Motoring Discussion > Lane discipline 2 Miscellaneous
Thread Author: bathtub tom Replies: 34

 Lane discipline 2 - bathtub tom
One for Bromp here.

I entered Northampton on the A428 travelling west. A 40MPH limit and I was in the inside lane at the limit. A Merc was on my offside at the same speed, until we got got to this point:

He slammed on his anchors, blasted his horn and slotted behind me.

At the red traffic light ahead, he pulled alongside, got out and started shouting. They changed green and I didn't see him again.

Normal for Northampton?
 Lane discipline 2 - WillDeBeest
Ah, Bromp would tell you that your case hinges on the meaning of the '1014 arrow' that heralded the end of the right-hand lane. It's a warning to drivers in that lane that they should move to the left - HC rule 128. It imposes no obligation on drivers in that lane to make room, although courtesy and common sense ought to preclude any deliberate blocking.

So your Mercedes driver (wasn't me) should have seen it and dropped in, ahead or behind as appropriate. And you should have tried to avoid being - if you were - precisely side by side.
 Lane discipline 2 - Bromptonaut
>> Normal for Northampton?

No, though as I observed yesterday there seems to be something about at the moment.

Don't need to use Bedford Road there unless I'm going to the Hospital and then I always arrive/depart opposite way ie to/from Barnes Meadow interchange. Don't remember that merge as a problem though on odd time I've gone from there to say Morrisons.

This one OTOH I've used pretty well daily for 25yrs. Same layout and markings as on the Bedford Rd. Pretty clear that outside line should merge to nearside. Works intuitively for me, either I slow and let car alongside in or he slips behind me. In rush hour it's a zip merge.

Was the Merc a private hire taxi?

Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 17:03
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
How does one save a Google Maps streetview and share a link to it?
 Lane discipline 2 - Manatee
Believe it or not, the url actually changes when you pan/zoom etc.

So you just need a url shortener. I use the url shortener widget on the toolbar, one click to shorten the current url and another to put it on the clipboard.
 Lane discipline 2 - CGNorwich
If you select share link you can select a short URL
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
>>Believe it or not, the url actually changes when you pan/zoom etc.

Thank you, I had no idea.
 Lane discipline 2 - CGNorwich
Go into the menu and select share link or copy the address from the browser window.
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
Thanks CG.

I wish I'd realised before, its kind of embarrassing how much I have messed around with it and not tried the simple idea of copying the URL.
 Lane discipline 2 - Manatee
I thought share link had disappeared with the annoying new google maps. Just found it in the three dot menu thing top left.
 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
the three dot menu thing is slowly sliding, unannounced and unexplained, into lots of applications and operating systems.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 20:58
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
Who started it, Apple?
 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
thats the thing, I dunno. I never saw it coming.
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
I first "noticed" it on Android. But where it came from I have no idea.
 Lane discipline 2 - Manatee
Seems to be three lines, or three dots. I think I saw lines first.
 Lane discipline 2 - Bromptonaut
>> Seems to be three lines, or three dots. I think I saw lines first.

I'd recognise three lines as = menu but not sure when I first saw it. Possibly android.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 21:29
 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
All I know is the "three whatevers" didn't appear in Windows first.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....
I remember playing about with mouse based UI in the mid-80's on the BBC. Three bars were used then.

I'm wracking my brains with Win 3 and when the Windows logo made an appearance way before the start button.
 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
Its called the "hamburger" icon apparently.
 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
got me thinking

Wasn't in windoze, or gem. Wasn't in Imac or lisa, never appeared in OS/2. It kind of made a sometimes first appearance in certain menu bars in Zerox star.

I think its first reappeared in android after going missing for decades.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 21:58
 Lane discipline 2 - Bromptonaut
>> I'm wracking my brains with Win 3 and when the Windows logo made an appearance
>> way before the start button.

