This is about a crowd in Walthamstow who lifted a doubledecker bus off someone's leg:
How heartwarming that people are prepared to crowd round and get their hands dirty to lift the weight off the poor guy's leg.
I posted this before along with some other faff but it vanished. Is there some reason for this? It's annoying.
Dave deletes some of your posts when he thinks you're not watching. I don't know why.
>> Dave deletes some of your posts when he thinks you're not watching.
I thought we established that AC either forgot where he had actually posted stuff, or the memory loss was down to drink rather than my delete key?
>> I thought we established that AC either forgot where he had actually posted stuff, or the memory loss was down to drink rather than my delete key?
If we did, it was when I wasn't looking. But as for stuff vanishing, think nothing of it. Happens all the time. Nothing to do with me.
>> Nothing to do with me.
Nor me, but I still get the blame for it. Stuff rarely gets deleted (other than duplicate posts by the same author). Even any spam gets hidden rather than deleted. The only time it might happen is when trying to move stuff into the correct part of a thread and it ends up lost in cyberspace during the move - hence the "please note" request at the start of some threads that sometimes gets ignored.
>> How heartwarming that people are prepared to crowd round and get their hands dirty to lift the weight off the poor guy's leg.
Yes and pleasing to read that those, who got their phones out to film the proceedings, were shouted at. I'd wondered why all the YouTube footage was shot from so far away.
I think from reading the account that they tilted the bus, not lifted it.
I'm not sure that 100 people could get close enough to anything substantial enough to lift.