I'll wager the council parking drone has had his card marked and will find his commission for the ticket is not worth the hassle.
>> "... As with all parking tickets, an appeals procedure is available.â€
'I would strongly advise you to treat this as an appeal Boyo. Let me put it this way, all right? Do you really want to be on the wrong side of Us, in a rural area of this general sort, for the rest of your natural life and yea, even unto your children and your children's children, do you sir?
'Are you getting the message Dai? Yes, we know who you are and where you live and what your brothers are up to. And don't you forget it.'
Hmm, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
>> Hmm, quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
That's an easy one. I keep my tin of Birds in a cool dark place, as stated on the label.