When clearing out the abolished Quango I found an old laptop running Win3.11 - windows for workgroups. Suspect if I'd asked I could have had it as a toy - in fact if I'd taken it home nobody would have known.

Regrettably I handed it in to IT.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 21:53
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
>> in fact if I'd taken it home nobody would have known

It would have amused you for about 10 seconds and then annoyed you.

I have very fond memories of the greatness of running VAXNotes on a CompactVAX II was sys$manager for running VMS4.7 with VAXMail. (none of which will mean much to you).

I had access to one recently and used it for a bit. What an absolute POS. I ran away before I destroyed all my fond memories.
 Lane discipline 2 - Bromptonaut

>> It would have amused you for about 10 seconds and then annoyed you.

If I'd actually tried to do anything that's true. I was thinking more about a nostalgic plaything and showing my nieces/nephew and eventually grandchildren how Windows was to start with.

I have fond memories of a Burroughs computer from the late eighties we had at work that ran a legal accounts package. It's HDD was the size of a large dinner plate but held a handful of MB of data. Broke down with monotonous regularity.

OTOH the way it handled regular payments based on just 4 fields of data one for client, one for payee, one for whether payment was weekly/monthly/annual, and last for repeat interval was almost art.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....
>> >> in fact if I'd taken it home nobody would have known
>> It would have amused you for about 10 seconds and then annoyed you.
>> I have very fond memories of the greatness of running VAXNotes on a CompactVAX II
>> was sys$manager for running VMS4.7 with VAXMail. (none of which will mean much to you).
@sys$system:shutdown you could add a node here if you were a rarified cluster manager

VAX defragger was the bain of my life timing it not to kill everything else.
Last edited by: gmac on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 22:25
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
gmac!! I love you!!

I remember the early days of trying to get my head around sys$manager, sys$common and sys$system.

I once dialled in to a machine to resolve an network problem and typed in..

$mc ncp set exec state off

Difficult to remember how long I waited for the $ prompt to return before I got in my car and drove to the office to restart it.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....

I saw a similar thing about 10 years ago on a SAP system. The PM was showing off his tech skills to me and did a similar thing. All I said to him was before you press enter where is the hardware and where is the terminal?
We were in Germany, the hardware was in the UK, it was 9pm and all the UK staff had gone home...

I remember my cluster management course down at Solent in the early 90's. Brilliant days !!!
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
>>I remember my cluster management course down at Solent in the early 90's

Dear God. Who was your teacher? If it wasn't me I bet I know whoever it was.

And Germany? I was at CSS Munich for a while.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....
I've still got the manuals (you used to leave these courses with DEC bags - which my wife uses to this day as a peg bag). I'd need to go and check, may take me a day or two to find them and route through the information.

I'll get back to you...

I was at Bertelsmann (now Sony Bertelsmann) and BMW in Munich.

I met Natalie Imbruglia and Louise Nurding (about the time she married Jamie Redknapp and he was at Liverpool) while working at BMG.
Last edited by: gmac on Wed 26 Aug 15 at 22:48
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
>>which my wife uses to this day as a peg bag

My Mother wanders around her garden with her trowel, gloves, etc in hers. And that's got to be 25 years old.
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
And it was while at CSS Munich that we ended up walking around Munich on a Saturday morning looking for a rental car parked by our now hungover previously drunk friend in a road he'd carefully noted down as being called Einbahnstrasse.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....
That's a long road in Germany, Einbahnstraße. Ausfahrt always gets a laugh too.
 Lane discipline 2 - No FM2R
>>And that's got to be 25 years old

Perhaps older, its got the blue logo.
 Lane discipline 2 - ....
Got to be older, mine are all the grey DEC logo and go back to '92-ish.
 Lane discipline 2 - CGNorwich
Apparently popularised via "Path" and Facebook.. Whether the icon should be in the left or top right seems to be a point of some debate.

 Lane discipline 2 - Zero
Ah yes, maybe it slipped in the back door via web apps.
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