Motoring Discussion > Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? Tax / Insurance / Warranties
Thread Author: Jacks Replies: 19

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Jacks
Hi, We purchased a new car (due to collect it today) last Friday, I called the insurer on that day and arranged to start the new insurance from yesterday, as the old car was being used until yesterday.
The new car is insured .I have the documents and have checked the insurance company online portal and it's all correct.
Obviously I need to tax the new car from today as it's currently sitting untaxed at the car dealer's lot.
Unsurprisingly and very annoyingly the MID is showing the old car as still insured (it isn't) and the new car as uninsured (it is). So I can't tax it.
I called the insurer and they said nothing to do with us, we've done our bit and sent the info but the database can take time to update....................if you want to tax the car call the DVLA, I've done that on the number they gave but of course it's an automated service that requires the car to be taxed and MOT on the appropriated database.

So I'm stumped.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - tyrednemotional
Quite a few (bigger) dealers can tax for you (online) if they have sight of the insurance docs and MOT, but, if you're chasing this yourself, I'm assuming that isn't an option?

...have you got the V5C/2 new owner supplement for the new vehicle?

If, as you say you have the insurance documents, then the combination of the two should allow you to tax the vehicle at a (Vehicle Tax issuing) Post Office.

They may need sight of any MOT certificate as well (I'm not sure whether they've as yet gone online for this) but presumably this could be obtained from the dealer, then nip to the nearest vehicle tax PO.

Edit to add:

PO check insurance online, I think, so just check in advance whether they will act still on sight of paper documents (they do in NI, where online checking isn't available).

Last edited by: tyrednemotional on Fri 12 Feb 16 at 08:51
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Mike H
My sister bought a new car last week. She insured it on the Friday, and collected it on the Saturday. The dealer, large Toyota/Nissan dealership, taxed it while she waited and she was able to drive it away. This was near Portsmouth. So it shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know whether smaller dealers have the same facilities.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - tyrednemotional
...having missed the edit, I can find a (2013) consultation document that proposes removing the insurance check for taxing vehicles now the requirement for continuous insurance is in force (apparently 600,000 applications per year were/are failing for the reasons in the OP).

I'm not sure whether this has been enacted or not (I'd probably test it by trying to tax online via the V5C/2 reference number).

What is interesting, however is that the said consultation document describes the only route for rapid resolution for the 600,000 cases was to visit the Post Office. (presumably with printed docs, as above).

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Zero

>> So I'm stumped.

The dealer will tax your new car for you.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Jacks
Ok, thanks I'll call him, it is - though - a smallish independent (50 car) place and not a main agent.
I assumed I would have to do it myself and the database couldn't be bypassed in any way.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
You can just tax the car online yourself. The DVLA system does not cross check MID for insurance when purchasing tax using the V5C/2 New Keeper supplement.

18 months ago I bought a car, and drove it away on the spot. I just rang my insurers to arrange transfer of policy to the new car, then bought road tax online using my phone. UNless you're in Norn Iron.

Nothing to worry about.

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Dave_
The dealer will have come across this situation before, and will have procedures in place to get around it.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
Dave, there's no need to get round it any more. See link below. Insurance is not checked at point of RFL sale any more.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - VxFan
>> I called the insurer on that day and arranged to start the new insurance from yesterday, as the old car was being used until yesterday.

I thought a lot of insurers these days will keep your old policy going for 7 days to allow change over to another vehicle to allow for taxing the new vehicle, etc.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - movilogo
Dealers should be able to tax any car via post office. Also, most dealers offer 3-5 days driveway insurance for free. So both insurance and tax thus sorted.

DVLA site will take 4-5 days to get updated. Driveway insurance won't appear online - you just need to keep the paperwork in glove box for few days till you sort out your own insurance.

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
Jesus, is no-one listening?

DVLA don't check insurance at the point of sale of RFL any more. You can just buy it online on the day you buy a car, instantly, using the V5C/2 reference number.

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Zero
As you now know, we trust rogers views on europe and race relations more than we believe ALs guide to buying cars.........

(and yes there IS a smiley in there somewhere)
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
I may have cocked up by buying Renaults and SAABs, and my Mazda might be drinking oil like Ollie Reid, but I think I've got the RFL thing nailed.

 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - tyrednemotional
...I think I suggested it first......

(though without the element of certainty you are exhibiting ;-) )
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Jacks
Right, collected the car, Alanovic is absolutely correct- the insurance isn't checked. It's done on a different "screen" to the public one or so I gathered....all done in 30 seconds.

The seller even commented that they've taxed cars for people who haven't even arranged their insurance yet.
Surprising that one can buy a car and drive away uninsured.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Alanovich
It's not often I'm right, tyred. Ask Zero. Have to make the most of it.
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - Fullchat
If it a new new car then I'm almost certain there is a 2 week window to allow everything to fall in place and get it taxed.
That was put in place when dealers no longer issued VELs.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Fri 12 Feb 16 at 20:18
 Taxing new car woes - Can anyone advise? - tyrednemotional my guest.....

Having hit the consultation document, I was fairly sure it had been acted on, but only fairly.....

You may have your moment of fame ;-)
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