No laughing matter this time, sadly.
The elderly driver claimed that the car “just accelerated itself and [he] lost controlâ€, according to one witness.
>>The driver claimed that the car “just accelerated itself and [he] lost controlâ€, according to one witness.
I read that in the Torygraph earlier. Abso-lute-ly awful. I wonder if the car had an automatic gearbox?
>> I wonder if the car had
an automatic gearbox?
Are you a betting man?
I'm not actually, but I would be willing to have a little flutter on this one.
MP out ;)
This has happened just down the road from me, know the street, shop and area very well.
Have to wait and see what they think the reason was.
>> MP out ;)
Who have you been speaking to then?...;-)
It was an Audi.
What can you expect - they have form.