Motoring Discussion > Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio
Thread Author: nice but dim Replies: 18

 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - nice but dim
Not for me, a colleagues new company car. Because I work in IT, I'm assumed to be an expert in in car entertainment. I've not looked at it yet but I thought I would get armed with ideas if he asks again.

Its a VRS if that helps whatever radio it has I don't have a scooby.

Hasn't Avant got one of those?
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - ....
Have a look at BriSkoda or such like. Manufacturers have a list of what phones they support.
I'm assuming you mean a bluetooth connection to the car ?
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - WillDeBeest
I gave my phone to the BMW salesman I bought my car from and he connected it for me. Hasn't your colleague got a dealer to ask?
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - ....
But would you give your phone to a VAG salesman, you don't know what software he'll load when you're not looking ;-)
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - nice but dim
>> Hasn't your colleague got a dealer to ask?

Good point
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Stuartli
My best mate has an 18 month-old Skoda Octavia and it connects to an HTC Wildfire S just fine.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - ....
>> My best mate has an 18 month-old Skoda Octavia and it connects to an HTC
>> Wildfire S just fine.
That way around is fine, the problems come when your phone is using tech newer than where the car manufacturer is. Then you have to wait for the manufacturer to catch up. Sometimes they won't because they go off with a different technology which leaves you high and dry.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - No FM2R
Its probably Bluetooth and its normally idiot disease - Discovery not enabled, Bluetooth not switched on etc. etc.

If you like the colleague, go have a fiddle. The chances are an IT approach is exactly what is required.

If you don't like them or can't be a***d, send him to the dealer.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Zero
. The chances are an IT approach
>> is exactly what is required.

Yeah, good idea. Refuse to look at the problem until he had phoned the help desk and raised an incident on remedy. As its a new phone it can be downgraded to a change request and is probably billable with a 21 day response and a 90 day resolution
Last edited by: Zero on Fri 25 Sep 15 at 23:46
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - No FM2R
No, that's the IBM middle management approach, not IT. Surely you worked out the difference after years of being there?
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Fursty Ferret
Is he trying to pair the phone with the car, or the car to the phone?

The Insignia was a PITA for Bluetooth stuff, you had to make the phone discoverable, then go into the car's menu and choose "Add phone", then type in a password on the car, then copy that onto the phone, then approve contact list access, and then if you were lucky it worked.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Falkirk Bairn
Its a speed of change thing.

Skoda is a car maker who renews model every 5/7 years with maybe a minor tweek in years 3/4 which may or may not include the radio / SatNav / bluetooth support.

Mobile Phones are announced, software upgraded every few weeks/months and superceded by a new model Hardware & Software within 12 months.

HJ answered a question on Bluetooth recently - solved problem of old phone not speaking to new car - Skoda dealer gave the customer a new phone! OP's problem is newer phone and older car
Last edited by: Falkirk Bairn on Sat 26 Sep 15 at 15:01
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - No FM2R
>>Mobile Phones are announced, software upgraded every few weeks/months and superceded by a new model Hardware & Software within 12 months.

True, but probably not the issue.

Whatever they do to the phone the Bluetooth standard changes very rarely. The problem here is not that some functionality isn't working, it is that the phone is not connecting. And I don't think the Bluetooth standard has changed in the last 5 years.

In this instance I really think user difficulty is the most likely scenario.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - ....
>> Whatever they do to the phone the Bluetooth standard changes very rarely. The problem here
>> is not that some functionality isn't working, it is that the phone is not connecting.
>> And I don't think the Bluetooth standard has changed in the last 5 years.
>> In this instance I really think user difficulty is the most likely scenario.

My car was registered in Jan. 2011, my phone was launched in Oct. 2012. Until my car was updated at the last service in Oct. 2014 my phone constantly dropped out and was a nightmare to connect to the car. I would frequently have to reboot the phone to get a connection.

Granted, it does not make sense rebooting the phone if the car software is the issue but it worked. My phone software has not changed since June 2014 when I rooted it.

If you are setting up for the first time you won't know if it's user error or hardware not playing ball.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Zero

>> Whatever they do to the phone the Bluetooth standard changes very rarely. The problem here
>> is not that some functionality isn't working, it is that the phone is not connecting.
>> And I don't think the Bluetooth standard has changed in the last 5 years.

tell that to Apple, who somehow manage to create their own bluetooth standard. One that varies from device to device it seems.

 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - No FM2R
No thanks.

I have finally weaned the entire family off any Apple devices. Even the iPad is consigned to a drawer.

I got so hacked off with its unique way of doing somethings, variable ways of doing others and flat refusal to do some.
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Avant
"Hasn't Avant got one of those?"

I have indeed, with an Amundsen system - but I'm afraid I can't help as I just turn my phone off when in the car and listen to messages when I've stopped.

I had a Samsung Galaxy mobile which wouldn't even connect with my desktop computer, so if it doesn't work, NBD, it won't be your fault.

(If you go on to the Briskoda forum, use the section called Octavia III, which is what the car will be if it's new.)
Last edited by: Avant on Sat 26 Sep 15 at 16:45
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - Stuartli
 Skoda Octavia II - Trouble connecting Samsung S5 to radio - nice but dim
Thanks all,

As expected, first time in the car with him. I had the phone and the radio controls - synced and tested in 2 minutes.

User error!
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