Motoring Discussion > The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dog Replies: 34

 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog

Winter tyres are obligatory of course.

 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
OK if you live up a mountain. :-)
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - MD
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - CGNorwich
This should get you out of most tricky situations. Not sure what mpg you would get though.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Slidingpillar
No parking problems either...
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - CGNorwich
Makes it a tempting proposition!
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog

Shouldn't that be in the terrible olde jokes thread?

 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - ....
What's the difference between a 4x4 and AWD ?

There isn't a difference according to the original link, they all get lumped together.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
>> What's the difference between a 4x4 and AWD ?

An AWD can have more than four wheels.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Cliff Pope

>> An AWD can have more than four wheels.

I think there have been motorcycle-sidecar combinations with 3-wheel drive.

And of course there are 6X4s as well as 6X6s.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - ....
In the case of the vehicles listed in the article I thought AWD was a 4x4 lite. 2wd under normal running, no locking diffs kind of thing. Not what you'd call a 4x4.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog
Subaru's use symmetrical AWD, sending power to the wheels with the best traction in slippery conditions:
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - WillDeBeest
Am I being unduly cynical (moi?) in suspecting this is just pandering to Telegraph readers who need to be told that their fashion accessory is in fact an essential survival tool for a southeastern English winter? Imagine not being able to get Jemima in her boater and velvet blazer to Hothouse Nursery! However does her teacher manage in that Peugeot 106?
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - madf
>> Am I being unduly cynical (moi?) in suspecting this is just pandering to Telegraph readers
>> who need to be told that their fashion accessory is in fact an essential survival
>> tool for a southeastern English winter? Imagine not being able to get Jemima in her
>> boater and velvet blazer to Hothouse Nursery! However does her teacher manage in that Peugeot
>> 106?

You are just WRONG.

Telegraph readers don't care about winter. Or fashion accessories. It's what can tow a horsebox.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Manatee
More a case of what can we fill the paper with.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - WillDeBeest
Horse owners would have an answer to that too.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog

Not surprising really is it. They'll be saying soft tops values are falling soon I'll wager.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Slidingpillar
Indeed, four wheel drive prices have always risen this time of year, just the same as convertibles fall in price. And then, in the spring, the opposite occurs. Who'd have thought it...
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - ....
Something for the Daily Express readers, a car that appreciates in value all year round to match their one house property portfolio:
Last edited by: gmac on Tue 20 Oct 15 at 16:10
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
With the mild wet winters we have had recently you would be better off with a boat. :-)
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog
>>With the mild wet winters we have had recently you would be better off with a boat. :-)

Be careful of what you don't wish for:
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
>> Be careful of what you don't wish for:

Any UK weather forecast beyond a few days is a guess.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - J Bonington Jagworth
"Any UK weather forecast beyond a few days is a guess."

From the Met Office, yes, but the Labour leader's brother has a good track record:

He doesn't like the BBC, either!
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Crankcase
When htere was all the news recently about the BBC dumping the Met Office soon, I thought it would be interesting to find a table of historic predictions they had made and compare it with the actual weather that happened.

I found some tables in a couple of places and decided it all needed automating of course, but a cursory first pass manually seemed to pick up, unsurprisingly perhaps, that predictions were kind of mostly right if it was the next day, and then got less accurate for two days ahead, three days and they were shoddy, a week and they were hopeless.

But that was I hasten to add not very scientific, just playing about. Might still pick it up as a project though, unless someone somewhere has already done it.

I'm sure all the billions on super duper Cray computers to tell us it might rain next week is worth every penny.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - No FM2R
>> unless someone somewhere has already done it.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
A government funded quango marking the work of a government agency. Hardly impartial.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Bromptonaut
>> A government funded quango marking the work of a government agency. Hardly impartial.

I'm sure you remember inter service rivalry.....
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Crankcase
Interesting, thanks. No link to download the data so you can run your own comparisons there I could see though. But then with my rusty maths skills I'd end up with the kind of thing you find here anyway.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - J Bonington Jagworth
"predictions were kind of mostly right if it was the next day, and then got less accurate for two days ahead, three days and they were shoddy, a week and they were hopeless."

Indeed. I use, or rather, look at, the 5-day on-line forecast regularly, and it is fun to see how it changes as the week progresses. If your browser remembers the last version you looked at, you can see how it changes when you refresh it the next day - it nearly always does.

They bought a new computer quite recently, but all it seems to do is arrive at the wrong answer a bit quicker...
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Slidingpillar
Part of the problem is weather forecasting is not an exact science. If you analyse the data, you actually get a bunch of possible outcomes with probabilities. Not impossible it will snow in June (a snow fall once stopped a cricket match) but on the face of it, a pretty low chance.

However, most forecasters present the data/forecast as something definite. So although they say it will rain, actually there might be a 60% chance of rain, and 40% that it stays dry. But they'll forecast rain, and be wrong if it doesn't. You can see where this goes and it would not take much to improve the forecasts, but to do so, they'd have to admit, they don't know for sure; something that seems an alien concept to most of them.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - DP
>> With the mild wet winters we have had recently you would be better off with
>> a boat. :-)

Completely agree.

I've driven 40 miles a day, 5 days a week, 47 weeks a year in RWD BMWs on summer tyres since 2011, and I can recall being inconvenienced by snow twice in that entire period, and in neither case did it prevent me making and completing a journey. Floods have closed countless roads, or rendered them impassable in that time.

I have nothing against 4x4s, but couldn't even begin to justify buying one for winter use. I guess it depends where you live.
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - NortonES2
Very variable weather in the UK: just a few miles difference can be all it takes to alter the probabilities. We live where the snow fell in June:) Town centre >1000'. Getting out involves climbing to circa 1500 heading south and west. Met Office do give probabilities for precipitation on their web forecast.
Last edited by: NortonES2 on Thu 22 Oct 15 at 09:52
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Dog
Yes folks! .. This is the one you've *ALL* bin waiting for:

You lucky, lucky people!!
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Clk Sec
Whatever next - another bread maker thread, perhaps?
 The 10 best used 4x4s to buy for winter - Old Navy
I already have one, she is very good at it (bread making). I don't need the others, I live in Scotland not Siberia.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Wed 21 Oct 15 at 18:44
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