Motoring Discussion > Just who is Ronnie Pickering? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 27

 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - VxFan - The Telegraph

"It has been the question on everybody's lips ever since a video of him having a road rage meltdown went viral"

warning, contains naughty words
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - WillDeBeest
Didn't he present We Are the Champions? Thought he was dead, though.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Armel Coussine
Who TF is that noisy **** you mean? Doesn't look famous to me.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - diddy1234
considering the original video (on youtube) had 300,000 views yesterday, id say it's going viral quite well.

last check was 1.2 million views !

then there are the comical re-edits of the video and various take off's getting lots of views too.

The Who with "who are you" Ronnie Pickering is brilliant
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dog
>>Who TF is that noisy **** you mean? Doesn't look famous to me.

Come orf it Almond, I bet you'd luv to have him a a neigh bore - especially if yoos had a shared drive.

 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Enderman
I suggest a spate of bumper stickers:

*I* am Ronnie Pickering!

in a Spartacus stylee
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dog
Ronnie Pickering masks on eBay, soon, I'll wager.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - ....
I'm guessing someone who wished he was known for something other than gaining his 15 seconds of fame through scooterboy.

I think the old word was gobsh*te.
Last edited by: gmac on Tue 29 Sep 15 at 18:12
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Ted
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - MD
Ronnie Pickering his nose.

The more I say Ronnie the more stupid the name sounds.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - MD
His Missus had a lot to say. Do you think Ronnie has a habit of trying for stardom?
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dog
>>The more I say Ronnie the more stupid the name sounds.

My brother the DG salesman's name is Ronnie.

Just saying like :)
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Fursty Ferret
What a thoroughly unpleasant man. With any luck a visit from the police will be remind him who he is, since he's clearly forgotten.

I felt most for the poor lady in the passenger seat (wife? daughter?), staring resolutely and blankly ahead and obviously familiar with his abuse and willingness to solve things with his fists. This is her world - it must be bad enough being the chap riding the scooter, she has to live with this day and night. Can't help but wonder how many bruises lie under the clothes.

I hope there's a charity out there that can act appropriately, though frankly the police should be visiting her independently after watching this video and asking some careful and sympathetic questions.

 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - No FM2R
In his local pub, which I suspect is probably full of similar vegetables, I wonder if he is being mocked for his behaviour or admired for all the attention?

Since such places are typically obsessively sycophantic according to hierarchy, I rather suspect the latter.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - MD
Hierarchy. He much be near the top given the wheels he was piloting:-0) Turd.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Enderman
Oh poo...
I'm late to the party as usual... :-(
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Ted

Our Ronnie was a total useless member of the race. With luck he may come up against someone who will take his challenge and beat him to a pulp.........if he lives long enough after his stroke.

I watched the others on the telegraph link. I liked the one where the Ronnie lookalike attacked the pillion...who I thought was a girl. The biker was off and had him pinned to the ground in the gutter within a couple of seconds. Still blustering with his eyes bulging as our hero squeezed his windpipe. He only needed one hand as well !
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - bathtub tom
I liked the response from a motorcyclist who had a Ronnie Pickering type confrontation:

"It isn't very wise sir to threaten an off-duty policeman".

He wasn't, but it had the desired effect.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dog
Some mothers do have 'em!!
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Mr. Ecs
Wasn't that Alex Jones of
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dog
Big & loud like a lorra Americans!
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - R.P.
A large baby in adult clothing.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - sooty123
A story on the local news suggests he's auctioned his car off to charity. It raised £60k and he even signed it for the lucky winner, 'do you know who I am?'
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - henry k
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - VxFan
At the time of writing this, the current bid is £10,000,000.00

Somehow I suspect it's a fake bid.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - VxFan
Ronnie (do you know who I am) Pickering's latest rant at a traffic warden. - Daily Wail

Unfortunately not as good as his previous video.
 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Dutchie
Ronnie lives on a estate I remember when it was build over fourty years ago.The majority of the people who got the new houses came from a area in Hull called Hessle Road.

Hessle road very tough area where the majority of Deep Sea fisherman lived.In the winter three weeks at sea fishing of Iceland they where often lucky to get back to Hull after their fishing trip for Cod and Haddock.Ice, gale force wind and the pressure of a full trawler sailing back to Hull to meet the markets.

When I was working on the Pilot Launches I knew plenty of trawlermen not a type to argue with unless you wanted fisticuffs.Salt of the Earth but very temperamental.

 Just who is Ronnie Pickering? - Alanovich
I holidayed on the Isle of Barra once, about 15 years ago. On our penultimate night we went to one of the two or three pubs/hotels on the island for a Ceilidh, and I chatted with one of the locals who was interested in how we'd enjoyed our holiday. I said it had been great, but one disappointment was that there was no fresh fish/seafood in the island shop (a Co-op). It could only be purchased from a travelling van who come to the island once a fortnight, and this wouldn't always be obvious to a tourist.

In the bar was a gang of trawlermen from Peterhead who had stopped at Barra to overnight and partake off the licensed facilities for a night. They overheard the conversation, and, having worked out which cottage we were renting (the only one on the island with a red roof), one of them appeared at our door the next morning with a black bin liner full of fresh mackerel. He thrust the bag at me, said "Ye sud ye dudnae huv uny fush", and refused to take any money.

Considering we were going home that day by car (R-reg, white, Ford Escort 1.4LX seeing as you asked) and didn't fancy two days with a bag of mackerel in the boot, we gutted and bagged the fish up for the cottage's freezer and left a note to the owner/next guests to help themselves.

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