"Curb" or "kerb" ? Nasty incident though. An auto maybe ?
The guy [who owns the Renault] was really not that annoyed about it.
Z, Vić: care to comment?
Bit of a shame a nice old Renault is probably going to die, and the plastic off-roader will likely survive. Still, at least it's managed to go off road once in its life, even if it is only partly.
....as often is the case, the comments attached to the story are (in their own way) somewhat more amusing than the headline....
Who says misogyny is dead!
Yes, when you read what was allowed to remain it makes you wonder what was in the one that was deleted.
Women who '...struggle with spacial [sic] awareness', apparently - I suppose at least you always know where the ground is when your knuckles are dragging along it.