the Harris tweed trilby - although Scotland has a strong Stay majority, so perhaps that settles it for the Civic.
Last edited by: WillDeBeest on Fri 26 Feb 16 at 15:43
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Bobby
Nae cushions - I have my 1987 Goodmans shelf speakers from Argos sitting proudly on them :)
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Cliff Pope
>> Make that 1914-18.

1815 is quite correct. France was thrashed by Blucher (Prussian) with a bit of help from Wellington. :)
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Mapmaker
& which side was France on in 1940?
 Referendum 2016: makers and voters - Alastairw
Depends which bit of France you were in :)
Last edited by: Alastairw on Fri 26 Feb 16 at 18:57
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