Motoring Discussion > Canal rescue in Amsterdam Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Westpig Replies: 8

 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Westpig

She is lucky 4 bystanders dived in.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Dutchie
The women and child would have drowned.Great story four top men.

They struggled to break the window a brick was used.Diving in with a brick in your hand and swim as quick as you can to save people.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - MD
Great guys.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - The Melting Snowman
A happy ending, just like The Cow That Fell in the Canal.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Ambo
A wonderful response from swimmers and onshore rescuers.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Dutchie
I haven't travelled to Amsterdam for years.Never parked next to a canal.Maybe a good idea by the Amsterdam council to put barriers up to stop this ever happening again.

Some years ago near the docks in Hull a car carried on skidding on the ice straight in the dock

They all got out but very cold.
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Westpig
>> They all got out but very cold.
Sadly, these chaps didn't.
 Swedish accident - Westpig

More here
 Canal rescue in Amsterdam - Old Navy
>> Sadly, these chaps didn't.

The 80ft drop would have made it a recovery rather than a rescue.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Sun 14 Feb 16 at 20:52
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