Motoring Discussion > BMW - Cheating and proud.... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 15

 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - R.P.
R1200GS' from 2009 on had a cheat 2011 bike has it and it's proudly on display. In fact it was featured in tests of the era. Bikes have to pass an 89db ride by (at a specified speed). The GS has a valve in the exhaust system which remains closed up to the ride by speed, it then opens and the exhaust is correspondingly noisier...
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Armel Coussine
>> a valve in the exhaust system which remains closed up to the ride by speed, it then opens and the exhaust is correspondingly noisier...

I'm no biker but I got some memorable lifts on bikes. Had a friend with an old heavy Vincent fast tourer, idling through the West End at 45mph in top gear. It had little sheep's ear handlebars down low on the steering column, the cat was built like a tank though fortunately.

Got a lift on the A420 on a last-of-the-line Vincent with all the bells and whistles and then some. It was like a huge jewel, I think it even had gold-anodized cylinder cooling fins... the cat was well proud of it and so would I have been.

Never mind the shattering noise and terrifying speed of the BSA Gold Star driven by a fellow building labourer in Somerset, Radstock to Bath in 6.5 minutes, holy whassername... takes a bit to scare me but that cat managed it.

No doubt Ted is dreaming of little purring grey Velocettes.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Mon 28 Sep 15 at 19:01
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - MD
Evening all.
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - DP
I had a Quill exhaust on my old ZZR600 which did some clever exhaust path re-routing witchcraft based on back pressure. Effectively at high revs, it became a much less restrictive (and considerably less silenced) setup than at low revs.

It was BSAU stamped, comfortably passed the MOT and didn't upset the neighbours, or draw any unwanted attention around town, but at high revs on wide open throttle it screamed and howled like a full race system. Very clever, and on the market 15 years ago.
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Ted

Our's were all black....far more elegant than the Met's !

When I can dig mine out I'll post a pic or two. Boxed in by boxes of new bathroom ATM.

 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - No FM2R
Is that right that BMW have fitted a defeat module so that when a BMW is being MOT'd the indicators all work, but then when its out on the road.............
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - legacylad
Mine work intermittently. Seemingly working when other motorists, pedestrians, cyclists, bikers & horse riders need to be made aware of a manoeuvre.
When they aren't around they don't work.
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Boxsterboy
I wonder, do bikers (and car drivers) ever feel guilty when they drive their bike /car through a quiet village knowing the noise level is illegal and is bound to annoy people? I know I would!
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Manatee
Bikers are a breed apart.

Pal of mine has a 1200GS, bought new probably 6 years ago. He does longish European trips once a year.

Almost the first thing he did was to "upgrade" the exhaust as the original was "too quiet". Either his is pre-cheat, or he isn't riding it fast enough.
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - R.P.
There is a school of thought that noisier bikes are safer as other road users can hear them before they see them. I'm past the stage of making a racket on a bike. The StreetTriple has an intoxicating roar from its standard exhaust though
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Old Navy
>> I wonder, do bikers (and car drivers) ever feel guilty when they drive their bike
>> /car through a quiet village knowing the noise level is illegal and is bound to
>> annoy people? I know I would!

No more guilty than the lorry drivers that blow milk bottles over with their exhaust. :-)
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - J Bonington Jagworth
I recall the late LJK Setright opining on this subject. Someone had complained about a particularly noisy Ducati (a 900SS IIRC)and his riposte was that they were only noisy when they were travelling quickly, as they only remained in earshot for a short time, while scooters and FS1E's with expansion boxes remained audible for far longer, as they only sounded as though they were going fast...
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - ....
I thought most bikes had this valve in the exhaust ?

I left the factory exhaust on mine, I can either creep up on people in higher gears/low revs and be a SMIDSY victim or they can here me coming as it'll do 85+ in first nudging 14,500rpm.
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - J Bonington Jagworth
Be careful, gmac. A local lad was showing off his R6 to a pillion passenger down a local straight with a T-junction on his left, and a 4x4 exiting the turn failed to see him. The impact rolled the car and killed all the participants...
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - ....
Hence my SMIDSY comment earlier.
I'm paranoid when riding in the UK, the number of unobservant drivers.

Also, the number of middle aged drivers who have their radios pretty loud. I have followed cars down the road with closed windows and can hear the car radio over the noise from my bike, through my helmet, visor closed, and I wear ear plugs!
 BMW - Cheating and proud.... - Old Navy
>> I'm paranoid when riding in the UK, the number of unobservant drivers.

Like the guy driving just ahead of me in lane 2 of the FRB (40 average speed at the moment) blocking a fully lit up and very noisy ambulance. I had seen it way back and left room for the blocker to get into lane 1 in front of me.
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