For someone returning to motorbiking who runs a car and a 'bike, what's likely to be the best value insurance? Current car provider adding motorbike cover, separate companies - ?
I asked my car insurer and it was silly money to add a Piaggio XEvo 400ie to my FIAT Idea insurance... I got a quote from a specialist Motor Cycle insurer and it was a lot less expensive to have separate policies.
My experience is the same as John Rs. I can't remember which company it was, but I saw an ad for "joint" car and bike cover a year or so ago. Called them, and the quote was twice what I ended up paying for two separate policies.
Mind you, I'm only paying £68 a year TPF&T on my ZZR now.
Depends what you're riding. If, as I'm assuming, it's a modern bike, try e-bike, Bennetts or Footman James.
Carloe Nash, whom I've dealt with for many years, offer a joint policy but again it ends up cheaper insuring seperately. If, however, you have a classic bike, and are a member of an established owners club or the VMCC, they are well worth a look.
Carole Nash - they do a six wheeler policy, I found them to be more expensive than some insurers but they have a freephone number, they provide EU breakdown cover inclusively in the price (which is worth a packet on its own) and the call centre is UK based by people who understand English and bikers !