Motoring Discussion > Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 5

 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - bathtub tom
I've blagged my way in by volunteering to marshall.

Anyone else going?
 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - Zero
Alas Not, I have blagged my way into Farnborough this weekend.
 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - Dave_

My father is treating me and all three of my children (12, 10 and 3) to tickets for the Saturday. Dad's looking forward to the post-war F1 cars and drivers, I'm anticipating great things from the TT Celebration race and the flying displays and the girls are getting excited about the Mini race and the Jedward concert... My little boy will no doubt be most entertained by the fairground and the promise of some ice-cream.

This is my first motorsport event since Fireworks night at Santa Pod (for which I won tickets on HJ!) - really looking forward to a great family day out. You'll have to let me know where you're perched, bathseat, and we'll give you a wave :-)
Last edited by: Dave_TD {P} on Tue 20 Jul 10 at 23:27
 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - Redviper
Not this year but i will be going to marshall next year
 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - bathtub tom
A tiring day (for someone my age) and I wish I went a lot earlier to look round all the paddock.

This is so much bigger than Goodwood's (excellent) revival meeting.

Commitments mean I can't do Saturday and Sunday, but clubmates marshalling the sprint bikes/rally cars/go-karts would appreciate a wave.

Going on the Friday means you don't have to queue to get in or out and there's no crowds. ;>)
 Silverstone classic July 23 - 25 2010 - TJ
Just move to Silverstone & get free tickets - recompense for any aggravation over the GP weekend
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