Rally / Rally cross experience day
Has anybody good personal experience of a outfits offering this? On line reviews seem a little contradictary. Maybe it is due to 'personality' classhes between pupils /instructors, but some are critical of how much actual car time is involved. You get the impression that they maybe somewhat oversold in the marketing material.
Geographic constraints of SE England upto 60mins off the M25 say, (or 90mins North/NW/NE).
I did the Phil Price rally school in Wales,
No help to you of course, just an incentive to get out there and do it. I had quite a lot of car time, but then I was lucky enough to be top student of the day the prize being a ride at cult pelt with Gwyndaf Evans in his then works Ford Sierra RS Cosworth 4x4, and then a drive in that car with him as Co Driver reading pace notes (that was a much slower affair)
We probably had more car time than normal because some turkey couldn't get his car up the farm track to the rally base and phoned in at lunch time from the local village to complain after the farmer dragged him back out. Luckily he would have been last to arrive because he couldn't read a map and got lost.